6237 - Tufted Thyatirid Moth - 05/28/04
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides
6237 - Tufted Thyatirid Moth - 05/28/04
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides
6251 -- Arched Hooktip Moth
Drepana arcuata -- 04/20/04
6255 -- Rose Hooktip Moth
Oreta rosea -- 09/22/10
6255 -- Rose Hooktip Moth
Oreta rosea -- 09/08/04
6258 -- Fall Cankerworm Moth
Alsophila pometaria -- 01/03/04
Geometridae -- Ennominae
6261 -- Common Spring Moth
Heliomata cycladata -- 05/07/04
6271.1 -- Orangewing Moth
Mellilla xanthometata -- 04/07/10
6271.1 -- Orangewing Moth
Mellilla xanthometata -- 06/12/10
Geometridae -- Ennominae -- Macariini
6273 -- Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth
Speranza pustularia -- 05/24/10
6326 -- Common Angle Moth
Macaria aemulataria - 04/05/10
6331 -- Promiscuous Angle Moth
Macaria promiscuata -- 04/20/06
6337 -- Sanford's Macaria Moth
Macaria sanfordi - FL - 09/24/07
6339 - Blurry Chocolate Angle Moth
Macaria transitaria -- 06/17/10
6340 -- Minor Angle Moth
Macaria minorata - 06/09/10
6341 -- Bicolored Angle Moth
Macaria bicolorata -- 04/27/06
6342 -- Red-headed Inchworm Moth
Macaria bisignata - 08/22/10
6347 - White Pine Angle Moth
Macaria pinistrobata - 05/11/04
6348 -- Hemlock Angle Moth
Macaria fissinotata -- 06/04/10
6352 -- Granite Moth
Macaria granitata -- 05/30/06
6353 -- Many-lined Angle Moth
Macaria multilineata -- 06/11/10
Geometridae -- Ennominae -- Digrammia
6362 - Curve-lined Angle Moth
Digrammia continuata - 06/16/10
6386 -- Faint-spotted Angle Moth
Digrammia ocellinata -- 08/04/10
6405 - Hollow-spotted Angle Moth
Digrammia gnophosaria - 07/19/10
6439 -- Umber Moth
Hypomecis umbrosaria -- 07/19/07
6443 -- Texas Gray Moth
Glenoides texanaria -- 09/08/10
6449 -- Dotted Gray Moth
Glena cribrataria -- 05/02/06
6478 -- Fine-lined Gray Moth
Exelis pyrolaria -- 07/04/04
6582 -- Large Purplish Gray Moth
Iridopsis vellivolata -- 03/31/06
6583 -- Pale-winged Gray Moth
Iridopsis ephyraria -- 06/12/04
6586 -- Brown-shaded Gray Moth
Iridopsis defectaria -- 03/13/06
6588 -- Bent-line Gray Moth
Iridopsis larvaria -- 05/11/04
6590 -- Common Gray Moth
Anavitrinella pampinaria -- 04/11/06
6597 -- The Small Engrailed Moth
Ectropis crepuscularia -- 05/05/06
6598 -- Porcelain Gray Moth
Protoboarmia porcelaria -- 03/27/04
6599 -- Tulip-tree Beauty Moth
Epimecis hortaria -- 06/01/10
6599 -- Tulip-tree Beauty Moth
Epimecis hortaria -- 06/19/10
Geometridae -- Ennominae -- Melanolophiini
6620 - Canadian Melanolophia Moth
Melanolophia canadaria -- 05/05/10
6620 - Canadian Melanolophia Moth
Melanolophia canadaria -- 09/02/10
6621 -- Signate Melanolophia Moth
Melanolophia signataria -- 04/18/04
6640 -- Peppered Moth
Biston betularia -- 05/01/10
6654 -- One-spotted Variant Moth
Hypagyrtis unipunctata -- 05/16/10
6654 -- One-spotted Variant Moth
Hypagyrtis unipunctata -- 05/28/05
6655 -- Esther Moth
Hypagyrtis esther -- 06/04/06
6655 -- Esther Moth
Hypagyrtis esther -- 08/25/10
6658 -- The Half-wing Moth
Phigalia titea -- 03/10/06
6658 -- The Half-wing Moth
Phigalia titea -- 03/03/04
6659 -- Toothed Phigalia Moth
Phigalia denticulata -- 12/19/06
6660 -- Small Phigalia Moth
Phigalia strigataria -- 03/03/04
6662 -- Spring Cankerworm Moth
Paleacrita vernata -- 03/07/04
6663 -- White-spotted Cankerworm Moth
Paleacrita merriccata -- 03/16/04
6667 -- White Spring Moth
Lomographa vestaliata -- 04/22/04
6667 -- White Spring Moth
Lomographa vestaliata -- 05/05/10
6711 -- Black-dotted Ruddy Moth
Ilecta intractata -- 05/06/06
6711 -- Black-dotted Ruddy Moth
Thysanopyga intractata -- 04/06/10
Geometridae -- Ennominae -- Angeronini
6720 -- Common Lytrosis Moth
Lytrosis unitaria -- 06/14/07
6726 -- Obtuse Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena obtusaria -- 06/01/05
6729 -- Johnson's Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena johnsonaria -- 08/17/04
6732 -- Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena deplanaria - f. - FL - 03/08/07
6732 -- Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena deplanaria - m. - FL - 03/08/07
6733 -- Deep Yellow Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena amoenaria -- 07/12/04
6735 -- Pectinate Euchlaena Moth
Euchlaena pectinaria -- 06/02/04
6740 -- False Crocus Geometer Moth
Xanthotype urticaria -- 07/28/04
6746 -- Stenaspilatodes Moth
Stenaspilatodes antidiscaria - FL - 03/06/07
6748 -- Hubner's Pero Moth
Pero ancetaria [=hubneraria] -- 08/05/10
6752 -- Straight-lined Pero Moth
Pero zalissaria -- 11/27/06 -- FL
6753 -- Honest Pero Moth
Pero honestaria -- 04/29/04
Geometridae -- Ennominae -- Nacophorini
6763 -- Oak Beauty Moth
Phaeoura quernaria -- 04/15/06
6763 -- Oak Beauty Moth
Phaeoura quernaria -- 04/22/10
6763 -- Oak Beauty Moth
Phaeoura quernaria - FL - 03/10/07
6796 -- Pale Beauty Moth
Campaea perlata -- 09/19/10
6797 -- Maple Spanworm Moth
Ennomos magnaria -- 10/09/04
6798 -- Elm Spanworm Moth
Ennomos subsignaria -- 06/12/04
6818 -- Kent's Geometer Moth
Selenia kentaria -- 04/17/04
6822 -- Ruddy Metarranthis Moth
Metarranthis duaria
6824 -- Metarranthis Moth
Metarranthis amyrisaria -- 05/22/04
6826 -- Common Metarranthis Moth
Metarranthis hypochraria -- 06/20/10
6828 -- Purplish Metarranthis Moth
Metarranthis homuraria -- 05/15/04
6834 -- Dark Scallop Moth
Cephis decoloraria -- 05/30/06
6837 -- Dogwood Probole Moth
Probole alienaria [=nyssaria] -- 05/05/10
6843 -- Fervid Plagodis Moth
Plagodis fervidaria - 04/25/06 - spring
6843 -- Fervid Plagodis Moth
Plagodis fervidaria - 08/20/10 - summer
6844 -- Hollow-spotted Plagodis Moth
Plagodis alcoolaria -- 05/05/06
6844 -- Hollow-spotted Plagodis Moth
Plagodis alcoolaria -- 07/30/10