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Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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1256 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora tiliaefoliella -- 08/04/10
1257 -- American Pistol Casebearer Moth
Coleophora atromarginata -- 06/11/10
1301.1 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora limosipennella -- 06/03/10
1350 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora quadruplex -- 08/11/10
1365 -- Streaked Coleophora Moth
Coleophora cratipennella -- 07/06/04
1387 -- Metallic Coleophora Moth
Coleophora mayrella -- 07/06/04
1388 -- Large Clover Casebearer Moth
Coleophora trifolii -- 06/02/10
1397 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora inornatella -- 08/09/10
1398 - Octagonal Casemaker Moth
Coleophora octagonella [T] -- FL
1398.97 - Coleophora Moth
Coleophora sp.
1398..97 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora sp. -- 06/25/10
1398.97 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora sp.
1398.97 -- Coleophora Moth
Coleophora sp. -- 06/01/10
1398.97 - Coleophora Moth
Coleophora sp. - 05/29/10
1421 -- Exclamation Moth
Homaledra heptathalama -- FL
1434 -- Circumscript Mompha Moth
Mompha circumscriptella -- 06/17/07
1443 - Red-streaked Mompha Moth
Mompha eloisella - 06/20/10
1454.2 -- Mompha Moth
Mompha solomoni - [T] - 06/10/10
1455 -- Mompha Moth
Mompha stellella -- 06/26/07
1467 -- Kermes Scale Moth
Euclemensia bassettella -- 07/21/10
1493 -- Clemens' Cosmopterix Moth
Cosmopterix clemensella -- 05/30/10
1498.97 -- Cosmopterix Moth
Cosmopterix sp. -- 06/26/07
1500 -- Tanygona Moth
Tanygona lignicolorella -- 06/20/07
1503 -- Melanocinclis Moth
Melanocinclis lineigera -- 07/07/07
1509 -- Wyatt's Stagmatophora Moth
Stagmatophora wyattella -- 08/10/10
1515 -- Shy Cosmet Moth
Limnaecia phragmitella -- 06/27/04
1609 -- Stilbosis Moth
Stilbosis tesquella -- 07/24/10
1615 -- Sweetclover Root Borer Moth
Walshia miscecolorella -- 08/13/07
1631-32 - Perimede Species Group
Perimede ricina-falcata -- 07/30/04
1678 -- Scythris Moth
Scythris trivinctella -- 08/15/10
  Gelechiidae -- Anomologinae
1694 -- Isophrictis Moth
Isophrictis magnella -- 09/08/10
1719 - Orache Leafminer Moth - 5mm
Chrysoesthia sexguttella -- 05/23/06
1722 - Theisoa Moth
Theisoa constrictella -- 05/26/06
  Gelechiidae -- Gelechiinae
1761 - Aristotelia Moth
Aristotelia roseosuffusella -- 07/27/10
1762 -- Aristotelia Moth
Aristotelia rubidella -- 07/04/07
1764.96 -- Undescribed Aristotelia Moth
Aristotelia n. sp. -- 07/26/10
1771 -- Evippe Moth
Evippe prunifoliella - [T] 05/26/10
1772 -- Agnippe Moth
Agnippe biscolorella - 06/05/10
1787 - White-edged Coleotechnites Moth
Coleotechnites albicostatus -- 06/05/06
1799 - Chilcott's Coleotechnites Moth
Coleotechnites chilcotti -- 06/09/10
1803 - Conifer Coleotechnites Moth [T]
Coleotechnites coniferella -- 05/24/06
1809 -- Coleotechnites Flower Moth
Coleotechnites florae -- 05/22/10
1817 -- Coleotechnites Moth
Coleotechnites lewisi - [T] 05/29/07
1828 -- Coleotechnites Moth
Coleotechnites quercivorella -- 05/04/10
1833 -- Coleotechnites Moth
Coleotechnites variella -- 06/01/10
1834 -- Sinoe Moth
Sinoe robiniella -- 05/05/10
1842 -- Taygete Moth
Taygete attributella -- 05/28/10
1851 -- Stripe-backed Moth
Arogalea cristifasciella -- 05/04/10
1857 - White-banded Telphusa Moth
Telphusa latifasciella - 06/11/10
1873 -- Pseudotelphusa Moth - 07/17/10
Pseudotelphusa palliderosacella
1928 -- Deltophora Moth
Deltophora sella -- 09/14/10
2012 -- Thyme Moth
Scrobipalpula artemisiella -- 07/08/07
2039 -- Gelechiid Moth
Symmetrischema striatella -- 09/14/10
2069 -- Frumenta Moth
Chionodes continuella -- 08/13/10
2072 -- Eyeringed Chionodes Moth
Chionodes discoocellella -- 06/10/10
2093 -- Black-smudged Chionodes Moth
Chionodes mediofuscella -- 04/22/10
2136 -- Filatima Moth
Filitima biminimaculella -- 06/13/10
2181.97 -- Unid. Filatima Moths
Filatima sp. -- 08/12/10
2189 -- Aroga Moth [T]
Aroga epigaeela -- 05/21/06
2202.97 -- Unid. Aroga Moths
Aroga sp. -- 05/08/06
2209 -- Red-necked Peanutworm Moth
Stegasta bosqueela -- 09/08/07
2211 -- Polyhymno Moth
Polyhymno luteostrigella -- 08/13/10
  Gelechiidae -- Anacampsinae
2223 -- Untomia Moth
Untomia albistrigella -- 07/04/07
2225 -- Battaristis Moth
Battaristis concinusella -- 07/10/07
2229 - Stripe-backed Moth
Battaristis vittella -- 05/14/10
2233 -- Anacampsis Moth
Anacampsis conclusella -- 06/09/10
2241 - Anacampsis Moth
Anacampsis levipedella -- 08/13/10
2255 -- Holophysis Moth
Holophysis emblemella -- 06/11/07
  Gelechiidae -- Chelariinae
2268 -- Lanceolate Helcystogramma Moth
Helcystogramma hystricella -- 06/23/10
  Gelechiidae -- Dichomeridinae
2279.3 -- Least Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris siren -- 06/2006
2281 -- Palmerworm Moth Forms
Dichomeris ligulella -- 2004
2282 -- Juniper Webworm Moth
Dichomeris marginella -- 05/11/07
2288 -- Many-spotted Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris punctipennella - 05/27/10
2289 -- Shining Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris ochripalpella -- 06/17/04
2297.2 -- Glaser's Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris bolize -- 08/04/10
2298 -- Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris juncidella [T] - 05/29/10
2309 -- Black-edged Carbatina Moth
Dichomeris picrocarpa -- 06/03/04
2310 -- Dichomeris Species Group
Dichomeris inversella -- 05/29/06
2310.99 -- Unid. Dichomeris Moth
Dichomeris sp. -- 09/18/10
2311.99 -- Unid. Gelechiid Moth
Gelechiidae sp. -- 09/13/10
2311.99 -- Unid. Gelechiid Moth
Gelechiidae sp. -- 09/19/10
2311.99 -- Unid. Gelechiid Moth
Gelechiidae sp. -- 09/26/10
2314 -- Sasaki's Carposina Moth
Carposina sasakii -- 09/08/10
Carposina simulator -- 08/24/10

Eight specimens were collected and sent to Terry Harrison who examined the genitalia. It turned out that there were four of each species, 2 males and 2 females of Carposina sasakii, and 4 females of Carposina simulator.

When Carposina simulator was described it was known from just three female specimens, one found in each of Missouri, Arkansas, and Ohio. As is often the case, because so little is known about many micromoths, those found in my yard may represent extensions of the known range. I will have to try to find males of Carposina simulator.

I thank Terry Harrison for his time and expertise in examining genitalia and providing information about these moths.

2346 -- Five-barred Glyphipterid Moth
Diploschizia impigritella -- 08/15/10
2353 -- Mimosa Webworm Moth
Homadaula anisocentra -- 05/28/04
2366 -- Diamond-back Moth
Plutella xylostella -- 06/09/10
2401 -- Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Atteva aurea -- 10/10/03
2405 -- Spotted Fan-wing Moth
Lactura pupula - FL
2413 -- Swammerdamia Moth
Swammerdamia caesiella -- 05/16/10
2420 -- American Ermine Moth
Yponomeuta multipunctella -- 06/08/10
2435 -- Argyresthia Moth
Argyresthia alternatella -- 04/15/06
2467 -- Cherry Shoot Borer Moth Moth
Argyresthia oreasella -- 06/02/10
2479 -- Speckled Argyresthia Moth
Argyresthia subreticulata -- 05/26/07
2554 -- Maple Callus Borer Moth
Synanthedon acerni -- 05/01/10
2623 -- Clematis Clearwing Moth
Alcathoe caudata -- 080207
2647 -- Everlasting Tebbena Moth
Tebbena gnaphaliella -- 04/17/04
2653 -- Reflective Tortyra Moth
Tortyra slossonia - FL
2671 -- Givira Moth
Givira francesca FL - 09/24/07
2693 -- Carpenterworm Moth
Prionoxystus robinae - 05/23/06
2694 -- Little Carpenterworm Moth
Prionoxystus macmurtrei -- 05/15/04
2700 -- Leopard Moth
Zeuzera pyrina -- 05/20/04

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Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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Links to:   Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at   Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, additions, corrections to Bob Patterson at BPatter789

Files/Live1/BP/BPsite/BP01b.shtml -- 09/24/2010