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  Pyraloidae - Crambidae
4716 -- Double-striped Scoparia Moth
Scoparia biplagialis -- 08/31/04
4717 -- Dark Brown Scoparia Moth
Scoparia penumbralis -- 05/25/07
4719 -- Many-spotted Scoparia Moth
Scoparia basalis -- 05/16/10
4738 -- Striped Eudonia Moth
Eudonia strigalis -- 06/08/10
4746 -- Chrysendeton Moth
Chrysendeton imitabilis - FL - 09/25/07
4748 -- Pondside Pyralid Moth
Munroessa icciusalis -- 09/08/04
4749 -- Elophila Moth
Elophila faulalis - FL
4749 -- Elophila Moth
Elophila faulalis - FL - 03/14/07
4750 -- Nebulous Elophila Moth
Elophila nebulosalis - FL - 03/15/07
4751 -- Waterlily Borer Moth
Elophila gyralis - FL - 03/15/07
4751 -- Waterlily Borer Moth
Elophila gyralis - 05/26/10
4751 -- Waterlily Borer Moth
Elophila gyralis -- 08/28/04 -- [m.]
4751 -- Waterlily Borer Moth
Elophila gyralis -- 07/09/04 -- [f.]
4755 -- Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Synclita obliteralis -- 06/26/10 -- [m.]
4755 -- Waterlily Leafcutter Moth
Synclita obliteralis -- 05/31/10 -- [f.]
4758 -- Black Langessa Moth
Langessa nomophilalis - FL - 03/14/07
4760 -- Obscure Pondweed Moth
Parapornx obscuralis - FL
4763 -- Floating-heart Waterlily Moth
Parapoynx seminealis - FL - 03/15/07
4763 -- Floating-heart Waterlily Moth
Parapoynx seminealis - FL - 03/11/07
4764 -- Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Parapoynx allionealis -- FL - 06/13/06
4764 -- Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Parapoynx allionealis -- FL - 06/13/06
4764 -- Watermilfoil Leafcutter Moth
Parapoynx allionealis -- FL - 06/13/06
4765 -- Small Leafcutter Moth
Parapoynx diminutalis -- FL - 09/24/07
4769 -- Dimorphic Leafcutter Moth
Neargyractis slossonalis - f. - FL 03/11/07
4769 -- Dimorphic Leafcutter Moth
Neargyractis slossonalis - m. - FL - 03/11/07
4770 -- Petrophila Moth
Petrophila drumalis -- 03/09/06
4777 -- 4777-79 Petrophila sp. grp.
Petrophila fulicalis -- 07/15/10
4785 -- Eoparagyractis Moth
Eoparagyractis irroratalis -- 09/24/07
4794 -- Spotted Peppergrass Moth
Eustixia pupula -- 06/13/10
4796 -- Yellow-veined Moth
Microtheoris ophionalis -- 09/27/07 -- FL
4847 -- Hellula Moth
Hellula phidilealis -- 11/26/06 -- FL
4848 -- Kemp's Hellula Moth
Hellula kempae -- 03/16/07 -- FL
4869 -- Common Glaphyria Moth
Glaphyria glaphyralis -- 07/23/07
4870 -- White-roped Glaphyria Moth
Glaphyria sequistrialis -- 07/17/10
4871 -- Basal-dash Glaphyria Moth
Glaphyria basiflavalis - FL - 03/14/07
4873 -- Black-patched Glaphyria Moth
Glaphyria fulminalis -- 06/23/10
4885 -- Exposed Liposcoma Moth
Liposcoma septa -- 07/12/04
4888 -- Sooty Lipocosmodes Moth
Lipocosmodes fuliginosalis -- 03/14/07
4889 -- Julia's Dicymolomia Moth
Dicymolomia julianalis -- 08/09/10
4895 -- Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth
Chalcoela iphitalis -- 07/23/10
4897 -- Purple-backed Cabbageworm M.
Evergestis pallidata -- 06/09/04
4936 -- Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth
Saucrobotys futilalis -- 05/23/07
4937 -- Streaked Orange Moth
Nascia acutella -- 06/08/07
4940 -- Wine-tinted Oenobotys Moth
Oenobotys vinotinctalis -- 03/06/07
4940 -- Wine-tinted Oenobotys Moth
Oenobotys vinotinctalis -- 06/23/06
4944 -- Angelic Crocidophora Moth
Crocidophora serratissimalis -- 07/28/07
4945 -- Pale-winged Crocidophora Moth
Crocidophora tuberculalis -- 05/25/06
4946 -- American Lotus Borer Moth
Ostrinia penitalis - FL - 06/13/06
4949 - European Corn Borer Moth
Ostrinia nubilialis -- 05/05/06
4949 - European Corn Borer Moth
Ostrinia nubilialis -- 07/24/06
4953 -- Crowned Phlyctaenia Moth
Phlyctaenia coronata -- 05/30/06
4967 -- Hahncappsia Moth
Hahncappsia mancalis -- 07/18/07
4973.1 -- Empress Tree Moth
Ecpyrrhoerrhoe puralis -- 06/24/07
4975 -- Garden Webworm Moth
Achyra rantalis -- 06/02/07
4975 -- Garden Webworm Moth
Achyra rantalis - FL - 06/28/06
4977 -- Neohelvibotys Moth
Neohelvibotys neohelvialis -- 06/10/06
4992 -- Uresiphita Moth
Uresiphita reversalis - 05/14/10
  Pyraloidea -- Crambidae -- Pyraustinae -- Pyraustini
5034 -- Raspberry Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta signatalis -- 05/31/10
5040 -- Bicolored Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta bicoloralis -- 08/21/10
5049 -- Phoenicean Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta phoenicealis - FL- 03/14/07
5051 -- Variable Reddish Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta rubricalis -- 08/06/10
5058 -- Orange-spotted Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta orphisalis -- 06/06/10
5069 -- Coffee-loving Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta tyralis -- 08/13/10
5070 -- Southern Purple Mint Moth
Pyrausta laticlavia -- 10/10/05 -- NC
5071 -- Mint-loving Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta acrionalis -- 08/02/04
5073 -- White-fringed Pyrausta Moth
Pyrausta niveicilialis -- 08/06/10
  Pyraloidea -- Crambidae -- Pyraustinae -- Spilomelini
5079 -- Celery Leaftier Moth
Udea rubigalis -- 06/01/10
5107 -- Eggplant Leafroller Moth
Lineodes integra -- 09/24/10
5142 -- Paler Diacme Moth
Diacme elealis -- 06/11/10
5143 -- Darker Diacme Moth
Diacme adipaloides -- 09/24/10
5147 -- Epipagis Moth
Epipagis huronalis - FL - 09/24/07
5149 -- Water Hyacinth Moth
Sameodes albiguttalis - FL - 09/24/07
5150 -- Assembly Moth
Samea ecclesialis - FL - 10/02/05
5151 -- Salvinia Stem-borer Moth
Samea multiplicalis - FL - 09/27/07
5152 -- Baccatalis Moth
Samea baccatalis -- 10/08/05 -- SC
5156 -- Lucerne Moth
Nomophila nearctica -- 10/01/04
  Pyraloidea -- Crambidae -- Pyraustinae -- Spilomelini -- Desmia
5159 -- Grape Leaf-folder Moth
Desmia funeralis sp. grp. -- 06/09/10
5166 -- Deploring Desmia Moth
Desmia deploris - FL
5169 -- Spotted Beet Webworm Moth
Hymenia perspectalis -- 08/19/10
5170 -- Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth
Spoladea recurvalis -- 09/24/10
5172 -- Diasemiodes Moth
Diasemiodes janassialis -- 09/08/07
5174 -- Recondite Webworm Moth
Diathrausta reconditalis -- 09/07/07
5175 -- Harlequin Webworm Moth
Diathrausta harlequinalis -- 06/09/06
5175 -- Harlequin Webworm Moth
Diathrausta harlequinalis - FL - 09/25/07
5176 -- Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth
Anageshna primordialis -- 06/02/10
5179 -- Black Penestola Moth
Penestola bufalis - FL - 03/16/07
5182 -- Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix Moth
Blepharomastix ranalis -- 06/11/10
5202 -- Pickleworm Moth
Diaphania nitidalis -- 08/12/07
5204 -- Melonworm Moth
Diaphania hyalinata - FL - 10/04/04
5215 -- The Alamo Moth
Condylorrhiza vestigialis - FL - 03/15/07

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Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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Links to:   Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at   Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, additions, corrections to Bob Patterson at BPatter789

Files1/Live/BP/BPsite/BP03a.shtml -- 09/24/2010