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Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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  Noctuoidea -- Erebidae -- Catocalinae
8491 -- Lost Owlet Moth
Ledaea perditalis - FL - 03/14/07
8493 -- Thin-lined Owlet Moth
Isogona tenuis -- 07/18/05
8499 -- Common Fungus Moth
Metalectra discalis -- 08/13/10
8500 -- Four-spotted Fungus Moth
Metalectra quadrisignata -- 08/18/05
8502 -- Black Fungus Moth
Metalectra tantillus -- 06/30/04
8505 -- Richards' Fungus Moth
Metalectra richardsi -- 05/22/10
8509 -- Common Arugisa Moth
Arugisa lutea -- 05/27/05
8510 -- Watson's Arugisa Moth
Arugisa latiorella -- 06/10/05
8514 -- Dead-wood Borer Moth
Scolecocampa liburna -- 06/23/04
8517 -- Pale Palpidia Moth
Palpidia pallidior - FL - 09/24/07
8523 -- Gabara Moth
Gabara distema - FL - 09/27/07
8524 -- Gabara Moth
Gabara pulverosalis - FL - 09/24/07
8525 -- Curve-lined Owlet Moth
Phyprosopus callitrichoides -- 07/18/04
8528 -- Small Necklace Moth
Hypsoropha hormos -- 05/01/04
  Noctuoidea -- Erebidae -- Catocalinae -- Gonodonta
8540 -- Citrus Fruit-piercer Moth
Gonodonta nutrix - FL - 06/28/06
8541 -- Unica Fruit-piercer Moth
Gonodonta unica - FL - 03/15/07
8545 -- Yellow Scallop Moth
Anomis erosa - SC - 10/07/07
8547 -- Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth
Anomis privata -- 08/19/04
8551 -- Okra Leafworm Moth
Anomis illita - FL - 09/24/07
8555 -- The Herald Moth
Scoliopteryx libatrix -- 04/07/04
8556 -- Palmetto Borer Moth
Litoprosopus futilis - FL - 03/14/07
8560 -- Hieroglyphic Moth
Diphthera festiva - FL - 09/24/07
8574 - Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth
Anticarsia gemmatalis -- 10/05/05
8574 - Velvetbean Caterpillar Moth
Anticarsia gemmatalis - MD/NC/FL
8582 -- Cacata Moth
Ephyrodes cacata - FL - 09/22/07
8582 -- Cacata Moth
Ephyrodes cacata - FL - 10/03/07
8587 -- Red-lined Panopoda Moth
Panopoda rufimargo -- 06/03/04
8587 -- Red-lined Panopoda Moth
Panopoda rufimargo
8588 -- Brown Panopoda Moth
Panopoda carneicosta -- 05/26/06
8589 -- Orange Panopoda Moth
Panopoda repanda - FL - 03/08/07
  Noctuoidea -- Erebidae -- Catocalinae -- Phoberia
8591 -- Common Oak Moth
Phoberia atomaris -- 04/18/04
8592 -- Black-dotted Brown Moth
Cissus spadix -- 04/07/10
8603 -- Melipotis Moth
Melipotis januaris - FL - 02/16/10
8658 -- Pale-edged Moth
Selenisa sueroides - FL - 09/24/07
8683 -- Pseudanthracia Moth
Pseudanthracia coracias - m. - FL - 09/26/07
8683 -- Pseudanthracia Moth
Pseudanthracia coracias - f. - FL - 09/26/07
8689 -- Lunate Zale Moth
Zale lunata -- 09/17/10
8689 -- Lunate Zale Moth
Zale lunata -- 10/12/10
8689 -- Lunate Zale Moth
Zale lunata -- 10/12/10
8691 -- Zale Moth
Zale declarens - f. - FL - 03/09/07
8692 -- Maple Zale Moth
Zale galbanata -- 03/31/06
8692 -- Maple Zale Moth
Zale galbanata -- 05/14/10
8694 -- Green-dusted Zale Moth
Zale aeruginosa -- 04/21/04
8695 -- Black Zale Moth
Zale undularis -- 08/01/10
8697 -- Colorful Zale Moth
Zale minerea -- 04/24/04
8699 -- Oblique Zale Moth
Zale obliqua -- 03/31/06
8704 -- Brown-spotted Zale Moth
Zale helata -- 05/05/06
8705 -- Bethune's Zale Moth
Zale bethunei -- 04/07/10
8716 -- One-lined Zale Moth
Zale unilineata -- 05/04/04
8717 -- Horrid Zale Moth
Zale horrida -- 05/06/04
  Noctuoidea -- Erebidae -- Catocalinae -- Euparthenos
8719 -- Locust Underwing Moth
Euparthenos nubilis -- 05/07/04
8721 -- False Underwing Moth
Allotria elonympha -- 05/19/04
8721 -- False Underwing Moth
Allotria elonympha -- 07/29/10
8727 -- Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris -- 06/11/10
8729 -- Cypress Owlet Moth
Cutina distincta - FL - 06/26/06
8733 -- Vetch Looper Moth
Caenurgia chloropha -- 05/15/07
8738 -- Clover Looper Moth
Caenurgina crassiuscula -- 09/02/10
8739 -- Forage Looper Moth
Caenurgina erechtea -- 06/13/10
8739 -- Forage Looper Moth
Caenurgina erechtea -- 07/31/10
8743 -- Small Mocis Moth
Mocis latipes - MD/FL- 09/26/07
8744 -- Withered Mocis Moth
Mocie marcida - FL - 03/09/07
8745 -- Texas Mocis Moth
Mocis texana -- 07/13/04
8747 -- Black Bit Moth
Celiptera frustulum -- 05/13/04
8762 -- Four-lined Chocolate Moth
Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris - FL - 03/07/07
8762 -- Four-lined Chocolate Moth
Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris - FL - 03/11/07
8769 -- Moon-lined Moth
Spiloloma lunilinea -- 07/30/10
  Noctuoidea -- Erebidae -- Catocalinae -- Catocala
8770 -- The Betrothed Underwing Moth
Catocala innubens -- 08/07/07
8771 -- The Penitent Underwing Moth
Catocala piatrix -- 09/06/07
8782 -- Mournful Underwing Moth
Catocala flebilis -- 07/20/10
8792 -- The Widow Underwing Moth
Catocala vidua -- 08/02/10
8795 -- The Oldwife Underwing Moth
Catocal palaeogama -- 08/11/10
8796 -- Clouded Underwing Moth
Catocala nebulosa -- 08/18/10
8797 -- Youthful Underwing Moth
Catocala subnata -- 08/23/10
8801 -- Ilia Underwing Moth
Catocala ilia -- 08/04/10
8834 -- The Sweetheart Moth
Catocala amatrix -- 09/04/10
8857 -- Ultronia Underwing Moth
Catocala ultronia -- 06/26/10
8864 -- Woody Underwing Moth
Catocala grynea -- 07/03/04
8874 -- Little Underwing Moth
Catocala minuta -- 06/05/10
8874 -- Little Underwing Moth
Catocala minuta
8874 -- Little Underwing Moth
Catocala minuta -- 06/12/10
8877 -- Connubial Undering Moth
Catocala connubialis -- 07/08/07
8877 -- Connubial Undering Moth
Catocala connubialis -- 06/24/07
8878 -- The Girlfriend Underwing Moth
Catocala amica -- 07/17/10
8878.1 -- Little Lined Underwing Moth
Catocala lineella -- 07/09/07

    Other Pages in This Series    
Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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Links to:   Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at   Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, additions, corrections to Bob Patterson at BPatter789

Files1/Live/BP/BPsite/BP06a.shtml -- 09/24/2010