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  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Epipaschiinae
5577 -- Dimorphic Macalla Moth
Epipashia superatalis -- 05/29/10
5579 -- Zeller's Macalla Moth
Macalla zelleri -- 08/04/07
5582 -- Deuterollyta Moth
Deuterollyta majuscula - FL - 03/07/07
5588 -- Orange-tufted Oneida Moth
Oneida lunualis -- 07/28/04
5592 -- Watson's Tallula Moth
Tallula watsoni -- 09/03/10
5595 -- Pine Webworm Moth
Pococera robustella -- 08/06/10
5596 -- White-aproned Pococera Moth
Pococera scortealis - 03/09/07 (FL/MD)
5602 -- Cloaked Pococera Moth
Pococera subcanalis - FL - 03/09/07
5604 -- Sycamore Webworm Moth
Pococera militella -- 06/06/10
5605 -- Aspen Webworm sp. grp.
Pococera asplastella -- 04/15/06
5606 -- Maple Webworm Moth
Pococera asperatella -- 05/06/10
5608 -- Striped Oak Webworm Moth
Pococera expandens -- 04/16/10
5620.97 -- Unidentified Pococera Moth
Pococera sp. - 07/22/10
5620.97 -- Unidentified Pococera Moth
Pococera sp. - 06/09/10
5620.97 -- Unidentified Pococera Moth
Pococera sp. -- 06/09/10
  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Galleriinae
5622 -- Greater Wax Moth
Galleria mellonella -- 08/29/04
5623 -- Lesser Wax Moth
Achroia grisella -- 06/10/10
5627 -- Asimina Webworm Moth
Omphalocera munroei -- 07/29/10
5629 -- The Bee Moth [f.]
Aphomia sociella -- 05/05/04
5629 -- The Bee Moth [m.]
Aphomia sociella -- 05/01/10
5633.1 -- Paralipsia Moth
Paralipsia fulminalis -- 09/07/10
  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Phycitinae
5670 -- Acrobasis Moth
Acrobasis aurorella -- 06/08/10
5672 -- Cordovan Pyralid Moth
Acrobasis exsulella -- 07/17/10
5674 -- Acrobasis Moth
Acrobasis demotella -- 06/15/07
5688 -- Birch Tubemaker Moth
Acrobasis betulella [T]
5694.99 -- Unidentified Acrobasis Moth
Acrobasis sp.
5734 -- Atheloca Moth
Atheloca subrufella - FL - 09/26/07
5745 -- Glyptocera Moth
Glyptocera consobrinella - 05/30/06
5747 -- White-edged Pima Moth
Pima albiplagiatella - PA - 07/30/07
5767 -- Oreana Moth
Oreana unicolorella - 05/24/10
5773 -- Engel's Salebriaria Moth
Acrobasis engeli
5775.1 -- Salebriaria Moth
Salebriaria fasciata
5775.2 - Red-patch Salebriaria Moth
Salebriaria rufimaculatella -- 05/28/10
5775.3 - Salebriaria Moth
Salebriaria squamopalpiella -- 05/23/10
5793.1 - Florida Sciota Moth
Sciota floridensis - FL - 03/16/07
5796 -- Locust Leafroller Moth
Sciota subcaesiella -- 04/22/10
5797 -- Black-spotted Leafroller Moth
Sciota virgatella -- 06/13/10
5802 -- Sweetgum Leafroller Moth
Sciota uvinella -- 05/22/10
5803 -- Sciota Moth
Sciota celtidella -- 06/09/10
5804 -- Sciota Moth
Sciota rubrisparsella -- 06/04/10
  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Phycitinae -- Dioryctria
5841 -- Evergreen Coneworm Moth
Dioryctria abietivorella -- 06/02/07
5847 -- Webbing Coneworm Moth
Dioryctria disclusa -- 06/10/07
5853 -- Southern Pine Coneworm Moth
Dioryctria amatella - FL - 06/13/06
5854.1 -- Loblolly Pine Coneworm Moth
Dioryctria merkeli - FL - 10/06/05
5863.1 -- Blister Pine Coneworm Moth
Dioryctria clarioralis - MD/FL - 08/13/07
5863.4 -- Dioryctria Moth
Dioryctria ebeli - FL - 06/13/06
5890 -- Adelphia Moth
Adelphia petrella - MD/FL - 07/05/07
5895 Ufa Moth
Ufa rubedinella - f. - FL - 09/26/07
5895 - m. - Ufa Moth
Ufa rubedinella - FL - 09/26/07
5896 -- Elasmopalpus Moth
Elasmopalpus lignosellus - 07/12/07
5926 -- Elm Leaftier Moth
Canarsia ulmiarrosorella -- 07/24/10
5935 -- Sunflower Moth
Homoeosoma electella -- 08/15/10
5946.2 -- Phycitodes Moth
Phycitodes religuella -- 09/11/10
5949 -- Laetilia Moth
Laetilia coccidivora -- 08/21/10
5965 -- Baphala Moth
Baphala pallida -- 08/21/10
5995 -- American Plum Borer Moth
Euzophera semifuneralis -- 08/13/10
5997 -- Root Collar Borer Moth
Euzophera ostricolorella -- 09/02/10
  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Phycitinae -- Eulogia
5999 -- Broad-banded Eulogia Moth
Eulogia ochrifrontella -- 06/04/10
6001 -- Ephestiodes Moth
Ephestiodes infimella -- 09/07/10
6005 -- Darker Moodna Moth
Moodna ostrinella - FL - 03/11/07
6005.1 -- Paler Moodna Moth
Moodna pallidostrinella -- 05/01/10
6007 -- Dried-fruit Moth
Vitula edmandsii -- 07/14/10
6011 -- Brower's Vitula Moth
Vitula broweri -- 05/30/10
6011 -- Brower's Vitula Moth
Vitula broweri -- 06/02/10
6012 -- Crescent-winged Caudellia Moth
Caudellia apyrella -- 08/27/04
6019 -- Indian Meal Moth
Plodia interpunctella -- 01/14/04
6028 -- Tampa Moth
Tampa dimediatella - FL- 03/09/07
6029 -- Varneria Moth
Varneria postremella -- 07/13/07
6041 -- Coenochroa Moth
Coenochroa bipunctella - FL - 03/10/07
  Pyraloidea -- Pyralidae -- Peoriinae
6041.98 - Unidentified Phycitine Moths
Phycitinae sp. -- 05/21/07
6042 -- Peoria Moth
Peoria longipalpella
6049 -- Peoria Moth
Peoria roseotinctella -- 06/04/10
6053 -- Carmine Snout Moth
Peoria approximella -- 07/29/10
6067 -- Atascosa Moth
Atascosa glareosella -- 08/25/07
6082 -- Seagrape Borer Moth
Hexeris enhydris - FL - 03/14/07
  Plume Moths -- Pterophoridae
6090 -- Ontario Plume Moth
Sphenarches ontario [T] -- 05/26/04
6090.1 -- Plume Moth
Sphenarches anisodactylus - FL - 06/26/06
6091 -- Plume Moth
Geina periscelidactyla -- 05/26/10
6092 -- Himmelman's Plume Moth
Geina tenuidactyla - 06/02/10
6109 -- Artichoke Plume Moth
Platyptilia carduidactylus
6120 -- Lioptilodes Plume Moth
Lioptilodes alnistriolatus
6121.1-6122 -- Plume Moth -- 09/25/10
Stenoptilodes taprobanes or brevipennis
6155 -- Plume Moth - 06/18/07
Adaina bipunctatus-simplicius sp. grp.
6155.1 -- Plume Moth - FL - 09/25/07
Adaina bipunctatus-simplicius sp. grp.
6186 -- Black-marked Plume Moth
Hellinsia inquinatus [T]
6212.1 -- Chlorias Plume Moth
Hellinsia chlorias -- 10/08/05 -- SC
6226 -- Hellinsia Moth
Hellinsia unicolor - FL - 09/27/07
6234 -- Morning-glory Plume Moth
Emmelina monodactyla -- 09/03/06

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Micros Torts Pyraloids Geos Noctuoidea
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Links to:   Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at   Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, additions, corrections to Bob Patterson at BPatter789

Files1/Live/BP/BPsite/BP03c.shtml -- 09/24/2010