WWW MPG website only

Digital Guide to Moth Identification


Refereed by SangMi Lee
5904872245Anacampsis paltodoriella
Anacampsis paltodoriella
© Van Truan
Anacampsis paltodoriella
© Van Truan
5904882246 – Sallow Leafroller – Anacampsis populella
Anacampsis populella
© Janis von Heyking
Anacampsis populella
© Ian Kimber
5904892247Anacampsis psoraliella
Anacampsis psoraliella
© Michael W. Palmer
Anacampsis psoraliella
© Michael W. Palmer
5904902248Anacampsis rhoifructella
Anacampsis rhoifructella
© Ken Childs
5904942251Anacampsis tristrigella
Anacampsis tristrigella
© Hershel Raney
Anacampsis tristrigella
© D. Lynn Scott
Anacampsis tristrigella
© Peter Cristofono
590495.952251.96 – Anacampsis New Species – Anacampsis spp.
Anacampsis spp.
© John Schneider
Anacampsis spp.
© Carol Wolf
Anacampsis spp.
© Mark Dreiling - nr. conclusella - DNA
Anacampsis spp.
© Mark Dreiling -DNA
590495.882251.97 – Undescribed species in Anacampsini – "Anacampsis" n. sp.

© Gretchen Grammer

© Robert L. Zimlich

© Robert L. Zimlich
5904962253 – Iridescent Strobisia – Strobisia iridipennella
Strobisia iridipennella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Strobisia iridipennella
© Stephen Cresswell
Strobisia iridipennella
© Steve Nanz
5904972254Strobisia proserpinella
Strobisia proserpinella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Strobisia proserpinella
© J. C. Jones
5904992255Holophysis emblemella
Holophysis emblemella
© Bob Patterson
Holophysis emblemella
© Kim Fleming
Holophysis emblemella
© Ken Wolgemuth
Holophysis emblemella
© Ken Wolgemuth
5904522256 – Guava Caterpillar – Prostomeus brunneus
Prostomeus brunneus
© John Trent
Prostomeus brunneus
© John Trent
Prostomeus brunneus
© John Trent
5904532257 – Peach Twig Borer – Anarsia lineatella
Anarsia lineatella
© Steve Nash
Anarsia lineatella
© Dick Wilson - DNA
5904542258Hypatima zesticopa
Hypatima zesticopa
DNA - © Ann Hendrickson
590454.852258.1Hypatima sp. 1
Hypatima sp. 1
DNA - © Ann Hendrickson
Hypatima sp. 1
DNA - © Ann Hendrickson
Hypatima sp. 1
DNA - © Ann Hendrickson
590454.862258.2Hypatima sp. 2
Hypatima sp. 2
DNA - © Mark Dreiling
Hypatima sp. 2
- gen. - © James Steffen
Hypatima sp. 2
DNA - © Mark Dreiling
5905892259Epilechia catalinella
Epilechia catalinella
© Jillian Cowles
Epilechia catalinella
© Arlene Ripley
Epilechia catalinella
© Arlene Ripley
590592.512260.12Thiotricha laterestriata
Thiotricha laterestriata
© Joseph Montes de Oca
Thiotricha laterestriata
LG - © Owen Ridgen
Thiotricha laterestriata
© Joseph Montes de Oca
5905912262 – Cotton Stem Moth, The Subcinerous – Platyedra subcinerea
Platyedra subcinerea
© Jim Moore - DNA
Platyedra subcinerea
© Mark Dreiling
5905032263Helcystogramma badia
Helcystogramma badia
© Jim Moore
Helcystogramma badia
© Jim Moore
5905082265Helcystogramma chambersella
Helcystogramma chambersella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Helcystogramma chambersella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Helcystogramma chambersella
© Ken Childs
Helcystogramma chambersella
© Ken Childs
Helcystogramma chambersella
© Royal Tyler


Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group

Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone