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Digital Guide to Moth Identification


Refereed by Terry Harrison
591352.421076.1Coelopoeta phaceliae
Coelopoeta phaceliae
reared - © Charley Eiseman
5913531077Perittia cygnodiella
Perittia cygnodiella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
5913541077.1Perittia herrichiella
Perittia herrichiella
© John Lee
Perittia herrichiella
© Steve Nanz
Perittia herrichiella
© John Lee
Perittia herrichiella
© John Lee
5913951081Elachista epimicta
Elachista epimicta
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
5913731083Elachista orestella
Elachista orestella
© Nolie Schneider
Elachista orestella
© Nolie Schneider
Elachista orestella
© Joseph V. Higbee
Elachista orestella
© Tom Murray
5914061088.6Elachista dagnirella
Elachista dagnirella
© Bob Martin [T]
5913891090.1Elachista adianta
Elachista adianta
[T] - © Greg Raterman
5913811091Elachista acenteta
Elachista acenteta
© John Lee
5913871094.2Elachista granosa
Elachista granosa
[T] - © Greg Raterman
Elachista granosa
[T] - © Greg Raterman
5913631098.1Elachista subalbidella
Elachista subalbidella
- gen. - © Tom Murray
5914201101.1Elachista kilmunella
Elachista kilmunella
© Janis von Heyking
5914181102Elachista alpinella
Elachista alpinella
© Janis von Heyking
5914081109Elachista albicapitella
Elachista albicapitella
© Steve King
5914521118.2Elachista aristoteliella
Elachista aristoteliella
(cc) Jim Brighton
5914961121Elachista madarella
Elachista madarella
© Jane & John Balaban
Elachista madarella
© Tim Reichard
5914851123.1Elachista glenni
Elachista glenni
© Ken Childs
5914781124Elachista cucullata
Elachista cucullata
© Tom Murray
Elachista cucullata
© Aaron Hunt
Elachista cucullata
© Aaron Hunt
Elachista cucullata
Reared © Charley Eiseman
5914771124.1Elachista calusella
Elachista calusella
© Greg Raterman
5914801127Elachista albidella
Elachista albidella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
5914871128.4Elachista huron
Elachista huron
© Matthew Kenne
Elachista huron
© Michael H. King
5914901128.7Elachista ciliigera
Elachista ciliigera
[T] - © Stuart Marcus
5914671129Elachista illectella
Elachista illectella
© Greg Raterman
Elachista illectella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Elachista illectella
© Nolie Schneider
5914581132Elachista brachyelytrifoliella
Elachista brachyelytrifoliella
© Robert Zimlich
5914621132.4Elachista helodella
Elachista helodella
© Michael H. King
Elachista helodella
© Michael H. King
Elachista helodella
© Michael H. King
Elachista helodella
© Michael H. King
5914631132.5Elachista angularis
Elachista angularis
NY - © Steve Walter
591498.951132.97 – Unidentified Elachistas – Elachista sp.
Elachista sp.
© Tony DiTerlizzi
Elachista sp.
© Nolie Schneider
Elachista sp.
© Jason Dombroskie
Elachista sp.
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
5900061133Symmoca signatella
Symmoca signatella
© Donald Hobern
Symmoca signatella
© Rephah Berg
Symmoca signatella
© Mark Dreiling
5900021134 – Four-spotted Yellowneck – Oegoconia novimundi
Oegoconia novimundi
© Bob Patterson
Oegoconia novimundi
© David Reed
Oegoconia novimundi
© John Davis
Oegoconia novimundi
© John Davis
5900041134.01Oegoconia deauratella
Oegoconia deauratella
© John Lee [T]
5900071134.1Spinitibia hodgesi
Spinitibia hodgesi
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Spinitibia hodgesi
© WonGun Kim
Spinitibia hodgesi
© Ken Childs
5900201136.1 – Juniper Tip Moth – Glyphidocera juniperella
Glyphidocera juniperella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Glyphidocera juniperella
© Ken Childs
5900161137Glyphidocera democratica
Glyphidocera democratica
© John Maxwell
Glyphidocera democratica
[T] - © John Maxwell
Glyphidocera democratica
[T] - © Stuart Marcus
Glyphidocera democratica
© Ken Childs
5900181138Glyphidocera floridanella
Glyphidocera floridanella
DNA & gen. - - © Peter Homann
Glyphidocera floridanella
DNA & gen. - - © Peter Homann
5900211139 – Five-spotted Glyphidocera – Glyphidocera lactiflosella
Glyphidocera lactiflosella
© Bob Patterson
Glyphidocera lactiflosella
© Machele White
Glyphidocera lactiflosella
© Bob Patterson
Glyphidocera lactiflosella
© Carol Wolf
5900221140Glyphidocera lithodoxa
Glyphidocera lithodoxa
© Tom Murray
Glyphidocera lithodoxa
© Tom Murray
Glyphidocera lithodoxa
© David Reed
5900231141Glyphidocera meyrickella
Glyphidocera meyrickella
© Mark Dreiling
5900241142Glyphidocera septentrionella
Glyphidocera septentrionella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Glyphidocera septentrionella
© David Reed
Glyphidocera septentrionella
© Carol Wolf
Glyphidocera septentrionella
© Ken Childs
5900171143Glyphidocera dimorphella
Glyphidocera dimorphella
[T] - © Robert L. Zimlich
Glyphidocera dimorphella
[T] - © Aaron Hunt
Glyphidocera dimorphella
[T] - © Aaron Hunt
Glyphidocera dimorphella
[T] - © WonGun Kim
590025.951143.97 – Unidentified Glyphidoceras – Glyphidocera sp.
Glyphidocera sp.
© Tom Murray
Glyphidocera sp.
© Bob Patterson
Glyphidocera sp.
© Robert Zimlich
Glyphidocera sp.
© Carol Wolf
5900081144Gerdana caritella
Gerdana caritella
© David Reed
Gerdana caritella
© Mark Dreiling
Gerdana caritella
© Bob Patterson
Gerdana caritella
© Bill Johnson


Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group

Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone