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Digital Guide to Moth Identification


Gracillarioidea; Yponomeutoidea; Douglasioidea
Refereed by Terry Harrison
3601002472.1 – Cherry Fruit Moth – Argyresthia pruniella
Argyresthia pruniella
© Libby & Rick Avis
Argyresthia pruniella
© Sean McCann
3601022474Argyresthia pygmaeella
Argyresthia pygmaeella
© Janis von Heyking
3601032475Argyresthia quadristrigella
Argyresthia quadristrigella
© Mark Dreiling - DNA
Argyresthia quadristrigella
© Ken Childs
3601072479 – Speckled Argyresthia – Argyresthia subreticulata
Argyresthia subreticulata
© Bob Patterson [T]
Argyresthia subreticulata
© Arlene Ripley [T]
Argyresthia subreticulata
© David Reed
Argyresthia subreticulata
© Erick Adams
3601092481 – Arborvitae Leafminer – Argyresthia thuiella
Argyresthia thuiella
© Robin McLeod
Argyresthia thuiella
© Tom Murray
Argyresthia thuiella
© Tom Murray
Argyresthia thuiella
© Nolie Schneider
360112.952484.97 – Unidentified Argyresthias – Argyresthia sp.
Argyresthia sp.
© Nolie Schneider
Argyresthia sp.
© Arlene Ripley
Argyresthia sp.
© Rephah Berg
Argyresthia sp.
© Mark Dreiling
3601132409Ocnerostoma piniariella
Ocnerostoma piniariella
[T] - © Tom Murray
Ocnerostoma piniariella
- gen. - © Tom Murray
3601152413Swammerdamia caesiella
Swammerdamia caesiella
© D. Lynn Scott [T]
Swammerdamia caesiella
© Tom Murray [T]
Swammerdamia caesiella
© Ilona Loser [T]
Swammerdamia caesiella
© Anthony W. Thomas [gen.] - - LG
3601162414 – Rufous-tipped Swammerdamia – Swammerdamia pyrella
Swammerdamia pyrella
© Donald Hobern [T]
Swammerdamia pyrella
© Kevin Hall - [T]
Swammerdamia pyrella
© Kevin Hall [T]
3601202414.2Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
© Janis von Heyking
3601212423.1 – Spindle Ermine Moth – Yponomeuta cagnagella
Yponomeuta cagnagella
© Carroll Rudy
Yponomeuta cagnagella
© David Silsbee
Yponomeuta cagnagella
© Tom Murray
3601222421.1 – Apple Ermine Moth – Yponomeuta malinellus
Yponomeuta malinellus
© Anthony W. Thomas
Yponomeuta malinellus
© Anthony W. Thomas
Yponomeuta malinellus
© John Davis
Yponomeuta malinellus
© Lynette Schimming
3601232420 – American Ermine Moth – Yponomeuta multipunctella
Yponomeuta multipunctella
© Troy Bartlett
Yponomeuta multipunctella
© Bob Patterson
Yponomeuta multipunctella
© Chris French
Yponomeuta multipunctella
© Carol Wolf
3601242421 – Orchard Ermine Moth – Yponomeuta padella
Yponomeuta padella
© Ben Smart
Yponomeuta padella
© Anthony W. Thomas
Yponomeuta padella
© Anthony W. Thomas
3601252422 – Large-spot Ermine Moth – Yponomeuta plumbella
Yponomeuta plumbella
© Janis von Heyking
Yponomeuta plumbella
© Ian Kimber
3601272424Zelleria arizonica
Zelleria arizonica
© Charles W. Melton
Zelleria arizonica
© Marcia Morris
3601282425Zelleria celastrusella
Zelleria celastrusella
© David Reed
Zelleria celastrusella
© David Reed
Zelleria celastrusella
© David Reed
3601292427 – Pine Needle Sheathminer – Zelleria haimbachi
Zelleria haimbachi
© Nolie Schneider
Zelleria haimbachi
© Bill Johnson
Zelleria haimbachi
© Michel Kleinbaum
3601302428Zelleria ochroplagiata
Zelleria ochroplagiata
© Stuart Marcus
Zelleria ochroplagiata
- gen. - © Royal Tyler
3601322431Zelleria retiniella
Zelleria retiniella
© Hugh McGuinness [T]
Zelleria retiniella
© Jerry Armstrong
Zelleria retiniella
© Ken Childs
Zelleria retiniella
© Ken Childs


Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group

Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone