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Digital Guide to Moth Identification

930045.1 – 7914   Datana perfusa Dyar, 1923

© Charles W. Melton - DNA
Distribution: Southeast Arizona into Mexico and possibly southwest New Mexico (Miller et al. 2018).
Similar Species:
  • 7913 - Datana neomexicana is paler but apparently cannot be separated by DNA barcode.
  • 7908 - Datana perspicua Grote & Robinson, 1865
  • Other species in the genus Datana.
  • Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: Datana perfusa Dyar, 1923
Datana chiriquensis of authors not Dyar, 1895
Datana rotundata Draudt, 1934
Taxonomic Notes: Datana perfusa Dyar, 1923 is raised from synonymy of D. perspicua Grote & Robinson, 1865 to full species status and includes D. rotundata Draudt, 1934 and D. chiriquensis of authors; not Dyar, 1895 as new synonyms in Miller et al. (2018). "True" D. chiriquensis, type locality Hidalgo State, MX, is extralimital north of Mexico.
  • Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification, and some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.
  • Draudt, M., [1932]. Die Amerikanischen Spinner und Schwärmer. In Seitz, Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Amerikanischen Faunengebietes, 6: 1053.
  • Draudt, M., [1932]. Die Amerikanischen Spinner und Schwärmer. In Seitz, Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Amerikanischen Faunengebietes, 6: plates 159, fig. a (rotunda).
  • Dyar, H.G., 1923. A note on Datana perspicua. Insecutor inscitiae menstruus, 11: 10-11.
  • Miller, J.S., D.L. Wagner, P.A. Opler & J.D. Lafontaine, 2018. Drepanoidea, Doidae; Noctuoidea, Notodontidae (Part): Pygaerinae, Notodontinae, Cerurinae, Phalerinae, Periergosinae, Dudusinae, Hemiceratinae. The Moths of America north of Mexico, Fascicle 22.1A: 160; pl. A-7, figs. 19-21: pl. A-8, figs. 1-3 (order).
  • Species Page at BugGuide.Net
Datana perfusa
© Charles Melton - DNA
Datana perfusa
© Charles Melton - DNA
Datana perfusa
© Jane & John Balaban
Datana perfusa
48mm – © Jim Vargo
Datana perfusa
52mm - LG – © Jim Vargo
Datana perfusa
© Margarethe Brummermann LG

Datana perfusa
© Charles Melton LG

Datana perfusa
© Tom Bentley LG

Datana perfusa
© Bob Beatson LG

Datana perfusa
© Margarethe Brummermann LG

Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

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Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone