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Digital Guide to Moth Identification


Refereed by Terry Harrison
Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. Contact individual photographers for permission to use for any purpose.
Landryia scintillifera 59a1726  –  1675
Landryia scintillifera
Landryia JFL156 59a1726.65n  –  1675.65
© Jim Vargo
Landryia JFL156
Arotrura sponsella 59a1690  –  1676
© Jerry Powell
Arotrura sponsella
Arotrura sponsella 59a1690  –  1676
(cc) Miss. Ent. Mus.
Arotrura sponsella
Arotrura sponsella 59a1690  –  1676
(cc) Miss. Ent. Mus.
Arotrura sponsella
Arotrura balli 59a1689  –  1676.1
Arotrura balli
Arotrura hymenata 59a1691  –  1676.2
Arotrura hymenata
Rhamphura suffusa 59a1702  –  1677
Rhamphura suffusa
Scythris trivinctella 59a1713  –  1678
© Jim Vargo
Scythris trivinctella
Scythris trivinctella 59a1713  –  1678
Miss. Ent. Museum
Scythris trivinctella
Scythris trivinctella 59a1713  –  1678
© Jerry Powell
Scythris trivinctella
Scythris ypsilon 59a1714  –  1679
© Jerry Powell
Scythris ypsilon
Areniscythris brachypteris 59a1731  –  1680
Areniscythris brachypteris
Areniscythris whitesands 59a1732  –  1680.1
Areniscythris whitesands


Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group

Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone