16a0080 –
0058 Zimmermannia mesoloba
(Davis, 1978)
Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. Contact individual photographers for permission to use for any purpose. |
 - gen. - DNA - LG - © Tom Murray
Similar Species: |
- Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: |
mesoloba (Davis, 1978) (Ectoedemia) - MONA 1983: 0058 TL: Pensacola, Escambia Co. FL.coruscella (Wilkinson, 1981) (Ectoedemia) TL: Putnam Co., IL. |
Taxonomic Notes: |
Zimmermannia mesoloba (Davis, 1978), n. comb., was previously in the genus Ectoedemia and includes as a synonym Ectoedemia coruscella Wilkinson, 1981 (Van Nieukerken et al. 2016). |
References |
- Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification, and some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.
- Davis, D.R., 1978. New Leaf-Mining Moths of the Family Nepticulidae from Florida. The Florida Entomologist, 61(4): 209; figs. 1, 15-17. (read online)
- Species Page at BugGuide.Net
- Species Page at Mass Moths
- Van Nieukerken, E.J., C. Doorenweerd, R.J.B. Hoare, D.R. Davis, 2016. Revised classification and catalogue of global Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera, Nepticuloidea). ZooKeys, 628: 65-246.
- Wilkinson, C., P.J. Newton, 1981. A supplement to the genus Ectoedemia Busck (Nepticulidae: Lepidoptera) in North America, dealing with some difficult species and also some new ones. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 124: 99; fig. 2.

9mm - LG – © Jim Vargo
 - LG – (cc) U. S. National Museum