91a0143 –
7425 Venusia cambrica
Curtis, 1839
Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. Contact individual photographers for permission to use for any purpose. |
DNA - © Dick Wilson
Description/ Field Marks: |
Males have antennae bipectinate. |
Genitalia: |
See British Lepidoptera |
Similar Species: |
- Venusia cambrica is represented at BOLD by two BIN groups: AAA1585, North American, and AAA1586, Eurasian. DNA barcode separates the two by ~4.62% which supports treatment as two separate species. If split, the name V. scitularia, Walker, 1860, TL=NY, currently treated as a synonym of cambrica, would seem to apply to the NA population.
- Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: |
cambricaria Guenée, [1858] (Venusia)cambrica Curtis, 1839 (Venusia) - MONA 1983: 7425 TL: "Hafad in Cardigan [Wales], near Devil's Bridge". erutaria (Boisduval, 1840) (Hydrelia) nebulosaria (Freyer, 1852) (Cidaria) scitularia (Walker, 1860) (Tephrosia) TL: New York. shuotsu Bryk, 1949 (Venusia) terraenovae (Krogerus, 1954) (Hydrelia) N. SYN. TL: Newfoundland. |
Taxonomic Notes: |
Venusia cambrica Curtis, 1839 includes as a synonym Hydrelia terraenovae Krogerus, 1954 (Schmidt & McGuinness in Pohl & Nanz (eds.) 2023). |
References |
- Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification, and some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.
- Barcode of Life (BOLD) - BIN: BOLD:AAA1585 (North America) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification.
- Barcode of Life (BOLD) - BIN: BOLD:AAA1586 (Eurasia) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification.
- Curtis, J., 1823-1840. British Entomology; Being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects Found in Great Britain and Ireland: Containing Coloured Figures from Nature of the Most Rare and Beautiful Species, and in Many Instances of the Plants upon which they are Found, Vol. 6; Lepidoptera, Part 2: pl. 759. (not paginated, description follows plate)
- Krogerns, H., 1954. Investigations on the Lepidoptera of Newfoundland. I. Macrolepidoptera. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 82: 1-80.
- Packard, A.S., 1874. Catalogue of the Phalaenidae of California. No. 2. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 16: 13-40.
- Pohl, G. R. and S. R. Nanz (eds.), 2023. Annotated Taxonomic Checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Bakersfield, California, xiv + 580 pp. (order).
- Powell, J. A. & P. A. Opler, 2009. Moths of Western North America, Pl. 33.5m; p. 227. Book Review and ordering
- Species Page at British Lepidoptera by Chris Lewis
- Species Page at BugGuide.Net
- Species Page at Mass Moths
- Walker, F., 1860. Gemeotrites. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 21: 406. (scitularia, syn.)

© John Davis

© Libby & Rick Avis - DNA
LG – © Jim Troubridge
LG – © Jim Troubridge

27mm – © Jim Vargo