47a0032 –
2641 Neocaloreas leucobasis
(Fernald, 1900)
Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. Contact individual photographers for permission to use for any purpose. |
© Michel Kleinbaum
Distribution: |
"Southeastern Canada (Ontario and Quebec) and northeastern USA (Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont) (likely also in Maine and northern New York; Connecticut?)" - Heppner (2022). |
Similar Species: |
- Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: |
leucobasis (Fernald, 1900) (Choreutis) - MONA 1983: 2641 TL: Lectotype: [Amherst, Hampshire Co.], Massachusetts.leucobasis (Dyar, 1900) (Choreutis) nom. nud. |
Taxonomic Notes: |
Neocaloreas leucobasis (Dyar, 1900), n. comb. in Heppner (2022), was formerly in the genus Caloreas, Lepidoptera Novae, 15(1-2): 66. |
References |
- Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification, and some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.
- Fernald, C.H., 1900. On the North American species of Choreutis and its allies. The Canadian Entomologist, 32: 245.
- Hall et al., 2021. The Moths of North Carolina - website (identification, habitats and life history)
- Heppner, J.B., 2022. Nearctic Metalmark Moths, 6. Genus Caloreas and new genus Neocaloreas (Lepidoptera: Choreutidae: Choreutinae). Lepidoptera Novae, 15(1-2): 66; Fig. 51, 74-76, 84-87, F20, M20.
- Species Page at BugGuide.Net
- Species Page at Mass Moths

© Andrew Bateman
 - Lectotype - LG – © Jadranka Rota

© Jason Dombroskie