990240n –
19240 Cydia splendana
(Hübner, [1799])
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Distribution: |
Europe; not found in North America north of Mexico. |
Seasonality and Size: |
Forewing length ranges 6.5-10.5mm. Adults complete a single generation each year and are present from June-July in Central and Northern Europe and August to September in Southern Europe. |
Larva and Host Plants: |
Larvae fed primarily in Castanea (Fagaceae: Chestnut) and are most commonly intercepted on C. sativa (sweet chestnut). Gilligan & Passoa (2014) identify several larval characters that should be met for a positive identification: • Originates from Europe • On Castanea (or Fagaceae) • D1 and SD1 on A9 on the same pinaculum • Distance between V setae on A9 slightly to conspicuously greater than that between V setae on A8 • Number of crochets on most prolegs 19 or fewer (variable from proleg to proleg) • Prothoracic shield without typical C. pomonella mottling • Anal comb absent |
Description/ Field Marks: |
Forewings color varies from whitish to light gray to gray-brown. A dark-brown to black subtriangular spot (also referred to as post-median fascia, or pre-tornal spot) borders a shiny grey-purplish ocellus. |
Similar Species: |
- Superficially similar to C. kurokoi which occurs only in Asia. Other similar species include C. fagiglandana and C. pomonella. Genitalic dissection may be necessary to confirm the identity of C. splendana. The above mentioned species may be distinguished from C. splendana using female genitalia which has a long and very narrow ductus bursae which is double the length of sternite VII. The ductus bursae in C. kurokoi and C. fagiglandana barely extends beyond sternite VII, and does not extend past sternite VII in C. pomonella.
The shape of the valve and tegument may be used in males to differentiate species. C. pomonella possess a ventral projection at the base of the cucullus, not seen in C. splendana. The tegumen in C. kurokoi narrows medially and is with a narrow apex; C. splendana has a wider tegument, medially, and is broad at the apex, with two noticeable swollen “shoulders”. The valves of C. fagiglandana are more setose than C. splendana, with setae extending the entire cucullus almost to the sacculus, whereas the setae of C. splendana are concentrated at the edge, or one third, of the cucullus. - Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
References |
- (1) Gilligan, T.M., and Epstein, M.E. 2012. Tortricids of Agricultural Importance website
- (2) Gilligan, T.M., and Passoa. 2014. LepIntercept- An identification resource for intercepted Lepidoptera larvae. USDA-APHIS-PPQ Identification Technology Program (ITP). Fort Collins, CO. website
- (3) Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: Some specimens shown may not be sequenced. DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness not proof of identification.
Photographs are needed for this species. |