990114n –
19114 Chilo partellus
(Swinhoe, 1885)
Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. Contact individual photographers for permission to use for any purpose. |
© Christi Jaeger, MEM
Distribution: |
Distributed throughout the Old World, including India, East Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Sudan, and Malawi; not found in North America north of Mexico. |
Seasonality and Size: |
Generations per year dependent on climate and foodplant availability. In areas where there is a mosaic of rice fields sown at different times, then there may be many oviposition periods and therefor overlapping generations. Forewing length 13mm |
Larva and Host Plants: |
Oryza sativa (rice), Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum halepense (sorghum), Zea mays (maize/corn), Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane), Panicum maximum (millet), Pennisetum americanum and Pennisetum glaucum (millet) |
Description/ Field Marks: |
Forewings straw colored, uniformly suffused with yellowish brown, out margin with row of small dark brown spots. Hindwing uniformly white. Ocelli present. Frons forward pointing. |
Similar Species: |
- Male S. suppresalis adults may be distinguished from C. partellus by the presence of a sharply pointed, forward projecting frons, with ventral margin ridgelike. C. partellus has a forward projecting frons but lacks the sharp point and ventral ridge. C. partellus closely resembles many other Chilo species and genitalia should be examined to confirm identity. Female genitalia of C. partellus is with a lamellate signum with a median ridge; C. suppresalis signum is narrow and slit-like with a median ridge. C. plegadellus with a prominent “narrow, elongate signum, about half-length of corpus bursae”. Superficially resembles Diatraea saccharalis, or D. lineolata; to distinguish them, examine the frons which is convex in D. saccharalis and D. lineolata, and forwarding pointing in Chilo. Furthermor, Diatraea lack an ocellus, which is present in Chilo
- Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: |
partellus (Swinhoe, 1885) |
References |
- (1) Natural History Museum: HOSTS- website
- (2) Khan, Z.R., Litsinger, J.A., Barrion, A.T., Villanueva, F.F.D., Fernandex, N.J., and Taylo, L.D. 1991. World Bibliography of Rice Stem Borers 1795-1990. International Rice Research Institute [pdf]
 – © Christi Jaeger, MEM