SangMi Lee's Gelechiidae -- Neotropical Species
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All photographs © 2010 by
SangMi Lee and Mississippi Entomological Museum unless otherwise noted.
Neotropical Species
Anacampsis phytomiella - Panama
Anthistarcha geniatella - Panama
Aristotelia sarcodes - Panama
Battaristis emissurella - Brazil
Charistica walkeri - Panama
Commatica cyanorrhoa - Brazil
Cymotricha miltophragma - Venezuela
Dichomeris arotrosema - Guatemala
Dichomeris habrochitona - Panama
Dichomeris hemichrysella - Panama
Dichomeris mistipalpis - Panama
Dichomeris stratella - British Virgin Islands
Dichomeris subtratella - Mexico
Dissoptila mutabilis - Guyana
Euchionodes traditions - Venezuela
Gelechia ophiaula - Paraguay
Helcystogramma symbolica - Guyana
Parastega chionostigma - Panama
Parastega nivesignella - Mexico
Ptycerata solanivora - Guatemala
Semophylax apicepuncta - Guatemala
Stegasta capitella - U.S. Virgin Islands
Thiotricha sciurella - Costa Rica
Zelosyne olga - Guyana