Geometridae -- Larentiinae -- Hydriomenini
7196 -- Lesser Grapevine Looper Moth
Eulithis diversilineata
Geometridae -- Larentiinae -- Xanthorhoini
7414 -- The Gem Moth
Orthonama obstipata
7416 -- Bent-line Carpet Moth
Orthonama centrostrigaria
7417 -- Somber Carpet Moth
Disclisioprocta stellata
Geometridae -- Larentiinae -- Eupitheciini
7474 -- Common Eupithecia Moth
Eupithecia miserulata
Geometridae -- Larentiinae -- Lobophorini
7648 -- The Bad-wing Moth
Dyspteris abortivaria
7662 -- Melsheimer's Sack-bearer Moth
Cicinnus melsheimeri
7663 -- Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Apatelodes torrefacta
7670 -- Large Tolype Moth
Tolype velleda
7683 -- Dot-lined White Moth
Artace cribraria
7701 -- Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma americanum
7704 -- Imperial Moth
Eacles imperialis
7715 -- Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda
7723 -- Pink-striped Oakworm Moth [F]
Anisota virginiensis
7746 -- Io Moth [F]
Automeris io
7757 -- Polyphemus Moth
Antheraea polyphemus
Sphingidae -- Sphinginae
7775 -- Carolina Sphinx Moth
Manduca sexta
7787 -- Waved Sphinx Moth
Ceratomia undulosa
Sphingidae -- Macroglossinae
7851 -- Mournful Sphinx Moth
Enyo lugubris
7861 -- Achemon Sphinx Moth
Eumorpha achemon
7865 -- Banded Sphinx Moth
Eumorpha fasciata
7871 -- Lettered Sphinx Moth
Deidamia inscripta
7885 -- Virginia Creeper Sphinx Moth
Darapsa myron
7890 -- Tersa Sphinx Moth
Xylophanes tersa
7905 -- Azalea Caterpillar Moth
Datana major
7907 -- Walnut Caterpillar Moth larva
Datana integerrima
7915 -- White-dotted Prominent Moth
Nadata gibbosa
7921 -- Chocolate Prominent Moth
Peridea ferruginia
7951 -- White-headed Prominent Moth
Symmerista albifrons
7975 -- Mottled Prominent Moth
Macrurocampa marthesia
7977 -- Astarte Prominent Moth
Heterocampa astarte
7983 -- Oblique heterocampa Moth
Heterocampa obliqua
7999 -- Double-lined Prominent Moth
Lochmaeus bilineata
8005 -- Morning-glory Prominent Moth
Schizura ipomoeae
8045.1 -- Pale Lichen Moth
Crambidia pallida
8061 -- Kentucky Lichen Moth
Cisthene kentuckiensis
8068 -- Striated Lichen Moth
Cisthene striata
8071 -- Subject Lichen Moth
Cisthene subjecta
8090 -- Painted Lichen Moth
Hypoprepia fucosa
8098 -- Little White Lichen Moth
Clemensia albata
8102 -- Dyar's Lichen Moth
Afrida ydatodes
8105-6 -- Bella Moth
Utetheisa bella
8118 -- Tawny Holomelina Moth
Holomelina opella
8122 -- Ruddy Holomelina Moth
Holomelina rubicundaria