33a0113 –
0649 Parectopa bosquella
(Chambers, 1876)
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Description/ Field Marks: |
"Very near G. ( Parcetopa) robiniella Clem., but still quite distinct Head and thorax white with an indistinct narrow brown line from the anterior margin of the thorax to the apex; palpi pale grayish or grayish white; antennae brown; legs brown, the tarsi annulate with white; abdomen brown; anal tuft whitish. Fore wings brown, the apical half dusted with white, the dusting becoming more dense towards the apex; there are three costal white streaks, the first near or a little behind the basal fourth; the second is a little larger, and just beyond the middle both of these are oblique and the second is a little curved; the third before the ciliae is smaller and perpendicular to the margin. There is a basal streak just within the dorsal margin, and which extends to the basal fourth of the wing length; a little beyond this and opposite the point of the first costal streak is a rather large obliquely curved white dorsal streak; the second dorsal streak is opposite the end of the second costal and the third dorsal is small, perpendicular to the margin and opposite to the third costal, from which it is separated by a straight brown fascia, which appears very distinct in the dusted portion of the wing. Ciliae white with a wide dark brown hinder marginal line extending around their base and another beyond the middle, and a short brown " hook " at their apex. Al. ex. f& inch. Collected by Mr. Belfrage in Bosque Co., Texas." - Chambers, 1876. |
Similar Species: |
- Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
Synonymy: |
bosquella (Chambers, 1876) (Gracilaria) emend. - MONA 1983: 0649 Type locality: Bosque Co., TX.basquella; (Chambers, 1876) (Gracilaria) orig. missp. |
Taxonomic Notes: |
Parectopa bosquella (Chambers, 1876) includes as a synonym Parectopa basquella (Chambers, 1876), original incorrect spelling (lapsus calami). |
References |
- Chambers, V.T., 1876. Tineina. The Canadian Entomologist, 8: 33.
LG – © McGuire Center Coll.