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51a0052 – 3551   Acleris inana (Robinson, 1869)
Distribution Data for Acleris inana
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Genitalia: Identified by female genitalia, see Clark (1987).
Similar Species:
  • Acleris flavivittana (Clemens, 1864) cannot be separated and is likely the same species.
  • Acleris inana of authors; (not Robinson, 1869) flies only in late Summer and Fall and is best separated by genitalia.
  • Acleris robinsoniana (Forbes, 1923) flies in Spring and is best separated by genitalia.
  • Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
  • inana (Robinson, 1869) (Teras) - MONA 1983: 3551 TL: Massachusetts.
  • Taxonomic Notes: Acleris inana (Robinson, 1869): McDunnough (1934) described and illustrated genitalia for inana. However, as explained by Clarke (1987:175), McDunnough did not refer to the lectotype designated by Klots (1942:414), and what he described was not that species. This apparently undescribed, late summer/fall species is referred to here as "Acleris inana of authors; (not Robinson, 1869)". Clarke found no differences between the lectotpye of inana and putative A. flavivittana, but he stopped short of making a formal synonymy because the type of flavivittana was determined to be lost, leaving the status of inana in limbo. Pohl et al. (2010:424) treated North American records of A. lipsiana as inana. Those records are now regarded as referring to A. capizziana by Gilligan & Brown (in Pohl & Nanz (eds.) 2023) following the the findings in Gilligan et al. (2020:9). The name inana is retained here, but MPG treats all records of inana (excluding those of inana of authors) as flavivittana, pending formal revision.
    • Clarke, J.F.G., 1987. The correct identification of Acleris inana (Robinbson) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 89: 175-176.
    • Gilligan, T.M., J.W. Brown, J, Baixeras, 2020. Immigrant Tortricidae: Holarctic versus Introduced Species in North America. Insects, 11(9), 594: 1-59.
    • Klots, A.B., 1942. Type material of North American Microlepidoptera other than Aegeriidae in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 79: 391-424.
    • McDunnough, J.H., 1934. The Canadian species of the Canadian genus Peronea. Canadian Journal of Research, 11: 290-332.
    • Pohl, G. R. and S. R. Nanz (eds.), 2023. Annotated Taxonomic Checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Bakersfield, California, xiv + 580 pp. (order).
    • Pohl, G.R., G.G. Anweiler, B.C. Schmidt, & N.G. Kondla, 2010. An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Alberta, Canada. ZooKeys, 38: 1-549.
    • Robinson, C.T., 1869. Notes on American Tortricidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 2: 281; pl. 7, fig. 65.
    • Species Page at Mass Moths
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    Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

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    Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone