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Digital Guide to Moth Identification

59a1840 – 1447   Mompha minimella (Chambers, 1881)
Distribution Data for Mompha minimella
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Field Marks:
"Head and palpi, white; antennae, brown; legs, sordid whitish, marked with brown on their anterior surfaces. Basal third of the forewings white, stained with fuscus along the fold, and bordered behind on the costal margin by a dark brown line, which extends half way across the wing, thence to the tip the wing is yellowish ochreous, with short but distinct brownish, costal streaks, opposite to the second of which, but scarcely touching the dorsal margin, is a brown streak, concave toward the base of the wing; there is a blackish, longitudinal line in the middle of the apical part of the wing; costal and apical cilia, white; dorsal cilia, fuscus, three hinder marginal brown lines in the costal and apical cilia, placed respectively at their base, middle and tip. Al. ex.. one fourth inch or a little more. Amherst, Goodell." (Chambers 1881)
Similar Species:
  • Pinned specimens of related species. (Hint: select View by Region on the related species page.)
  • minimella (Chambers, 1881) (Laverna) - MONA 1983: 1447; TL: Amherst, MA.
  • Taxonomic Notes: Laverna minimella Chambers, 1881 was erroneously listed with the author year "1880" in Pohl & Nanz (eds.) 2023) (Checklist) and Hodges et al. (1983) (Checklist).
    References (Caution: DNA barcoding at BOLD provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification; some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.)
    • Chambers, V.T., 1881. New species of Tineina. The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, 3(4): 294.
    Photographs are needed for this species.

    Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

    Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group

    Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone