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Digital Guide to Moth Identification

North American Lepidoptera Genitalia Library
3301920606.1Caloptilia populetorum (Zeller, 1839)
  • Caloptilia populetorum (Zeller, 1839) was added to the list based on DNA barcoded and then subsequently removed due to possible confusion with 0640 Caloptilia strictella. The true identity of C. strictella is unsettled, see Landry et al. (2013:18).
  • Barcode of Life (BOLD) - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification, and some BOLD specimens shown may not be sequenced.
  • Barcode of Life (BOLD) - BIN: BOLD:AAC7830 - Caution: DNA barcode provides evidence of relatedness, not proof of identification.
  • Landry, J.-F., V. Nazari, J.R. Dewaard, M. Mutanen, C. Lopez-Vaamonde, P. Huemer, P.D.N. Hebert, 2013. Shared but overlooked: 30 species of Holarctic Microlepidoptera revealed by DNA barcodes and morphology. Zootaxa, 3749(1): 1-93.
  • McDunnough, J.H., 1946. Gracillariid studies (Gracillariidae, Lepidoptera). The Canadian Entomologist, 78(5): 91-95. (paid access)
  • Species Page at BugGuide.Net
  • Species Page at Global Taxonomic Database of Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera)
  • Zeller, P.C., 1839. Versuch einer naturgemässen Eintheilung der Schaben. Isis von Oken, 1839: 209.

Caloptilia populetorum
- © Anthony W. Thomas
Collected by A. Anctil, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC.
Det: J-F Landry
Caloptilia populetorum
- © Anthony W. Thomas
Genitalia of three individual specimens collected by A. Anctil from Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC.
Det: J-F Landry

Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

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Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone