0003 | Dyseriocrania griseocapitella | Chinquapin Leaf-miner |
0013.1 | Eriocraniella mediabulla | |
0043 | Ectoedemia platanella | |
0044 | Ectoedemia clemensella | |
0045 | Ectoedemia similella | |
0046 | Ectoedemia virgulae | |
0050 | Ectoedemia nyssaefoliella | |
0053 | Zimmermannia obrutella | |
0055 | Zimmermannia bosquella | |
0058 | Zimmermannia mesoloba | |
0061 | Fomoria hypericella | |
0076 | Stigmella gossypii | Cotton Leafminer |
0076.1 | Stigmella inconspicuella | |
0079 | Stigmella slingerlandella | |
0088 | Stigmella macrocarpae | |
0090 | Stigmella castaneaefoliella | |
0093 | Stigmella ostryaefoliella | |
0094 | Stigmella myricafoliella | |
0095 | Stigmella juglandifoliella | Pecan Serpentine Leafminer |
0097 | Stigmella condaliafoliella | |
0112.1 | Acalyptris bipinnatellus | |
0113 | Acalyptris bicornutus | |
0115 | Acalyptris tenuijuxtus | |
0117 | Enteucha basidactyla | |
0118 | Enteucha gilvafascia | |
0119 | Pseudopostega cretea | |
0119.1 | Pseudopostega floridensis | |
0119.2 | Pseudopostega parakempella | |
0119.5 | Pseudopostega venticola | |
0121 | Pseudopostega albogaleriella | |
0122 | Pseudopostega quadristrigella | |
0124 | Pseudopostega kempella | |
0125 | Opostegoides scioterma | Gooseberry Barkminer |
0130 | Coptotriche lucida | |
0140 | Coptotriche castaneaeella | |
0143 | Coptotriche zelleriella | |
0144 | Tischeria quercitella | Oak Blotch Miner |
0149 | Coptotriche aenea | Blackberry Leafminer |
0160 | Astrotischeria ambrosiaeella | |
0161 | Astrotischeria helianthi | |
0163.1 | Astrotischeria melantheranella | |
0197.2 | Tegeticula cassandra | |
0197.4 | Tegeticula intermedius | |
0198 | Tegeticula yuccasella | Yucca Moth |
0200.1 | Prodoxus decipiens | Bogus Yucca Moth |
0227 | Adela caeruleella | Southern Longhorn Moth |
0234 | Antispila nysaefoliella | Tupelo Leafminer |
0235 | Heliozela eugeniella | |
0244 | Coptodisca diospyriella | |
0245 | Coptodisca condaliae | |
0261 | Nemapogon acapnopennella | |
0262 | Nemapogon angulifasciella | |
0263 | Nemapogon auropulvella | |
0266 | Nemapogon granella | European Grain Moth |
0272 | Nemapogon rileyi | |
0275 | Nemapogon variatella | |
0276 | Doleromorpha porphyria | |
0279 | Diachorisia velatella | |
0284 | Homosetia argentinotella | |
0287 | Homosetia bifasciella | |
0288 | Homosetia chrysoadspersella | |
0291 | Homosetia fasciella | |
0295 | Homosetia tricingulatella | |
0299 | Isocorypha mediostriatella | Old Gold Isocorypha |
0300 | Hybroma servulella | Yellow Wave |
0301 | Homostinea curviliniella | |
0302 | Pompostolella charipepla | |
0303 | Erechthias zebrina | |
0304 | Erechthias minuscula | Caribbean Scavenger |
0305 | Mea bipunctella | Two-spotted Mea |
0306 | Mea skinnerella | |
0307.1 | Dryadaula terpsichorella | The Dancing Moth |
0307.85 | Dryadaula nr. visaliella | |
0308 | Scardiella approximatella | |
0311 | Scardia anatomella | |
0315 | Diataga leptosceles | |
0317 | Xylesthia pruniramiella | Clemens' Bark Moth |
0317.96 | Xylesthia n. sp. | Undescribed Xylesthia |
0319 | Kearfottia albifasciella | |
0324 | Cephimallota obscurostrigella | |
0325 | Haplotinea insectella | Fungus Grain Moth |
0329 | Amydria brevipennella | |
0333 | Amydria dyarella | |
0334 | Amydria effrenatella | |
0335 | Amydria margoriella | |
0340 | Acrolophus arcanella | Arcane Grass Tubeworm |
0343 | Acrolophus bicornutus | |
0347 | Acrolophus cressoni | Cresson's Grass Tubeworm |
0353 | Acrolophus forbesi | |
0355.1 | Acrolophus heppneri | |
0355.5 | Acrolophus harparsen | |
0366 | Acrolophus mortipennella | |
0367 | Acrolophus mora | |
0367.1 | Acrolophus mycetophagus | Frilly Grass Tubeworm |
0368 | Acrolophus panamae | Panama Grass Tubeworm |
0370 | Acrolophus persimplex | |
0370.1 | Acrolophus pholeter | |
0371 | Acrolophus piger | Piger Grass Tubeworm |
0372 | Acrolophus plumifrontella | Eastern Grass Tubeworm |
0373 | Acrolophus popeanella | Pope's Grass Tubeworm |
0374 | Acrolophus propinqua | Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm |
0381 | Acrolophus simulatus | |
0382.1 | Acrolophus spilotus | |
0383 | Acrolophus texanella | Texas Grass Tubeworm |
0386.1 | Acrolophus walsinghami | |
0390 | Phereoeca uterella | Household Casebearer |
0392 | Tinea apicimaculella | |
0394 | Tinea carnariella | |
0400 | Tinea mandarinella | Mandarin Tinea |
0405 | Tinea pellionella | Casemaking Clothes Moth |
0409 | Tinea unomaculella | |
0411 | Niditinea fuscella | European House Moth |
0414 | Ceratophaga vicinella | Gopher Tortoise Moth |
0415 | Monopis crocicapitella | Bird Nest Moth |
0418.1 | Monopis longella | |
0422 | Eccritothrix guenterella | |
0423 | Praeacedes atomosella | African Scavenger |
0425 | Elatobia carbonella | |
0426 | Tineola bisselliella | Webbing Clothes Moth |
0426.1 | Xystrologa grenadella | |
0426.2 | Xystrologa n. sp. 1 | |
0426.6 | Xystrologa n. sp. 5 | |
0428 | Setomorpha rutella | Tropical Tobacco Moth |
0430 | Phaeoses sabinella | |
0432 | Opogona floridensis | |
0432.1 | Opogona sacchari | Banana Moth |
0433.1 | Opogona purpuriella | |
0434.1 | Pelecystola nearctica | |
0439 | Prochalia pygmaea | |
0440 | Zamopsyche commentella | |
0441 | Cryptothelea nigrita | Nigrita Bagworm |
0442 | Cryptothelea gloverii | |
0443 | Astala confederata | |
0450 | Basicladus tracyi | |
0451 | Basicladus celibata | |
0454 | Oiketicus abbotii | Abbot's Bagworm |
0457 | Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis | Belted Clearwing, Evergreen Bagworm |
0461 | Euprora argentiliniella | |
0462 | Philonome clemensella | |
0465 | Bedellia minor | Florida Morning-glory Leafminer |
0466 | Bedellia somnulentella | Morning-glory Leafminer |
0474 | Proleucoptera smilaciella | |
0477 | Leucoptera erythrinella | Coral Bean Leaf Miner |
0478 | Leucoptera guettardella | |
0478.1 | Leucoptera coffeella | |
0484 | Bucculatrix fusicola | |
0485 | Bucculatrix solidaginiella | |
0487 | Bucculatrix magnella | |
0488 | Bucculatrix needhami | |
0498 | Bucculatrix bicristata | |
0513 | Bucculatrix staintonella | |
0516 | Bucculatrix kimballi | |
0517 | Bucculatrix ivella | |
0524 | Bucculatrix plucheae | |
0569 | Bucculatrix cerina | |
0582 | Bucculatrix thurberiella | |
0592 | Caloptilia azaleella | Azalea Leafminer |
0594 | Caloptilia belfragella | |
0595 | Caloptilia bimaculatella | |
0598 | Caloptilia burserella | |
0608 | Caloptilia hypericella | |
0622 | Caloptilia paradoxum | |
0623 | Caloptilia perseae | |
0627 | Povolnya quercinigrella | |
0630 | Caloptilia rhoifoliella | Sumac Leafblotch Miner |
0633 | Caloptilia sassafrasella | Sassafras Caloptilia |
0636 | Caloptilia sebastianiella | |
0639 | Caloptilia stigmatella | |
0641 | Caloptilia superbifrontella | |
0644 | Caloptilia violacella | |
0644.1 | Caloptilia triadicae | |
0650 | "Parectopa" bumeliella | |
0657 | Parectopa robiniella | Locust Digitate Leafminer |
0659 | Neurolipa randiella | |
0663 | Neurobathra strigifinitella | |
0663.1 | Neurobathra curcassi | Jatropha Leafminer |
0673 | Parornix geminatella | Unspotted Tentiform Leafminer |
0684 | Parornix texanella | |
0687 | Chilocampyla dyariella | |
0689 | Acrocercops albinatella | |
0694 | [Ornixolinae - No Genus] quinquistrigella | |
0696 | Eucosmophora sideroxylonella | |
0696.1 | Eucosmophora manilkarae | |
0696.2 | Eucosmophora pithecellobiae | |
0698 | Leucospilapteryx venustella | |
0699 | Metriochroa psychotriella | |
0711 | Marmara guilandinella | |
0713 | Marmara opuntiella | |
0718 | Marmara smilacisella | |
0718.1 | Marmara gulosa | Citrus Peelminer |
0718.2 | Marmara habecki | |
0720.1 | Cremastobombycia chromolaenae | |
0723 | Cremastobombycia solidaginis | |
0724 | Cremastobombycia verbesinella | |
0725 | Anarsioses aberrans | |
0741 | Phyllonorycter caryaealbella | |
0742 | Phyllonorycter celtifoliella | |
0752 | Phyllonorycter fitchella | |
0764 | Phyllonorycter lucetiella | Basswood Miner |
0771.2 | Phyllonorycter mildredae | |
0789 | Phyllonorycter rileyella | |
0790 | Macrosaccus robiniella | |
0801 | Macrosaccus uhlerella | |
0804 | Cameraria aesculisella | |
0811 | Cameraria caryaefoliella | Pecan Leafminer |
0815 | Cameraria cincinnatiella | Gregarious Oak Leafminer |
0816 | Cameraria conglomeratella | |
0822 | Cameraria guttifinitella | |
0823 | Cameraria hamadryadella | Solitary Oak Leafminer |
0824 | Cameraria hamameliella | |
0835 | Cameraria quercivorella | |
0838 | Cameraria tubiferella | |
0843 | Porphyrosela desmodiella | |
0844 | Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella | |
0846 | Phyllocnistis insignis | |
0847 | Phyllocnistis intermediella | |
0848 | Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella | |
0849 | Phyllocnistis liriodendronella | |
0851.1 | Phyllocnistis meliacella | Mahogany Leafminer |
0852.1 | Phyllocnistis subpersea | |
0853 | Phyllocnistis vitegenella | |
0854 | Phyllocnistis vitifoliella | |
0854.1 | Phyllocnistis citrella | Citrus Leafminer |
0866 | Agonopterix eupatoriiella | |
0889 | Agonopterix argillacea | |
0890 | Agonopterix amissella | |
0898 | Agonopterix amyrisella | |
0921 | Depressaria cinereocostella | |
0953 | Eupragia hospita | |
0955 | Psilocorsis quercicella | Oak Leaftier |
0956 | Psilocorsis cryptolechiella | Black-fringed Leaftier |
0957 | Psilocorsis reflexella | Dotted Leaftier |
0987 | Ethmia monticola | Gray Ethmia |
0994.1 | Ethmia abraxasella | |
0994.2 | Ethmia submissa | |
0994.3 | Ethmia subsimilis | |
0995 | Ethmia notatella | |
0996 | Ethmia confusella | |
0997 | Ethmia julia | |
0998 | Ethmia farrella | |
0998.1 | Ethmia powelli | |
0999.1 | Ethmia kutisi | |
1003 | Ethmia trifurcella | |
1009 | Pseuderotis obiterella | |
1010.1 | Autosticha kyotensis | Kyoto Moth (Introduced, Japan) |
1011 | Antaeotricha schlaegeri | Schlaeger's Fruitworm |
1013 | Antaeotricha unipunctella | |
1014 | Antaeotricha leucillana | Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth |
1015 | Antaeotricha osseella | |
1016 | Antaeotricha decorosella | |
1019 | Antaeotricha humilis | Dotted Anteotricha Moth |
1024 | Antaeotricha albulella | |
1024.1 | Antaeotricha floridella | |
1026 | Rectiostoma xanthobasis | Yellow-vested Moth |
1028 | Menestomorpha oblongata | |
1029 | Menestomorpha kimballi | |
1030 | Menesta tortriciformella | |
1031 | Menesta melanella | |
1032 | Gonioterma mistrella | |
1034 | Inga sparsiciliella | Black-marked Inga |
1035 | Inga cretacea | Chalky Inga |
1042 | Decantha boreasella | Reticulated Decantha |
1043 | Decantha stecia | |
1046 | Callima argenticinctella | Orange-headed Epicallima |
1047 | Callima nathrax | |
1066 | Martyringa xeraula | Himalayan Grain Moth |
1068 | Eido trimaculella | |
1070 | Stathmopoda elyella | |
1072 | Idioglossa miraculosa | |
1118.2 | Elachista aristoteliella | |
1119 | Elachista solitaria | |
1123.1 | Elachista glenni | |
1124 | Elachista cucullata | |
1124.1 | Elachista calusella | |
1132 | Elachista brachyelytrifoliella | |
1132.1 | Elachista saccharella | Sugarcane Leafminer |
1132.2 | Elachista dulcinella | |
1134.1 | Spinitibia hodgesi | |
1135 | Sceptea aequepulvella | |
1136 | Glyphidocera barythyma | |
1136.1 | Glyphidocera juniperella | Juniper Tip Moth |
1137 | Glyphidocera democratica | |
1138 | Glyphidocera floridanella | |
1139 | Glyphidocera lactiflosella | Five-spotted Glyphidocera |
1141 | Glyphidocera meyrickella | |
1142 | Glyphidocera septentrionella | |
1143 | Glyphidocera dimorphella | |
1144 | Gerdana caritella | |
1148 | Holcocera guilandinae | |
1158 | Holcocera coccivorella | Scale-feeding Scavenger |
1160 | Blastobasis floridella | |
1162 | Blastobasis glandulella | Acorn Moth |
1162.3 | Blastobasis taurusella | |
1164 | Blastobasis quaintancella | |
1166 | Blastobasis retectella | |
1167 | Blastobasis pulchella | |
1168 | Calosima argyrosplendella | |
1169 | Calosima dianella | Eastern Pine Catkin Borer |
1169.1 | Calosima lucidella | |
1175 | Holcocera chalcofrontella | |
1178 | Holcocera crassicornella | |
1181 | Calosima elyella | |
1184 | Hypatopa funebra | |
1197 | Calosima melanostriatella | |
1198 | Hypatopa messelinella | |
1208 | Hypatopa punctiferella | |
1214 | Hypatopa spretella | |
1221 | Holcocera immaculella | |
1232 | Pigritia laticapitella | |
1246 | Pigritia murtfeldtella | |
1256 | Coleophora tiliaefoliella | |
1288 | Coleophora manitoba | |
1291 | Coleophora laticornella | Pecan Cigar Casebearer |
1295 | Coleophora ostryae | |
1336 | Coleophora texanella | |
1387 | Coleophora mayrella | Metallic Coleophora |
1396.1 | Coleophora xyridella | |
1398 | Homaledra octagonella | Octagonal Casemaker |
1398.01 | Homaledra howardi | |
1398.3 | Coleophora ladonia | |
1405 | Batrachedra testor | |
1406 | Batrachedra busiris | |
1414 | Batrachedra mathesoni | |
1415 | Batrachedra libator | |
1416 | Batrachedra decoctor | |
1420 | Duospina trichella | |
1421 | Homaledra heptathalama | Exclamation Moth |
1422 | Homaledra sabalella | Palm Leaf Skeletonizer |
1422.1 | Homaledra knudsoni | |
1429 | Mompha bottimeri | Bottimer's Mompha |
1430 | Mompha brevivittella | |
1433 | Mompha cephalanthiella | Buttonbush Leafminer |
1434 | Mompha circumscriptella | Circumscript Mompha |
1443 | Mompha eloisella | Red-streaked Mompha |
1448 | Mompha albocapitella | |
1450 | Mompha passerella | |
1455 | Mompha stellella | |
1467 | Euclemensia bassettella | Kermes Scale Moth |
1469 | Cosmopterix nitens | |
1472 | Cosmopterix pulchrimella | Beautiful Cosmopterix |
1473 | Cosmopterix astrapias | |
1474 | Cosmopterix attenuatella | |
1479 | Cosmopterix dapifera | |
1481 | Cosmopterix callichalca | |
1482 | Cosmopterix lespedezae | |
1486 | Cosmopterix minutella | |
1487 | Cosmopterix teligera | |
1488 | Cosmopterix inopis | |
1490 | Cosmopterix gemmiferella | |
1491 | Cosmopterix bacata | |
1492 | Cosmopterix damnosa | |
1494 | Cosmopterix scirpicola | |
1495 | Cosmopterix ebriola | |
1497 | Cosmopterix floridanella | |
1499 | Pebops ipomoeae | |
1500 | Tanygona lignicolorella | |
1501 | Eralea albalineella | |
1502 | Eralea abludius | |
1503 | Melanocinclis lineigera | |
1506 | Melanocinclis gnoma | |
1507 | Melanocinclis vibex | |
1508 | Eteobalea sexnotella | |
1512 | Anatrachyntis rileyi | Pink Scavenger Caterpillar |
1513 | Anatrachyntis badia | Florida Pink Scavenger |
1514 | Pyroderces albistrigella | |
1515 | Limnaecia phragmitella | Shy Cosmet Moth |
1524 | Triclonella pergandeella | |
1527 | Triclonella determinatella | |
1560 | Periploca orichalcella | |
1561 | Periploca arsa | |
1562 | Periploca ceanothiella | |
1573 | Periploca laeta | |
1578 | Periploca fessa | |
1589 | Siskiwitia falcata | |
1596 | Stilbosis ostryaeella | Ironwood Leafminer |
1597 | Stilbosis quadricustatella | |
1611 | Stilbosis lonchocarpella | |
1613 | Walshia particornella | |
1614 | Walshia elegans | |
1615 | Walshia miscecolorella | Sweetclover Root Borer |
1617 | Walshia floridensis | |
1618 | Walshia exemplata | |
1619 | Walshia similis | |
1621 | Nepotula secura | |
1622 | Afeda biloba | |
1623 | Perimede erransella | |
1631 | Perimede ricina | |
1632 | Perimede falcata | |
1638 | Ithome concolorella | Kiawe Flower Moth |
1639 | Ithome curvipunctella | |
1640 | Ithome ferax | |
1642 | Ithome aquila | |
1643 | Ithome lassula | |
1644 | Ithome simulatrix | |
1647 | Calosima albapenella | |
1652 | Scythris basilaris | |
1659 | Scythris fuscicomella | |
1667 | Arotrura oxyplecta | |
1678 | Scythris trivinctella | Banded Scythris |
1682 | Nealyda kinzelella | |
1683 | Nealyda phytolaccae | |
1684 | Nealyda pisoniae | |
1684.1 | Nealyda grandipinella | |
1685 | Metzneria lappella | Burdock Seedhead Moth |
1706 | Monochroa absconditella | |
1722 | Theisoa constrictella | |
1725 | Stereomita andropogonis | |
1733.1 | Aristotelia corallina | Aristotelia corallina complex |
1743 | Aristotelia ivae | |
1744 | Aristotelia lespedezae | |
1748 | Aristotelia monilella | |
1754 | Aristotelia primipilana | |
1756 | Aristotelia pudibundella | |
1761 | Aristotelia roseosuffusella | |
1762 | Aristotelia rubidella | |
1766 | Glauce pectenalaeella | |
1767 | Naera fuscocristatella | |
1770 | Agnippe leuconota | |
1771 | Agnippe prunifoliella | |
1793 | Coleotechnites australis | |
1800 | Coleotechnites citriella | |
1802 | Coleotechnites condignella | |
1808 | Coleotechnites eryngiella | |
1809 | Coleotechnites florae | Coleotechnites Flower Moth |
1823 | Coleotechnites nigritus | |
1824 | Coleotechnites obliquistrigella | |
1831 | Coleotechnites starki | |
1833 | Coleotechnites variiella | |
1834 | Sinoe robiniella | |
1834.2 | Sinoe kwakae | |
1840 | Exoteleia pinifoliella | Pine Needleminer |
1841 | Trypanisma prudens | |
1841.89 | Besciva nr. longitudinella | |
1842 | Taygete attributella | |
1845 | Taygete gallaegenitella | |
1851 | Arogalea cristifasciella | Stripe-backed Moth |
1857 | Pubitelphusa latifasciella | |
1858 | Telphusa longifasciella | |
1858.2 | Telphusa perspicua | |
1864 | Pseudochelaria walsinghami | |
1871 | Pseudotelphusa fuscopunctella | |
1874 | Pseudotelphusa quercinigracella | |
1926 | Deltophora duplicata | |
1928 | Deltophora sella | |
1986 | Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis | Riley's Goldenrod Gall Moth |
1997 | Gnorimoschema salinaris | |
1998 | Gnorimoschema saphirinella | |
2005 | Gnorimoschema terracottella | |
2011 | Phthorimaea operculella | Potato Tuberworm |
2032 | Symmetrischema capsica | Pepper Flowerbud Moth |
2039 | Symmetrischema striatella | |
2047 | Keiferia lycopersicella | Tomato Pinworm |
2049 | Keiferia glochinella | Eggplant Leafminer |
2050 | Keiferia inconspicuella | |
2052 | Frumenta nundinella | |
2064 | Chionodes bicostomaculella | |
2065.1 | Chionodes cacula | |
2067.1 | Chionodes ceryx | |
2071 | Chionodes dentella | |
2072 | Chionodes discoocellella | Eyeringed Chionodes |
2072.1 | Chionodes donatella | |
2072.2 | Chionodes drapeta | |
2072.3 | Chionodes emptor | |
2072.4 | Chionodes esor | |
2077 | Chionodes formosella | |
2077.1 | Chionodes franclemonti | |
2079 | Chionodes fuscomaculella | |
2081.5 | Chionodes rectifex | |
2084.1 | Chionodes imber | |
2087.1 | Chionodes latro | |
2093 | Chionodes mediofuscella | Black-smudged Chionodes |
2104 | Chionodes pereyra | |
2109.1 | Chionodes powelli | |
2111.1 | Chionodes rabula | |
2115.1 | Chionodes sevir | |
2129 | Filatima albilorella | |
2183 | Aroga alleriella | |
2187 | Aroga compositella | Six-spotted Aroga |
2198 | Aroga trialbamaculella | Red-Striped Fireworm |
2203 | Fascista bimaculella | |
2204 | Fascista cercerisella | Redbud Leaffolder |
2205 | Fascista quinella | |
2209 | Stegasta bosqueella | Red-necked Peanutworm |
2209.1 | Stegasta capitella | Teaweed Moth |
2211 | Polyhymno luteostrigella | Yellow Striped Polyhymno |
2216 | Ymeldia janae | Jane's Ymeldia |
2219 | Aproaerema crotolariella | |
2223 | Untomia albistrigella | |
2227 | Battaristis nigratomella | |
2229 | Battaristis vittella | Stripe-backed Moth |
2229.96 | Battaristis n. sp. | Undescribed Battaristis (genus uncertain) |
2230 | Anacampsis agrimoniella | |
2231 | Anacampsis argyrothamniella | |
2233 | Anacampsis conclusella | |
2234 | Anacampsis coverdalella | Coverdale's Anacampsis |
2236 | Anacampsis fullonella | |
2240 | Anacampsis lagunculariella | |
2241 | Anacampsis levipedella | |
2242 | Anacampsis lupinella | |
2251.97 | "Anacampsis" n. sp. | Undescribed species in Anacampsini |
2253 | Strobisia iridipennella | Iridescent Strobisia |
2255 | Holophysis emblemella | |
2256 | Prostomeus brunneus | Guava Caterpillar |
2257 | Anarsia lineatella | Peach Twig Borer |
2260 | Sitotroga cerealella | Angoumois Grain Moth |
2261 | Pectinophora gossypiella | Pink Bollworm |
2265 | Helcystogramma chambersella | |
2265.1 | Helcystogramma convolvuli | Sweetpotato Webworm |
2269 | Helcystogramma melanocarpa | |
2270 | Helcystogramma melantherella | |
2272 | Mesophleps adustipennis | Soybean Webworm |
2274 | Dichomeris bipunctellus | |
2275 | Dichomeris condaliavorella | |
2277 | Dichomeris georgiella | |
2278 | Dichomeris glenni | |
2279.2 | Dichomeris ardelia | |
2281 | Dichomeris ligulella | Palmerworm |
2282 | Dichomeris marginella | Juniper Webworm |
2283 | Dichomeris punctidiscellus | Spotted Dichomeris |
2284 | Dichomeris acuminatus | Alfalfa Leaftier |
2284.1 | Dichomeris nenia | |
2285.2 | Dichomeris sylphe | |
2286 | Dichomeris vacciniella | |
2287 | Dichomeris ventrellus | |
2288 | Dichomeris punctipennella | Many-spotted Dichomeris |
2289 | Dichomeris ochripalpella | Shining Dichomeris |
2289.1 | Dichomeris achne | |
2292 | Dichomeris citrifoliella | Orange Webworm |
2293 | Dichomeris costarufoella | |
2295 | Dichomeris flavocostella | Cream-edged Dichomeris |
2295.1 | Dichomeris fistuca | |
2297 | Dichomeris inserrata | Indented Dichomeris |
2297.1 | Dichomeris pelta | |
2297.2 | Dichomeris bolize | Glaser's Dichomeris |
2297.3 | Dichomeris legnotoa | |
2297.4 | Dichomeris illusio | |
2297.5 | Dichomeris mimesis | |
2298 | Dichomeris juncidella | |
2299.2 | Dichomeris euprepes | |
2301 | Dichomeris serrativittella | Dichomeris Species Group |
2301.1 | Dichomeris xanthoa | |
2301.2 | Dichomeris isa | |
2301.3 | Dichomeris simulata | |
2302 | Dichomeris setosella | |
2302.1 | Dichomeris vindex | |
2302.4 | Dichomeris aglaia | |
2305 | Dichomeris agonia | |
2305.2 | Dichomeris crepida | |
2310 | Dichomeris inversella | |
2310.1 | Dichomeris kimballi | |
2313 | Alucita montana | Six-plume Moth |
2313.3 | Alucita flavicincta | |
2314 | Carposina ottawana | |
2315 | Carposina fernaldana | Currant Fruitworm |
2317 | Carposina biloba | |
2335 | Parochromolopis floridana | |
2336 | Abrenthia cuprea | |
2336.1 | Neomachlotica spiraea | |
2336.2 | Drymoana blanchardi | |
2336.3 | Glyphipterix floridensis | |
2345 | Diploschizia lanista | |
2345.1 | Diploschizia minimella | |
2345.2 | Diploschizia kutisi | |
2345.3 | Diploschizia seminolensis | |
2345.4 | Diploschizia habecki | |
2345.5 | Diploschizia regia | |
2346 | Diploschizia impigritella | Yellow Nutsedge Moth |
2346.1 | Diploschizia kimballi | |
2353 | Homadaula anisocentra | Mimosa Webworm |
2363 | Plutella porrectella | Dame's Violet Moth |
2366 | Plutella xylostella | Diamondback |
2401 | Atteva aurea | Ailanthus Webworm |
2402 | Eucatagma amyrisella | |
2405 | Enaemia pupula | Bumelia Leafworm |
2407 | Enaemia subfervens | Speckled Enaemia |
2412 | Podiasa chiococcella | |
2415 | Urodus parvula | Bumelia Webworm |
2416.1 | Teinoptila calcarata | |
2420 | Yponomeuta multipunctella | American Ermine Moth |
2431 | Zelleria retiniella | |
2438 | Argyresthia apicimaculella | |
2441 | Argyresthia austerella | |
2449 | Argyresthia conjugella | Apple Fruit Moth |
2452 | Argyresthia eugeniella | Guava Fruit Moth |
2479 | Argyresthia subreticulata | Speckled Argyresthia |
2490 | Acrolepiopsis incertella | Carrionflower Moth |
2493 | Cycloplasis panicifoliella | |
2494 | Scelorthus pisoniella | |
2495 | Lamprolophus lithella | |
2497 | Aetole bella | |
2497.2 | Aetole schulzella | |
2507 | Schreckensteinia erythriella | |
2513 | Pennisetia marginatum | Raspberry Crown Borer |
2522 | Paranthrene asilipennis | Oak Clearwing |
2523 | Paranthrene dollii | Poplar Clearwing |
2524 | Paranthrene tabaniformis | European Poplar Clearwing |
2527 | Paranthrene simulans | Red Oak Clearwing |
2530 | Vitacea polistiformis | Grape Root Borer |
2531 | Vitacea scepsiformis | Lesser Grape Root Borer |
2534 | Euhagena emphytiformis | Gaura Borer |
2536 | Eichlinia cucurbitae | Squash Vine Borer |
2545 | Osminia ruficornis | |
2546 | Synanthedon acerrubri | Maple Clearwing |
2547 | Synanthedon geliformis | Pecan Bark Borer |
2548 | Synanthedon richardsi | |
2549 | Synanthedon scitula | Dogwood Borer |
2550 | Synanthedon pictipes | Lesser Peachtree Borer |
2552 | Synanthedon rileyana | Riley's Clearwing |
2554 | Synanthedon acerni | Maple Callus Borer |
2555 | Synanthedon fatifera | Lesser Viburnum Clearwing |
2557 | Synanthedon alleri | |
2562 | Synanthedon dominicki | |
2566 | Synanthedon refulgens | Red-Lined Clearwing |
2567 | Synanthedon rubrofascia | Tupelo Clearwing |
2571 | Synanthedon decipiens | Oakgall Borer |
2572 | Synanthedon proxima | Eastern Willow Clearwing |
2573 | Synanthedon sapygaeformis | Florida Oakgall Moth |
2575 | Synanthedon arkansasensis | |
2577 | Synanthedon castaneae | Chestnut Borer |
2583 | Synanthedon exitiosa | Peachtree Borer |
2588 | Podosesia aureocincta | Banded Ash Clearwing |
2589 | Podosesia syringae | Ash Borer |
2590 | Sannina uroceriformis | Persimmon Borer |
2592 | Carmenta anthracipennis | Blazing Star Clearwing |
2596 | Carmenta bassiformis | Ironweed Clearwing |
2600 | Carmenta ithacae | |
2600.1 | Carmenta laurelae | |
2603 | Carmenta odda | |
2608 | Carmenta pyralidiformis | Boneset Borer |
2612 | Carmenta suffusata | |
2614 | Carmenta texana | Texana Clearwing |
2622 | Alcathoe carolinensis | Clematis Borer |
2623 | Alcathoe caudata | Clematis Clearwing |
2626.1 | Phormoestes palmettovora | |
2627 | Brenthia pavonacella | Peacock Brenthia |
2629 | Prochoreutis inflatella | Skullcap Skeletonizer |
2647 | Tebenna gnaphaliella | Everlasting Tebbena Moth |
2649 | Pseudotebenna carduiella | |
2652.01 | Choreutis sexfasciella | Banyan leaf skeletonizer |
2653 | Tortyra slossonia | Slosson's Metalmark Moth |
2653.1 | Tortyra iocyaneus | |
2654 | Ornarantia dyari | |
2655 | Hemerophila diva | Diva Hemerophila |
2659 | Inguromorpha basalis | Black-lined Carpenterworm |
2668 | Givira anna | Anna Carpenterworm |
2671 | Givira francesca | |
2674 | Cossula magnifica | Pecan Carpenterworm |
2692 | Prionoxystus piger | Baccharis Carpenterworm |
2693 | Prionoxystus robiniae | Carpenterworm |
2694 | Prionoxystus macmurtrei | Little Carpenterworm |
2701 | Episimus argutana | Sumac Leaftier |
2701.1 | Episimus guiana | |
2701.2 | Episimus transferrana | |
2702 | Episimus augmentana | |
2702.1 | Episimus burserae | |
2702.2 | Episimus kimballi | |
2702.3 | Episimus nesiotes | |
2702.4 | Episimus lagunculariae | |
2703 | Episimus tyrius | Maple Tip Borer |
2704 | Cacocharis cymotoma | |
2704.05 | Cacocharis albimacula | |
2704.1 | Cryptaspasma bipenicilla | |
2704.2 | Cryptaspasma lugubris | |
2706 | Bactra furfurana | The Mottled Bran |
2707 | Bactra verutana | Javelin Moth |
2709 | Bactra priapeia | |
2711 | Paralobesia liriodendrana | Tulip-tree Leaftier |
2712 | Paralobesia viteana | Grape Berry Moth |
2718 | Paralobesia spiraeifoliana | |
2723 | Paralobesia vernoniana | |
2727 | Paralobesia cyclopiana | |
2738 | Endothenia hebesana | Verbena Bud Moth |
2741 | Endothenia microptera | |
2743 | Endothenia nubilana | |
2745 | Taniva albolineana | Spruce Needleminer |
2749 | Eumarozia malachitana | Sculptured Moth |
2750 | Zomaria interruptolineana | Broken-line Zomaria |
2751 | Zomaria rosaochreana | |
2752 | Zomaria andromedana | Andromedana Moth |
2768 | Apotomis removana | Green Aspen Leafroller |
2770 | Orthotaenia undulana | Dusky Leafroller |
2772 | Phaecasiophora niveiguttana | Labyrinth Moth |
2773 | Phaecasiophora inspersa | |
2776 | Olethreutes furfuranum | Woolly-backed Moth |
2785 | Olethreutes atrodentana | |
2795 | Olethreutes tilianum | Basswood Olethreutes |
2802 | Olethreutes hippocastanum | |
2807 | Olethreutes brunneopurpurata | |
2810 | Olethreutes sericoranum | |
2817 | Olethreutes permundana | Raspberry Leafroller |
2823 | Olethreutes fasciatana | |
2828 | Olethreutes griseoalbana | Putty-patched Moth |
2829 | Olethreutes osmundana | |
2857 | Olethreutes devotana | |
2859 | Celypha cespitana | Thyme Marble |
2860 | Hedya separatana | Pink-washed Leafroller |
2863 | Hedya chionosema | White-spotted Hedya |
2864 | Hedya cyanana | The Rose Leaf-tyer |
2865 | Tsinilla lineana | |
2868 | Rhyacionia rigidana | Pitch Pine Tip Moth |
2869 | Rhyacionia subtropica | Subtropical Pine Tip Moth |
2879 | Rhyacionia busckana | Red Pine Tip Moth |
2879.1 | Rhyacionia granti | Jack Pine Tip Moth |
2882 | Rhyacionia frustrana | Nantucket Pine Tip Moth |
2885 | Rhyacionia aktita | |
2890 | Retinia taedana | Southern Pitch-blister Moth |
2898 | Retinia gemistrigulana | |
2902 | Retinia houseri | Minute Pitch-blister Moth |
2906 | Spilonota ocellana | Eye-spotted Bud Moth |
2907 | Strepsicrates smithiana | Bayberry Leaftier |
2920.2 | Eucosma litorea | |
2928 | Eucosma raracana | Reddish Eucosma |
2937 | Eucosma parmatana | |
2951 | Eucosma ornatula | |
2999 | Eucosma verniochreana | |
3002 | Eucosma grindeliana | |
3005 | Eucosma offectalis | |
3005.1 | Eucosma argutipunctana | Coastal Eucosma |
3008 | Pelochrista quinquemaculana | Five-spotted Pelochrista |
3009 | Pelochrista robinsonana | Robinson's Pelochrista |
3009.2 | Pelochrista guttulana | Speckled Pelochrista |
3021 | Pelochrista adamantana | |
3052 | Eucosma circulana | |
3052.1 | Eucosma gemellana | |
3053 | Pelochrista fraudabilis | |
3072 | Eucopina cocana | Shortleaf Pinecone Borer |
3079 | Pelochrista palabundana | |
3098 | Eucosma giganteana | Giant Eucosma |
3099 | Eucosma bipunctella | |
3110 | Eucosma gomonana | |
3110.1 | Eucosma baggetti | |
3116 | Pelochrista dorsisignatana | Triangle-backed Pelochrista |
3120 | Pelochrista derelicta | Derelict Pelochrista |
3122 | Pelochrista wandana | |
3126 | Pelochrista mobilensis | |
3127 | Eucosma sombreana | |
3129 | Pelochrista fiskeana | |
3132.6 | Pelochrista floridensis | |
3142 | Pelochrista cataclystiana | Solidago Pelochrista |
3144 | Eucosma floridana | |
3151 | Pelochrista scintillana | |
3152 | Pelochrista fratruelis | |
3169 | Pelochrista womonana | |
3170 | Pelochrista vandana | |
3172 | Epiblema strenuana | Ragweed Borer |
3172.1 | Epiblema minutana | |
3173 | Epiblema abruptana | Abrupt Epiblema |
3174 | Epiblema numerosana | |
3175 | Epiblema grossbecki | |
3177 | Epiblema separationis | |
3178 | Epiblema deflexana | |
3179 | Epiblema ochraceana | |
3183 | Epiblema exacerbatricana | |
3184 | Epiblema tripartitana | |
3186 | Epiblema scudderiana | Clemens' Goldenrod Gall Moth |
3188 | Epiblema discretivana | |
3190 | Epiblema desertana | |
3192 | Epiblema carolinana | Gray-blotched Epiblema |
3198 | Epiblema iowana | |
3202 | Epiblema otiosana | Bidens Borer |
3205 | Epiblema resumptana | |
3206 | Epiblema dorsisuffusana | |
3212 | Suleima helianthana | Sunflower Bud Moth |
3218.1 | Sonia paraplesiana | Hebrew Sonia |
3218.2 | Sonia roseomaculana | |
3219 | Sonia canadana | Canadian Sonia |
3226 | Gypsonoma haimbachiana | Cottonwood Twig Borer |
3228 | Gypsonoma salicicolana | |
3230 | Proteoteras aesculana | Maple Twig Borer |
3235 | Proteoteras moffatiana | Maple Bud Borer |
3238 | Zeiraphera claypoleana | Buckeye Petiole Borer |
3246 | Pseudexentera cressoniana | Shagbark Hickory Leafroller |
3251 | Pseudexentera spoliana | Bare-patched Leafroller |
3252 | Pseudexentera haracana | |
3252.1 | Pseudexentera sepia | |
3257 | Pseudexentera costomaculana | |
3257.1 | Pseudexentera hodsoni | |
3257.11 | Pseudexentera nr. hodsoni | |
3258 | Pseudexentera virginiana | |
3259 | Gretchena deludana | Arrowhead Moth |
3260 | Gretchena concubitana | |
3262 | Gretchena dulciana | |
3263 | Gretchena bolliana | Pecan Bud Moth |
3271 | Chimoptesis matheri | |
3272 | Chimoptesis gerulae | |
3273 | Chimoptesis pennsylvaniana | Filigreed Moth |
3274 | Crocidosema plebejana | |
3274.2 | Crocidosema longipalpana | |
3277 | Rhopobota dietziana | |
3278 | Rhopobota finitimana | |
3279 | Crocidosema lantana | |
3287 | Crocidosema perplexana | |
3330 | Crocidosema unica | |
3333 | Catastega timidella | Oak Trumpet Skeletonizer |
3361 | Ancylis semiovana | |
3370 | Ancylis platanana | |
3374 | Ancylis comptana of authors | |
3375 | Ancylis divisana | Two-toned Ancylis |
3377 | Ancylis muricana | Red-headed Ancylis |
3379 | Ancylis diminuatana | |
3379.1 | Ancylis saliana | |
3380 | Ancylis goodelliana | |
3388 | Ancylis cordiae | |
3398 | Hystrichophora decorosa | |
3399 | Hystrichophora vestaliana | |
3400.1 | Riculorampha ancyloides | |
3414.1 | Dichrorampha sapodilla | Sapodilla Pod Borer |
3414.2 | "Dichrorampha" manilkara | |
3414.21 | "Dichrorampha" caribe | |
3414.3 | Dichrorampha broui | |
3415 | Satronia tantilla | Southern Pine Catkinworm |
3416 | Ricula maculana | |
3417 | Talponia plummeriana | Speckled Talponia |
3419 | Pammene felicitana | |
3422.1 | Pammene medioalbana | |
3423 | Larisa subsolana | |
3424 | Ethelgoda texanana | |
3425 | Sereda tautana | Speckled Sereda |
3426 | Aspila molesta | Oriental Fruit Moth |
3428 | Aspila packardi | Cherry Fruitworm |
3430 | Ephippiphora angleseana | |
3443 | Grapholita tristrigana | Three-lined Grapholita |
3446.1 | Corticivora chica | |
3446.2 | Corticivora parva | |
3448.2 | Cydia marita | |
3449 | Cydia laricana | |
3450 | Cydia rana | |
3457 | Cydia garacana | |
3462 | Ecdytolopha palmetum | |
3471 | Cydia caryana | Hickory Shuckworm |
3479 | Cydia gallaesaliciana | Willow Gall Moth |
3482 | Cydia fahlbergiana | |
3485 | Cydia erotella | |
3486 | Cydia toreuta | Eastern Pine Seedworm |
3487 | Cydia ingens | Longleaf Pine Seedworm |
3488 | Cydia anaranjada | Slash Pine Seedworm |
3492 | Cydia pomonella | Codling Moth |
3493.1 | Cydia largo | |
3494 | Cydia latiferreana | Filbertworm |
3495 | Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum | Dotted Gymnandrosoma Moth |
3496 | Gymnandrosoma desotanum | |
3497 | Ecdytolopha insiticiana | Locust Twig Borer |
3498 | Ecdytolopha mana | |
3500 | Pseudogalleria inimicella | Inimical Borer |
3502 | Acleris albicomana | Red-edged Acleris |
3503 | Acleris semipurpurana | Oak Leaftier |
3504 | Acleris curvalana | Blueberry Leaftier |
3530.1 | Acleris albinivia | |
3539 | Acleris chalybeana | Lesser Maple Leafroller |
3540 | Acleris placidana | Black-headed Birch Leaffolder |
3543 | Acleris maculidorsana | Stained-back Leafroller |
3564 | Apotoforma rotundipennis | |
3582.2 | Cuproxena minimana | |
3594 | Pandemis limitata | Three-lined Leafroller |
3597 | Argyrotaenia velutinana | Red-banded Leafroller |
3598.1 | Argyrotaenia hodgesi | |
3599 | Argyrotaenia floridana | |
3600 | Argyrotaenia kimballi | Kimball's Leafroller |
3602 | Argyrotaenia pinatubana | Pine Tube Moth |
3603 | Argyrotaenia tabulana | Jack Pine Tube Moth |
3606 | Argyrotaenia amatana | Pondapple Leafroller |
3622 | Argyrotaenia juglandana | Hickory Leafroller |
3623 | Argyrotaenia quercifoliana | Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller |
3624 | Argyrotaenia alisellana | White-spotted Leafroller |
3625 | Argyrotaenia mariana | Gray-banded Leafroller |
3627 | Argyrotaenia ivana | Ivana Leafroller |
3631 | Choristoneura obsoletana | |
3632 | Choristoneura fractivittana | Broken-banded Leafroller |
3633 | Choristoneura parallela | Parellel-banded Leafroller |
3635 | Choristoneura rosaceana | Oblique-banded Leafroller |
3635.1 | Choristoneura argentifasciata | |
3637 | Choristoneura conflictana | Large Aspen Tortrix |
3638 | Choristoneura fumiferana | Spruce Budworm |
3643 | Choristoneura pinus | Jack Pine Budworm |
3648 | Archips argyrospila | Fruit-tree Leafroller |
3653 | Archips semiferanus | Oak Leafroller |
3654 | Archips negundana | Larger Boxelder Leafroller |
3656 | Archips georgiana | |
3658 | Archips purpurana | Omnivorous Leafroller |
3659 | Archips infumatana | Smoked Leafroller |
3660 | Archips grisea | Gray Archips |
3662 | Archips rileyana | Southern Ugly-nest Caterpillar |
3672 | Syndemis afflictana | Gray Leafroller |
3688 | Clepsis peritana | Garden Tortrix |
3691 | Adoxophyes negundana | Shimmering Adoxophyes |
3693 | Xenotemna pallorana | |
3694 | Niasoma metallicana | |
3695 | Sparganothis sulfureana | Sparganothis Fruitworm |
3697.1 | Sparganothis minimetallica | |
3698 | Sparganothis bistriata | |
3699 | Sparganothis tristriata | Three-streaked Sparganothis |
3700 | Sparganothis caryae | |
3700.2 | Sparganothis tessellata | |
3701 | Sparganothis pulcherrimana | Beautiful Sparganothis |
3702 | Sparganothis taracana | |
3702.1 | Sparganothis sullivani | |
3702.2 | Sparganothis lindalinea | |
3702.5 | Sparganothis niteolinea | |
3703 | Sparganothis demissana | |
3704 | Sparganothis distincta | Distinct Sparganothis |
3707.1 | Cenopis unicolorana | |
3716 | Cenopis diluticostana | Spring Dead-leaf Roller |
3718 | Cenopis karacana | |
3720 | Cenopis reticulatana | Reticulated Fruitworm |
3722 | Cenopis directana | Chokecherry Leafroller |
3723 | Cenopis chambersana | |
3724 | Cenopis saracana | |
3725 | Cenopis pettitana | Maple-basswood Leafroller |
3725.1 | Cenopis lamberti | |
3727 | Cenopis niveana | Aproned Cenopis |
3728 | Cenopis cana | Gray Sparganothis Moth |
3731 | Sparganothoides lentiginosana | Lentiginos Moth |
3732 | Platynota flavedana | Black-shaded Platynota |
3736 | Platynota stultana | |
3737 | Platynota nigrocervina | |
3739 | Platynota calidana | |
3740 | Platynota idaeusalis | Tufted Apple Budmoth |
3741 | Platynota semiustana | |
3743 | Platynota exasperatana | Exasperating Platynota |
3745 | Platynota rostrana | Omnivorous Platynota |
3747 | Coelostathma discopunctana | The Batman Moth |
3747.1 | Coelostathma placidana | |
3748 | Amorbia humerosana | White-line Leafroller |
3750.2 | Amorbia vero | |
3750.3 | Amorbia concavana | |
3751 | Thaumatographa jonesi | Psychedelic Jones Moth |
3754.1 | Aethes angustana | |
3754.2 | Aethes argentilimitana | |
3755.1 | Aethes biscana | |
3755.2 | Aethes bomonana | |
3757.3 | Aethes matheri | |
3758.3 | Aethes obliquana | |
3760.1 | Aethes seriatana | Seriated Aethes |
3761.5 | Aethes triassumenta | |
3761.96 | Aethes nr. seriatana | |
3761.97 | Aethes sp. | Unidentified Aethes "complex" |
3763 | Eugnosta bimaculana | |
3764 | Eugnosta sartana | |
3771 | Cochylis caulocatax | |
3780 | Aethes ringsi | Rings' Aethes |
3790 | Eugnosta erigeronana | Fleabane Cochylid |
3793 | Gynnidomorpha romonana | |
3797 | Henricus edwardsiana | |
3802 | Lorita baccharivora | |
3803 | Lorita scarificata | Chrysanthemum Flower Borer |
3807 | Aethes angulatana | |
3813 | Phtheochroa birdana | |
3818 | Cagiva cephalanthana | |
3831 | Platphalonidia felix | |
3833 | Platphalonidia lavana | |
3833.1 | Platphalonidia magdalenae | |
3835.1 | Platphalonidia subolivacea | |
3839 | Rudenia leguminana | Black-tipped Rudenia |
3843 | Thyraylia bana | |
3844 | Thyraylia bunteana | |
3848 | Atroposia oenotherana | Primrose Cochylid |
3859 | Cochylichroa glaucofuscana | |
3865 | Phocides batabano | |
3868 | Proteides mercurius | |
3869 | Epargyreus zestos | |
3870 | Epargyreus clarus | Silver-spotted Skipper |
3872 | Polygonus leo | |
3873 | Polygonus savigny | |
3886 | Urbanus proteus | |
3889 | Thorybes dorantes | |
3902 | Telegonus cellus | |
3904 | Thorybes lyciades | |
3909 | Thorybes bathyllus | |
3910 | Thorybes pylades | |
3913 | Thorybes confusis | |
3932 | Staphylus hayhurstii | |
3933 | Gorgythion begga | |
3944 | Ephyriades brunnea | |
3946 | Erynnis brizo | |
3947 | Erynnis juvenalis | |
3952 | Erynnis horatius | |
3954 | Erynnis martialis | |
3956 | Erynnis zarucco | |
3957 | Erynnis funeralis | |
3959 | Erynnis baptisiae | |
3966 | Burnsius communis | |
3967 | Burnsius albezens | |
3968 | Burnsius oileus | |
3977 | Pholisora catullus | Golden-headed Sootywing |
3993 | Nastra lherminier | |
3995 | Nastra fusca | |
3996 | Cymaenes tripunctus | |
3998 | Lerema accius | |
4004 | Ancyloxypha numitor | |
4010 | Copaeodes minima | |
4013 | Hylephila phyleus | |
4029 | Hesperia attalus | |
4030 | Hesperia meskei | |
4040 | Polites baracoa | |
4041 | Polites themistocles | |
4042 | Polites origenes | |
4045 | Polites vibex | |
4046 | Polites otho | |
4047 | Polites egeremet | |
4048 | Vernia verna | |
4049 | Atalopedes campestris | |
4050 | Atrytone arogos | |
4051 | Anatrytone logan | |
4052 | Problema byssus | |
4060 | Lon zabulon | |
4062 | Poanes aaroni | |
4063 | Poanes yehl | |
4064 | Poanes viator | |
4070 | Euphyes arpa | |
4071 | Euphyes pilatka | |
4072 | Euphyes dion | |
4074 | Euphyes dukesi | |
4076 | Euphyes berryi | |
4078 | Euphyes vestris | |
4079 | Choranthus capucinus | |
4084 | Atrytonopsis loammi | |
4096 | Amblyscirtes hegon | |
4099 | Amblyscirtes aesculapius | |
4101 | Amblyscirtes reversa | |
4105 | Amblyscirtes vialis | |
4107 | Amblyscirtes belli | |
4108 | Amblyscirtes alternata | |
4111 | Lerodea eufala | |
4114 | Oligoria maculata | |
4115 | Calpodes ethlius | |
4116 | Panoquina panoquin | |
4117 | Panoquina panoquinoides | |
4119 | Panoquina ocola | |
4123 | Nyctelius nyctelius | |
4145 | Megathymus yuccae | |
4147 | Megathymus cofaqui | |
4157 | Battus philenor | |
4158 | Battus polydamas | |
4159 | Papilio polyxenes | |
4170 | Heraclides cresphontes | |
4171 | Heraclides ponceana | |
4172 | Heraclides andraemon | |
4175 | Heraclides androgeus | |
4176 | Pterourus glaucus | |
4181 | Pterourus troilus | |
4182 | Pterourus palamedes | |
4184 | Eurytides marcellus | |
4190 | Glutophrissa drusilla | |
4192 | Pontia sisymbrii | |
4193 | Pontia protodice | |
4195 | Pieris marginalis | |
4197 | Pieris rapae | |
4198 | Ascia monuste | |
4207 | Anthocharis midea | |
4209 | Colias philodice | |
4210 | Colias eurytheme | |
4224 | Zerene cesonia | |
4227 | Anteos maerula | |
4228 | Phoebis sennae | |
4229 | Phoebis philea | |
4231 | Phoebis agarithe | |
4233 | Aphrissa statira | |
4233.1 | Aphrissa neleis | |
4234 | Aphrissa orbis | |
4235 | Kricogonia lyside | |
4237 | Pyrisitia lisa | |
4238 | Pyrisitia nise | |
4239 | Pyrisitia messalina | |
4240 | Pyrisitia dina | |
4242 | Abaeis nicippe | |
4243 | Eurema daira | |
4245 | Abaeis boisduvaliana | |
4248 | Nathalis iole | |
4249 | Feniseca tarquinius | |
4268 | Eumaeus atala | |
4270 | Atlides halesus | |
4271 | Chlorostrymon maesites | |
4273 | Chlorostrymon simaethis | |
4275 | Satyrium titus | |
4282 | Satyrium calanus | |
4284 | Satyrium kingi | |
4285 | Satyrium liparops | |
4293 | Ministrymon azia | |
4299 | Calycopis cecrops | |
4307 | Callophrys sheridanii | |
4318 | Callophrys gryneus | |
4319 | Callophrys hesseli | |
4322 | Callophrys augustinus | |
4325 | Callophrys irus | |
4326 | Callophrys henrici | |
4328 | Callophrys niphon | |
4331 | Satyrium favonius | |
4335 | Parrhasius m-album | |
4336 | Strymon melinus | |
4340 | Strymon martialis | |
4343 | Strymon acis | |
4345 | Strymon istapa | |
4346 | Strymon limenia | |
4351 | Electrostrymon hugon | |
4352 | Electrostrymon angelia | |
4354 | Brephidium pseudofea | |
4356 | Leptotes cassius | |
4357 | Leptotes marina | |
4358 | Cyclargus thomasi | |
4358.1 | Cyclargus ammon | |
4359 | Hemiargus ceraunus | |
4361 | Cupido comyntas | |
4363 | Celastrina ladon | |
4363.7 | Celastrina neglecta | |
4386 | Calephelis virginiensis | |
4411 | Libytheana carinenta | |
4413 | Dione incarnata | |
4415 | Dryadula phaetusa | |
4416 | Dryas iulia | |
4418 | Heliconius charithonia | |
4420 | Polygonia interrogationis | |
4421 | Polygonia comma | |
4432 | Nymphalis antiopa | |
4434 | Vanessa virginiensis | |
4435 | Vanessa cardui | |
4437 | Vanessa atalanta | |
4439 | Hypolimnas misippus | |
4440 | Junonia coenia | |
4441.2 | Junonia zonalis | |
4442.1 | Junonia neildi | Mangrove Buckeye |
4443 | Anartia jatrophae | |
4444 | Anartia chrysopelea | |
4446 | Siproeta stelenes | |
4447 | Euptoieta claudia | |
4448 | Euptoieta hegesia | |
4450 | Argynnis cybele | |
4458 | Argynnis egleis | |
4465 | Boloria bellona | |
4476 | Anthanassa texana | |
4478 | Anthanassa frisia | |
4480 | Phyciodes phaon | |
4481 | Phyciodes tharos | |
4490 | Chlosyne nycteis | |
4516 | Euphydryas phaeton | |
4522 | Limenitis arthemis | |
4523 | Limenitis archippus | |
4532 | Eunica monima | |
4533 | Eunica tatila | |
4542 | Hamadryas februa | |
4545 | Historis odius | |
4549 | Marpesia chiron | |
4550 | Marpesia petreus | |
4551 | Marpesia eleuchea | |
4553 | Anaea troglodyta | |
4554 | Anaea andria | |
4557 | Asterocampa celtis | |
4562.1 | Asterocampa clyton | |
4568 | Lethe portlandia | |
4569 | Lethe appalachia | |
4573 | Cyllopsis gemma | |
4574 | Hermeuptychia hermybius | |
4574.1 | Hermeuptychia intricata | |
4575 | Hermeuptychia sosybius | |
4576 | Neonympha areolatus | |
4578 | Megisto cymela | |
4587 | Cercyonis pegala | |
4614 | Danaus plexippus | |
4615 | Danaus gilippus | |
4616 | Danaus eresimus | |
4617 | Lycorea halia | |
4624 | Harrisina americana | Grapeleaf Skeletonizer |
4628 | Acoloithus novaricus | |
4629 | Acoloithus falsarius | Clemens' False Skeletonizer |
4631.2 | Neoprocris floridana | |
4639 | Pyromorpha dimidiata | Orange-patched Smoky Moth |
4642 | Megalopyge pyxidifera | Yellow Flannel Moth |
4643 | Megalopyge lacyi | Florida Flannel Moth |
4644 | Megalopyge crispata | Black-waved Flannel Moth |
4647 | Megalopyge opercularis | Southern Flannel Moth |
4650 | Norape cretata | White Flannel Moth |
4652 | Tortricidia testacea | Early Button Slug Moth |
4655 | Slossonella tenebrosa | |
4657 | Heterogenea shurtleffi | Red-eyed Button Slug Moth |
4663 | Lithacodes fiskeanus | |
4664 | Lithacodes gracea | Graceful Slug Moth |
4665 | Lithacodes fasciola | Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth |
4667 | Apoda y-inversa | Yellow-collared Slug Moth |
4668 | Apoda rectilinea | Rectilinea Slug Moth |
4669 | Apoda biguttata | Shagreened Slug Moth |
4671 | Prolimacodes badia | Skiff Moth |
4673 | Alarodia slossoniae | Packard's White Flannel Moth |
4675 | Isochaetes beutenmuelleri | Spun Glass Slug Moth |
4677 | Phobetron pithecium | Hag [Monkey Slug] Moth |
4679 | Natada nasoni | Nason's Slug Moth |
4681 | Isa textula | Crowned Slug Moth |
4685 | Adoneta spinuloides | Purple-crested Slug Moth |
4691 | Monoleuca semifascia | Pin-striped Vermilion Slug Moth |
4697 | Euclea delphinii | Spiny Oak-slug Moth |
4697.1 | Euclea nanina | Nanina Oak-Slug Moth |
4698 | Parasa chloris | Smaller Parasa |
4699 | Parasa indetermina | Stinging Rose Caterpillar |
4700 | Acharia stimulea | Saddleback Caterpillar |
4700.1 | Acharia extensa | |
4701 | Fulgoraecia exigua | Planthopper Parasite Moth |
4716 | Scoparia biplagialis | Double-striped Scoparia |
4719 | Scoparia basalis | Many-spotted Scoparia |
4720 | Scoparia dominicki | |
4738 | Eudonia strigalis | Striped Eudonia |
4739 | Eudonia heterosalis | |
4740 | Undulambia striatalis | |
4741 | Undulambia polystichalis | Leatherleaf Fern Borer |
4742 | Undulambia rarissima | |
4743 | Neocataclysta magnificalis | Scrollwork Pyralid Moth |
4744 | Chrysendeton medicinalis | Bold Medicine Moth |
4745 | Chrysendeton kimballi | |
4746 | Chrysendeton imitabilis | |
4746.1 | Chrysendeton nigrescens | |
4748 | Elophila icciusalis | Pondside Pyralid Moth |
4749 | Elophila faulalis | |
4750 | Elophila nebulosalis | Nebulous Munroessa Moth |
4751 | Elophila gyralis | Waterlily Borer |
4752 | Contiger vittatalis | |
4753 | Nymphuliella daeckealis | China Mark Moth |
4754 | Elophila tinealis | |
4755 | Elophila obliteralis | Waterlily Leafcutter |
4756 | Elophila atlantica | |
4758 | Langessa nomophilalis | Black Langessa |
4759 | Parapoynx maculalis | Polymorphic Pondweed Moth |
4760 | Parapoynx obscuralis | Obscure Pondweed Moth |
4761 | Parapoynx badiusalis | Chestnut-marked Pondweed Moth |
4762 | Parapoynx curviferalis | |
4763 | Parapoynx seminealis | Floating-heart Waterlilly Moth |
4764 | Parapoynx allionealis | Watermilfoil Leafcutter |
4765 | Parapoynx diminutalis | Hydrilla Leafcutter |
4769 | Neargyractis slossonalis | Dimorphic Leafcutter |
4769.1 | Neargyractis moniligeralis | |
4770 | Argyractis drumalis | |
4774 | Petrophila bifascialis | Two-banded Petrophila |
4778 | Petrophila santafealis | |
4785 | Eoparargyractis irroratalis | |
4786 | Eoparargyractis floridalis | |
4787 | Eoparargyractis plevie | |
4790 | Dichogama redtenbacheri | Caper-leaf Webworm |
4791 | Dichogama amabilis | |
4793 | Alatuncusia bergii | Berg's Alatuncusia |
4794 | Eustixia pupula | Spotted Peppergrass Moth |
4796 | Microtheoris ophionalis | Yellow-veined Moth |
4846 | Hellula rogatalis | Cabbage Webworm |
4847 | Hellula phidilealis | Cabbage Budworm |
4848 | Hellula kempae | Kemp's Hellula |
4850.5 | Schacontia themis | |
4864 | Stegea eripalis | |
4869 | Glaphyria glaphyralis | Common Glaphyria |
4870 | Glaphyria sesquistrialis | White-roped Glaphyria |
4871 | Glaphyria basiflavalis | Basal-dash Glaphyria |
4872 | Glaphyria peremptalis | |
4873 | Glaphyria fulminalis | Black-patched Glaphyria |
4874 | Glaphyria cappsi | |
4874.1 | Glaphyria decisa | |
4875 | Aethiophysa delicata | |
4877 | Aethiophysa invisalis | |
4879 | Xanthophysa psychicalis | Psychic Xanthophysa |
4880 | Plumegesta largalis | |
4881 | Lipocosma sicalis | |
4882 | Lipocosma diabata | |
4885 | Lipocosma septa | Exposed Lipocosma |
4888 | Lipocosmodes fuliginosalis | Sooty Lipocosmodes |
4889 | Dicymolomia julianalis | Julia's Dicymolomia |
4890 | Dicymolomia metalophota | |
4893 | Dicymolomia grisea | |
4896 | Chalcoela pegasalis | Wasp Parasitizer Moth |
4896.5 | Neomusotima conspurcatalis | Lygodium Defoliator |
4898 | Evergestis rimosalis | Cross-striped Cabbageworm |
4901 | Evergestis unimacula | Large-spotted Evergestis |
4932 | Evergestella evincalis | |
4933 | Trischistognatha pyrenealis | |
4936 | Saucrobotys futilalis | Dogbane Saucrobotys |
4937 | Nascia acutellus | Streaked Orange Moth |
4938 | Epicorsia oedipodalis | |
4939 | Pseudopyrausta santatalis | |
4940 | Oenobotys vinotinctalis | Wine-tinted Oenobotys |
4942 | Triuncidia eupalusalis | |
4943 | Crocidophora pustuliferalis | |
4945 | Crocidophora tuberculalis | Pale-winged Crocidiphora |
4946 | Ostrinia penitalis | American Lotus Borer |
4947 | Ostrinia obumbratalis | Smartweed Borer |
4949 | Ostrinia nubilalis | European Corn Borer |
4950 | Fumibotys fumalis | Mint Root Borer |
4951 | Perispasta caeculalis | Titian Peale's Pyralid Moth |
4953 | Anania tertialis | Crowned Phlyctaenia Moth |
4953.1 | Anania plectilis | |
4955 | Anania leuschneri | |
4956 | Anania extricalis | |
4958 | Anania funebris | White-spotted Sable Moth |
4962 | Hahncappsia marculenta | |
4963 | Hahncappsia neomarculenta | |
4967 | Hahncappsia mancalis | |
4971 | Hahncappsia ramsdenalis | |
4974 | Achyra bifidalis | |
4975 | Achyra rantalis | Garden Webworm |
4977 | Neohelvibotys neohelvialis | |
4979 | Neohelvibotys polingi | |
4980 | Helvibotys helvialis | |
4986 | Sitochroa dasconalis | |
4991 | Sericoplaga externalis | |
4992 | Uresiphita reversalis | Genista Broom Moth |
4994 | Loxostege floridalis | Christmas-berry Webworm |
5018 | Pyrausta demantrialis | |
5034 | Pyrausta signatalis | Raspberry Pyrausta |
5037 | Pyrausta inornatalis | Inornate Pyrausta |
5038 | Pyrausta shirleyae | |
5040 | Pyrausta bicoloralis | Bicolored Pyrausta |
5042 | Pyrausta onythesalis | |
5044 | Pyrausta insignitalis | Dark-banded Pyrausta |
5049 | Pyrausta phoenicealis | Phoenicean Pyrausta |
5051 | Pyrausta rubricalis | Variable Reddish Pyrausta |
5053 | Pyrausta pseuderosnealis | |
5055 | Pyrausta homonymalis | |
5056 | Pyrausta generosa | |
5058 | Pyrausta orphisalis | Orange Mint Moth |
5060 | Pyrausta subsequalis | |
5069 | Pyrausta tyralis | Coffee-loving Pyrausta |
5070 | Pyrausta laticlavia | Southern Purple Mint Moth |
5071 | Pyrausta acrionalis | Mint-loving Pyrausta |
5073 | Pyrausta niveicilialis | White-fringed Pyrausta |
5076.2 | Pyrausta cardinalis | |
5077 | Hyalorista taeniolalis | |
5078 | Portentomorpha xanthialis | |
5078.1 | Gonocausta sabinalis | |
5079 | Udea rubigalis | Celery Leaftier |
5102 | Neoleucinodes prophetica | |
5106 | Lineodes fontella | Eastern Lineodes |
5107 | Lineodes integra | Eggplant Leafroller |
5108 | Lineodes interrupta | |
5109 | Lineodes triangulalis | |
5110 | Atomopteryx solanalis | |
5111 | Ercta vittata | |
5114 | Diaphantania impulsalis | |
5116 | Loxostegopsis xanthocrypta | |
5117 | Loxostegopsis merrickalis | Merrick's Pyralid Moth |
5120 | Sufetula diminutalis | |
5120.1 | Sufetula carbonalis | |
5121 | Microphysetica hermeasalis | |
5122 | Eurrhyparodes lygdamis | |
5123 | Deuterophysa fernaldi | |
5123.1 | Cangetta violescentalis | |
5126 | Geshna cannalis | Lesser Canna Leafroller |
5127 | Hydriris ornatalis | Ornate Hydriris |
5135 | Mecyna submedialis | Orange-toned Mecyna |
5141 | Mimorista tristigmalis | |
5142 | Diacme elealis | Paler Diacme |
5143 | Diacme adipaloides | Darker Diacme |
5144 | Diacme phyllisalis | |
5145 | Diacme mopsalis | Mopsalis Diacme |
5146 | Epipagis forsythae | Forsyth's Epipagis |
5147 | Epipagis fenestralis | |
5149 | Niphograpta albiguttalis | Waterhyacinth Moth |
5150 | Samea castellalis | Stained-glass Moth |
5151 | Samea multiplicalis | Salvinia Stem-Borer |
5152 | Diastictis baccatalis | |
5152.1 | Samea druchachalis | |
5153 | Crocidocnemis pellucidalis | |
5154 | Loxomorpha cambogialis | |
5155 | Loxomorpha flavidissimalis | |
5156 | Nomophila nearctica | Lucerne Moth |
5156.5 | Duponchelia fovealis | Exotic Greenhouse Invasive |
5157 | Rhectocraspeda periusalis | Eggplant Webworm |
5158 | Ategumia ebulealis | |
5159 | Desmia funeralis | Grape Leaffolder |
5160 | Desmia maculalis | |
5161 | Desmia subdivisalis | |
5162 | Desmia ufeus | |
5164 | Desmia tages | |
5166 | Desmia deploralis | Deploring Desmia |
5167 | Desmia ploralis | Mournful Desmia |
5169 | Hymenia perspectalis | Spotted Beet Webworm |
5170 | Spoladea recurvalis | Hawaiian Beet Webworm |
5171 | Diasemiopsis leodocusalis | |
5172 | Diasemiodes janassialis | |
5173 | Diasemiodes nigralis | |
5173.1 | Diasemiodes eudamidasalis | |
5174 | Diathrausta reconditalis | Recondite Webworm |
5175 | Diathrausta harlequinalis | Harlequin Webworm |
5176 | Anageshna primordialis | Yellow-spotted Webworm |
5177 | Apogeshna stenialis | Checkered Apogeshna |
5177.1 | Apogeshna acestealis | |
5178 | Steniodes mendica | |
5178.5 | Nacoleia charesalis | |
5179 | Penestola bufalis | Black Penestola |
5180 | Penestola simplicialis | |
5182 | Blepharomastix ranalis | Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix |
5185 | Blepharomastix achroalis | |
5187 | Hileithia magualis | |
5188 | Hileithia aplicalis | |
5190 | Hileithia differentialis | |
5191 | "Blepharomastix" schistisemalis | |
5192 | "Lygropia" fusalis | |
5194 | Sisyracera subulalis | |
5194.02 | Sisyracera inabsconsalis | |
5194.1 | Aponia aponianalis | |
5195 | "Eulepte" anticostalis | |
5196 | Synclera jarbusalis | |
5197 | Glyphodes pyloalis | Beautiful Glyphodes |
5198 | Glyphodes sibillalis | Mulberry Leaftier |
5199 | Glyphodes floridalis | |
5199.3 | Chabula acamasalis | |
5200 | Colomychus talis | Distinguished Colymychus Moth |
5201 | Diaphania olealis | |
5202 | Diaphania nitidalis | Pickleworm |
5204 | Diaphania hyalinata | Melonworm |
5205 | Diaphania modialis | |
5206 | Diaphania infimalis | |
5207 | Diaphania indica | Exotic Pumpkin Caterpiilar Moth |
5208 | Diaphania lualis | |
5210 | Leucochroma corope | |
5211 | Omiodes simialis | |
5212 | Omiodes indicata | Bean-leaf Webworm |
5213 | Sathria rufescens | |
5214 | Omiodes stigmosalis | |
5215 | Condylorrhiza vestigialis | The Alamo |
5216 | "Diaphania" costata | |
5217 | Palpita flegia | Satin White Palpita |
5218 | Palpita quadristigmalis | Four-spotted Palpita |
5219 | Palpita kimballi | Kimball's Palpita |
5221 | Palpita cincinnatalis | |
5222 | Palpita arsaltealis | |
5223 | Palpita illibalis | Inkblot Palpita |
5223.1 | Palpita maritima | Coastal Palpita |
5225 | Palpita freemanalis | Freeman's Palpita |
5226 | Palpita magniferalis | Splendid Palpita |
5228 | Polygrammodes flavidalis | Ironweed Root Moth |
5228.1 | Polygrammodes oxydalis | |
5230 | Polygrammodes eleuata | Red-spotted Sweetpotato Moth |
5232 | Azochis rufidiscalis | |
5233 | Compacta capitalis | |
5236 | Laniifera cyclades | |
5237 | Mimophobetron pyropsalis | |
5239 | Terastia meticulosalis | Erythrina Borer |
5240 | Agathodes monstralis | |
5241 | Pantographa limata | Basswood Leafroller |
5243 | Patania silicalis | Herbivorous Patania |
5244 | Herpetogramma fluctuosalis | Greater Sweetpotato Webworm |
5246 | Phaedropsis chromalis | |
5247 | Phaedropsis stictigramma | |
5248 | Lygropia tripunctata | Sweetpotato Leafroller |
5249 | Lygropia plumbicostalis | |
5252 | Lypotigris reginalis | |
5253 | Diastictis argyralis | White-spotted Orange |
5254 | Diastictis pseudargyralis | |
5255 | Diastictis ventralis | White-spotted Brown |
5257 | Diastictis holguinalis | |
5262 | Framinghamia helvalis | |
5263 | Microthyris anormalis | |
5264 | Microthyris prolongalis | |
5264.1 | Microthyris lelex | |
5267 | Asciodes quietalis | Bougainvillea Caterpillar |
5268 | Psara obscuralis | Obscure Psara |
5270 | Sathria internitalis | |
5271 | Bicilia iarchasalis | |
5272 | Herpetogramma bipunctalis | Southern Beet Webworm |
5274 | Herpetogramma phaeopteralis | Dusky Herpetogramma |
5275 | Herpetogramma pertextalis | Bold-feathered Grass Moth |
5277 | Herpetogramma thestealis | Zigzag Herpetogramma |
5279 | Herpetogramma theseusalis | |
5279.01 | Herpetogramma stramineata | Serpentine Webworm |
5279.1 | Herpetogramma sphingealis | |
5280 | Herpetogramma aeglealis | Serpentine Webworm |
5281 | Pilocrocis ramentalis | Scraped Pilocrocis |
5282 | Cryptobotys zoilusalis | |
5284 | Syngamia florella | Orange-spotted Flower Moth |
5285 | Salbia tytiusalis | |
5286 | Salbia mizaralis | |
5287 | Orphanostigma haemorrhoidalis | Lantana Leaftier |
5287.2 | Salbia melanobathrum | |
5288 | Marasmia trapezalis | Trapeze Moth |
5289 | Marasmia cochrusalis | |
5290 | Conchylodes diphteralis | |
5292 | Conchylodes ovulalis | Zebra Conchylodes |
5293 | Conchylodes concinnalis | |
5294 | Ommatospila narcaeusalis | |
5295 | Daulia magdalena | Glittering Magdalena Moth |
5300 | Leptosteges xantholeucalis | |
5301 | Leptosteges flavicostella | |
5302 | Leptosteges flavifascialis | |
5303 | Leptosteges parthenialis | |
5305 | Leptosteges sordidalis | |
5306 | Leptosteges vestaliella | |
5307 | Carectocultus perstrialis | Reed-boring Crambid |
5309 | Carectocultus dominicki | |
5310 | Rupela segrega | |
5311 | Rupela tinctella | |
5312 | Rupela sejuncta | |
5313 | Donacaula sordidellus | |
5314 | Donacaula unipunctellus | |
5315 | Donacaula tripunctellus | |
5316 | Donacaula melinellus | |
5317 | Donacaula aquilellus | |
5319 | Donacaula longirostrallus | Long-beaked Donacaula |
5321 | Donacaula roscidellus | Brown Donacaula |
5323 | Donacaula uxorialis | |
5324 | Donacaula maximellus | |
5331 | Mesolia incertellus | |
5333 | Prionapteryx nebulifera | Clouded Veneer Moth |
5334 | Prionapteryx achatina | |
5336 | Prionapteryx serpentella | |
5336.98 | Prionapteryx n. sp. | Undescribed Prionapteryx from Florida |
5355 | Crambus praefectellus | Common Grass-veneer |
5357 | Crambus leachellus | Leach's Grass-veneer |
5362 | Crambus agitatellus | Double-banded Grass-veneer |
5364 | Crambus multilinellus | Multinellus Grass-veneer |
5365 | Crambus girardellus | Girard's Grass-veneer |
5366 | Crambus watsonellus | Watson's Grass-veneer |
5367 | Crambus sanfordellus | |
5368 | Crambus braunellus | |
5369 | Crambus quinquareatus | Large-striped Grass-veneer |
5372 | Crambus satrapellus | |
5379 | Neodactria luteolellus | Mottled Grass-veneer |
5380 | Neodactria zeellus | |
5381 | Neodactria caliginosellus | Corn Root Webworm |
5393 | Raphiptera argillaceellus | Diminutive Grass-veneer |
5403 | Agriphila vulgivagellus | Vagabond Crambid |
5413 | Pediasia trisecta | Sod Webworm |
5418 | Microcrambus copelandi | |
5419 | Microcrambus biguttellus | Gold-stripe Grass-veneer |
5420 | Microcrambus elegans | Elegant Grass-veneer |
5422 | Microcrambus minor | |
5423 | Microcrambus discludellus | |
5424 | Microcrambus kimballi | |
5425 | Microcrambus matheri | |
5426 | Microcrambus croesus | |
5427 | Loxocrambus canellus | |
5431 | Fissicrambus profanellus | |
5433 | Fissicrambus haytiellus | Carpet-grass Webworm |
5435 | Fissicrambus mutabilis | Changeable Grass-veneer |
5437 | Fissicrambus minuellus | |
5438 | Thaumatopsis edonis | |
5439 | Thaumatopsis pexellus | Woolly Grass-veneer |
5441 | Thaumatopsis fernaldella | |
5443 | Thaumatopsis floridella | Floridian Grass-veneer |
5447 | Thaumatopsis pectinifer | |
5448 | Thaumatopsis actuellus | |
5450 | Parapediasia decorellus | Graceful Grass-veneer |
5451 | Parapediasia teterrellus | Bluegrass Webworm |
5451.1 | Parapediasia ligonellus | |
5454 | Euchromius ocellea | Belted Grass-veneer, The Necklace Veneer |
5456 | Microcausta flavipunctalis | |
5460 | Argyria nummulalis | |
5462 | Argyria rufisignella | Mother-of-pearl Moth |
5463 | Argyria lacteella | Milky Urola Moth |
5463.1 | Argyria gonogramma | Milky Urola Moth |
5463.2 | Argyria centrifugens | |
5464 | Urola nivalis | Snowy Urola |
5465 | Vaxi auratellus | Curve-lined Vaxi |
5466 | Vaxi critica | Straight-lined Vaxi |
5467 | Vaxi tripsacas | |
5468 | Epina dichromella | |
5470 | Chilo plejadellus | Rice Stalk Borer |
5471 | Chilo erianthalis | |
5475 | Diatraea saccharalis | Sugarcane Borer |
5476 | Diatraea crambidoides | Southern Cornstalk Borer |
5478 | Diatraea evanescens | |
5481 | Diatraea lisetta | |
5482 | Haimbachia squamulellus | |
5487 | Haimbachia floridalis | |
5492 | Eoreuma densellus | Wainscot Grass-veneer |
5499 | Xubida linearellus | X-linear Grass-veneer |
5500 | Xubida panalope | |
5501 | Xubida relovae | |
5502 | Xubida punctilineella | |
5510 | Pyralis farinalis | Meal Moth |
5512 | Aglossa disciferalis | Pink-masked Pyralid |
5515 | Pyralis manihotalis | Tropical Meal Moth |
5517 | Aglossa caprealis | Stored Grain Moth |
5518 | Aglossa cuprina | Grease Moth |
5526 | Hypsopygia intermedialis | Red-shawled Moth |
5530 | Hypsopygia binodulalis | Pink-fringed Hypsopygia |
5531 | Hypsopygia nostralis | Southern Hayworm |
5533 | Hypsopygia olinalis | Yellow-fringed Hypsopygia |
5536 | Neodavisia singularis | |
5538 | Parachma ochracealis | |
5540 | Basacallis tarachodes | |
5550 | Lepidomys irrenosa | |
5552 | Galasa nigrinodis | Boxwood Leaftier |
5554 | Penthesilea difficilis | Amazon Queen Moth |
5555 | Penthesilea sacculalis | |
5556 | Tosale oviplagalis | Dimorphic Tosale |
5560 | Salobrena recurvata | |
5561 | Salobrena vacuana | |
5563 | Clydonopteron sacculana | Trumpet Vine Moth |
5564 | Bonchis munitalis | |
5565 | Streptopalpia minusculalis | |
5566 | Arta statalis | Posturing Arta |
5568 | Arta olivalis | Olive Arta |
5574 | Heliades mulleolella | |
5575 | Macalla thyrsisalis | Mahogany Webworm |
5576 | Macalla phaeobasalis | |
5577 | Epipaschia superatalis | |
5579 | Macalla zelleri | Zeller's Macalla |
5581.1 | Milgithea trilinealis | |
5582 | Deuterollyta majuscula | |
5584 | Toripalpus breviornatalis | |
5586 | Cacozelia interruptella | |
5588 | Oneida lunulalis | Orange-tufted Oneida |
5591 | Tallula atrifascialis | |
5592 | Tallula watsoni | Watson's Tallula |
5594.1 | Phidotricha erigens | |
5595 | Pococera robustella | Pine Webworm |
5596 | Pococera scortealis | Lespedeza Webworm |
5597 | Pococera melanogrammos | Black-letter Pococera |
5600 | Pococera speciosella | |
5601 | Pococera floridella | |
5602 | Pococera subcanalis | Cloaked Pococera |
5603 | Pococera maritimalis | |
5604 | Pococera militella | Sycamore Webworm |
5605 | Pococera aplastella | Aspen Webworm |
5606 | Pococera asperatella | Maple Webworm |
5615 | Pococera fuscolotella | |
5617 | Pococera humerella | |
5619 | Pococera baptisiella | |
5620 | Pococera euphemella | Mesquite Leaf Tier Moth |
5622 | Galleria mellonella | Greater Wax Moth |
5623 | Achroia grisella | Lesser Wax Moth |
5624 | Trachylepidia fructicassiella | |
5625 | Omphalocera cariosa | |
5627 | Omphalocera munroei | Asimina Webworm |
5628 | Thyridopyralis gallaerandialis | |
5630 | Aphomia terrenella | Terrenella Bee Moth |
5633.2 | Epimorius testaceellus | Bromeliad Pod Borer |
5634 | Aphomia cephalonica | Rice Moth |
5638 | Cacotherapia unicoloralis | |
5639 | Cacotherapia unipuncta | |
5651 | Acrobasis indigenella | Leaf Crumpler Moth |
5653 | Acrobasis vaccinii | Cranberry Fruitworm |
5654 | Acrobasis amplexella | |
5657 | Acrobasis minimella | |
5661 | Acrobasis juglandis | Pecan Leaf Casebearer |
5663 | Acrobasis tumidulella | |
5666 | Acrobasis elyi | |
5667 | Acrobasis nuxvorella | Pecan Nut Casebearer |
5668 | Acrobasis evanescentella | |
5668.1 | Acrobasis caulivorella | |
5669 | Acrobasis stigmella | |
5670 | Acrobasis aurorella | |
5672 | Acrobasis exsulella | Cordovan Pyralid Moth |
5674 | Acrobasis demotella | Walnut Shoot Moth |
5680 | Acrobasis ostryella | |
5684 | Acrobasis cirroferella | |
5685 | Acrobasis cunulae | |
5686 | Acrobasis caryivorella | Hickory Shoot Moth |
5690 | Acrobasis rubrifasciella | Alder Tubemaker |
5704 | Anabasis ochrodesma | Cassia Webworm |
5705 | Hypsipyla grandella | Mahogany Shootborer Moth |
5705.1 | Anypsipyla univitella | |
5706 | Crocidomera imitata | |
5711 | Hypargyria slossonella | |
5713 | Chararica hystriculella | |
5723 | Ectomyelois ceratoniae | Locust Bean Moth |
5724 | Amyelois transitella | Navel Orangeworm |
5725 | Fundella pellucens | Caribbean Podborer Moth |
5726 | Fundella argentina | |
5728 | Anadelosemia texanella | |
5731.5 | Scorylus cubensis | |
5732 | Davara caricae | Papaya Webworm |
5733 | Sarasota plumigerella | |
5734 | Atheloca subrufella | Palm Bud Moth |
5736 | Monoptilota pergratialis | Lima-bean Vine Borer |
5737 | Zamagiria australella | |
5739 | Zamagiria laidion | |
5740 | Zamagiria arctella | |
5741 | Ancylostomia stercorea | |
5742 | Caristanius decoloralis | Caristanius |
5743 | Caristanius minimus | |
5744 | Etiella zinckenella | Gold-banded Etiella |
5745 | Glyptocera consobrinella | |
5754.1 | Pimodes caliginosus | |
5771 | Salebriaria turpidella | |
5772 | Salebriaria nubiferella | |
5773 | Salebriaria engeli | Engel's Salebriaria |
5774 | Salebriaria annulosella | |
5775 | Salebriaria tenebrosella | |
5775.1 | Salebriaria fasciata | |
5775.2 | Salebriaria rufimaculatella | |
5775.3 | Salebriaria squamopalpiella | |
5775.5 | Salebriaria integra | |
5775.8 | Salebriaria carolynae | |
5776 | Salebriaria pumilella | |
5776.2 | Salebriaria pallidella | |
5779.1 | Quasisalebria atratella | |
5789 | Sciota subfuscella | Striped Sumac Leafroller |
5793 | Sciota dammersi | |
5793.1 | Sciota floridensis | Florida Sciota |
5794 | Sciota vetustella | |
5797 | Sciota virgatella | Black-spotted Leafroller |
5802 | Sciota uvinella | Sweetgum Leafroller |
5803 | Sciota celtidella | |
5806 | Sciota crassifasciella | |
5808 | Tlascala reductella | |
5809 | Tulsa finitella | |
5818 | Actrix nyssaecolella | Tupelo Leaffolder |
5820.1 | Stylopalpia luniferella | |
5847 | Dioryctria disclusa | Webbing Coneworm |
5849 | Dioryctria pygmaeella | Bald Cypress Coneworm |
5853 | Dioryctria amatella | Southern Pineconeworm |
5854.1 | Dioryctria merkeli | Loblolly Pineconeworm |
5863.1 | Dioryctria clarioralis | Blister Coneworm |
5863.4 | Dioryctria ebeli | South Coastal Coneworm |
5863.5 | Dioryctria taedivorella | Lesser Loblolly Pineconeworm |
5864 | Oryctometopia fossulatella | |
5889.1 | Quasisarata subosseella | |
5890 | Adelphia petrella | |
5895 | Ufa rubedinella | |
5896 | Elasmopalpus lignosella | Lesser Cornstalk Borer |
5899.4 | Chorrera extrincica | |
5900 | Ulophora groteii | |
5902 | Ragonotia dotalis | |
5909 | Macrorrhinia ochrella | |
5911 | Macrorrhinia parvulella | |
5913 | Macrorrhinia endonephele | Alligatorweed Stemborer |
5914 | Macrorrhinia dryadella | |
5918 | Ancylosis undulatella | Sugarbeet Crown Borer |
5918.1 | Ancylosis bonhoti | |
5919 | Honora mellinella | |
5925 | Honora dulciella | |
5926 | Canarsia ulmiarrosorella | Elm Leaftier |
5927 | Oncolabis ignidorsella | |
5928 | Wunderia neaeriatella | |
5929 | Diviana eudoreella | |
5930 | Palatka nymphaeella | |
5933.2 | Cassiana malacella | |
5934 | Mescinia estrella | |
5934.1 | Mescinia berosa | |
5934.2 | Mescinia parvula | |
5935 | Homoeosoma electella | Sunflower Moth |
5935.1 | Homoeosoma nanophasma | |
5944 | Homoeosoma deceptorium | |
5944.3 | Homoeosoma pedionnastes | |
5946 | Phycitodes mucidella | |
5947 | Unadilla maturella | |
5948 | Unadilla erronella | |
5949 | Laetilia coccidivora | Scale-feeding Snout Moth |
5951 | Laetilia myersella | |
5953 | Laetilia fiskeella | |
5953.1 | Laetilia cinerosella | |
5953.2 | Laetilia bellivorella | |
5964 | Welderella parvella | |
5965 | Baphala pallida | |
5968 | Zophodia grossulariella | Gooseberry Fruitworm |
5970 | Melitara prodenialis | Eastern Cactus-boring Moth |
5970.1 | Cactoblastis cactorum | Cactus Moth |
5978 | Rumatha glaucatella | |
5988.1 | Ozamia lucidalis | |
5992.1 | Lascelina pedernalensis | |
5993 | Metephestia simplicula | |
5995 | Euzophera semifuneralis | American Plum Borer |
5996 | Euzophera magnolialis | Magnolia Borer |
5997 | Euzophera ostricolorella | Root Collar Borer |
5999 | Eulogia ochrifrontella | Broad-banded Eulogia |
6000 | Ephestiodes gilvescentella | |
6001 | Ephestiodes infimella | |
6004 | Ephestiodes erasa | |
6004.1 | Australephestiodes stictella | |
6005 | Moodna ostrinella | Darker Moodna |
6005.1 | Moodna pallidostrinella | Paler Moodna |
6007 | Vitula edmandsii | Dried Fruit Moth |
6012 | Caudellia apyrella | Crescent-winged Caudellia |
6012.1 | Caudellia floridensis | |
6018.1 | Ribua droozi | |
6019 | Plodia interpunctella | Indian Meal Moth |
6020 | Ephestia kuehniella | Mediterranean Flour Moth |
6020.1 | Ephestia columbiella | |
6021 | Ephestia elutella | Tobacco Moth |
6022 | Cadra cautella | Almond Moth |
6027 | Wakulla carneella | |
6028 | Tampa dimediatella | Tampa |
6029 | Varneria postremella | |
6030 | Varneria atrifasciella | |
6031 | Eurythmia hospitella | |
6034 | Erelieva quantulella | |
6036.1 | Bema neuricella | |
6037 | Cabnia myronella | |
6041 | Coenochroa bipunctella | |
6042 | Peoria longipalpella | Long-palps Peoria |
6043 | Peoria bipartitella | |
6046 | Peoria floridella | |
6048 | Peoria gematella | |
6049 | Peoria roseotinctella | |
6053 | Peoria approximella | Carmine Snout Moth |
6054 | Peoria luteicostella | |
6066 | Arivaca albicostella | |
6067 | Atascosa glareosella | |
6068 | Homosassa ella | |
6069 | Homosassa platella | |
6073 | Goya stictella | |
6074.1 | Moodnodes plorella | |
6076 | Thyris maculata | Spotted Thyris |
6077 | Pseudothyris sepulchralis | Mournful Thyris Moth |
6078 | Dysodia oculatana | Eyed Dysodia |
6080 | Dysodia speculifera | |
6081 | Dysodia flagrata | |
6082 | Hexeris enhydris | Seagrape Borer |
6084 | Rhodoneura terminalis | |
6085 | Meskea dyspteraria | Window-wing |
6086 | Banisia myrsusalis | Sapodilla Borer |
6087 | Banisia furva | |
6088 | Hyblaea puera | Teak Defoliator |
6090.1 | Sphenarches anisodactylus | Fire-flag Plume Moth |
6090.2 | Leptodeuterocopus neales | Everglades Plume Moth |
6098 | Buckleria parvulus | Sundew Plume Moth |
6099.1 | Exelastis pumilio | Dwarf Plume Moth |
6099.2 | Exelastis rhynchosiae | Snout-bean Plume Moth |
6099.3 | Exelastis montischristi | Monte Christi Plume Moth |
6099.4 | Exelastis dowi | Dow's Plume Moth |
6100 | Dejongia californicus | Gumweed Plume Moth |
6101 | Trichoptilus pygmaeus | Pygmy Plume Moth |
6104 | Megalorhipida leucodactylus | Spiderling Plume Moth |
6109 | Platyptilia carduidactylus | Artichoke Plume Moth |
6117 | Anstenoptilia marmarodactyla | Sage Plume Moth |
6119 | Lantanophaga pusillidactylus | Lantana Plume Moth |
6120 | Lioptilodes albistriolatus | Mousy Plume Moth |
6121.1 | Stenoptilodes taprobanes | Sri Lanka Plume Moth |
6122 | Stenoptilodes brevipennis | Sweet Broom Plume Moth |
6125 | Paraplatyptilia carolina | Carolina Plume Moth |
6127 | Paraplatyptilia auriga | False Foxglove Plume Moth |
6145 | Stenoptilia pallistriga | Pale-streaked Plume Moth |
6154 | Pselnophorus belfragei | Belfrage's Plume Moth |
6154.2 | Pselnophorus kutisi | Kutis' Plume Moth |
6154.3 | Pselnophorus hodgesi | Hodges' Plume Moth |
6155 | Adaina bipunctatus | Two-dotted Plume Moth |
6155.1 | Adaina simplicius | Three-dotted Plume Moth |
6158.1 | Adaina primulacea | Siam Weed Stem-galler |
6159 | Emmelina buscki | Tropical Morning Glory Plume Moth |
6160 | Adaina ambrosiae | Ragweed Plume Moth |
6168 | Oidaematophorus eupatorii | Eupatorium Plume Moth |
6186 | Hellinsia inquinatus | Black-marked Plume Moth |
6206 | Hellinsia angustus | Straw-colored Plume Moth |
6207 | Hellinsia paleaceus | Ironweed Plume Moth |
6210 | Hellinsia balanotes | Baccharis Borer |
6212 | Hellinsia kellicottii | Goldenrod Plume Moth |
6213 | Hellinsia lacteodactylus | Milky Plume Moth |
6214 | Hellinsia glenni | Glenn's Plume Moth |
6226 | Hellinsia unicolor | Unmarked Plume Moth |
6234 | Emmelina monodactyla | Morning Glory Plume Moth |
6240 | Euthyatira pudens | Dogwood Thyatirid Moth |
6253 | Eudeilinia herminiata | |
6255 | Oreta rosea | Rose Hooktip Moth |
6258 | Alsophila pometaria | Fall Cankerworm |
6259 | Ametris nitocris | Seagrape Spanworm |
6260 | Almodes terraria | |
6263 | Heliomata infulata | Rare Spring Moth |
6270 | Protitame virginalis | Virgin Moth |
6272 | Eumacaria madopata | Brown-bordered Geometer |
6273 | Macaria pustularia | Lesser Maple Spanworm |
6285 | Macaria inextricata | |
6299 | Macaria coortaria | Four-spotted Macaria |
6314 | Macaria varadaria | Southern Angle |
6322 | Mellilla xanthometata | Orangewing Moth |
6326 | Macaria aemulataria | Common Angle |
6328.1 | Psamatodes atrimacularia | |
6328.2 | Psamatodes rectilineata | |
6331 | Macaria promiscuata | Promiscuous Angle |
6332 | Psamatodes abydata | Dot-lined Angle |
6332.1 | Psamatodes trientata | |
6334 | Macaria carpo | |
6335 | Macaria aequiferaria | Woody Angle |
6336 | Macaria distribuaria | Southern Chocolate Angle |
6337 | Macaria sanfordi | |
6339 | Macaria transitaria | Blurry Chocolate Angle |
6341 | Macaria bicolorata | Bicolored Angle |
6342 | Macaria bisignata | Red-headed Inchworm |
6352 | Macaria granitata | Granite Moth |
6353 | Macaria multilineata | Many-lined Angle |
6357 | Digrammia eremiata | Three-lined Angle |
6358 | Digrammia ordinata | |
6360 | Trigrammia quadrinotaria | Four-spotted Angle |
6362 | Digrammia continuata | Curve-lined Angle |
6386 | Digrammia ocellinata | Faint-spotted Angle |
6405 | Digrammia gnophosaria | Hollow-spotted Angle |
6419 | Isturgia dislocaria | Pale-veined Isturgia |
6437 | Hypomecis luridula | |
6438 | Hypomecis buchholzaria | |
6439 | Hypomecis umbrosaria | Umber Moth |
6439.1 | Hypomecis longipectinaria | |
6440 | Hypomecis gnopharia | |
6442 | Pimaphera sparsaria | |
6443 | Glenoides texanaria | Texas Gray |
6449 | Glena cribrataria | Dotted Gray |
6450 | Glena cognataria | Blueberry Gray |
6452 | Glena plumosaria | Dainty Gray |
6478 | Exelis pyrolaria | Fine-lined Gray |
6485 | Tornos cinctarius | |
6486 | Tornos scolopacinaria | Dimorphic Gray |
6487 | Tornos abjectarius | |
6570 | Aethalura intertexta | Four-Barred Gray |
6571 | Iridopsis cypressaria | |
6580 | Iridopsis pergracilis | Cypress Looper |
6582 | Iridopsis vellivolata | Large Purplish Gray |
6583 | Iridopsis ephyraria | Pale-winged Gray |
6584 | Iridopsis humaria | Small Purplish Gray |
6586 | Iridopsis defectaria | Brown-shaded Gray |
6590 | Anavitrinella pampinaria | Common Gray |
6591 | Anavitrinella atristrigaria | Gulf Coast Gray |
6594 | Cleora sublunaria | Double-lined Gray |
6595 | Cleora projecta | Projecta Gray |
6597 | Ectropis crepuscularia | Small Engrailed |
6598 | Protoboarmia porcelaria | Porcelain Gray |
6599 | Epimecis hortaria | Tulip-tree Beauty |
6601 | Epimecis matronaria | |
6602 | Epimecis anonaria | |
6603 | Epimecis fraternaria | |
6604 | Epimecis detexta | Avocado Spanworm |
6616 | Melanchroia chephise | White-tipped Black Moth |
6617 | Melanchroia geometroides | |
6620 | Melanolophia canadaria | Canadian Melanolophia |
6621 | Melanolophia signataria | Signate Melanolophia |
6622 | Melanolophia imperfectaria | |
6652 | Lycia ypsilon | Woolly Gray |
6654 | Hypagyrtis unipunctata | One-spotted Variant, The White Spot |
6655 | Hypagyrtis esther | Esther Moth |
6657 | Hypagyrtis brendae | Brenda's Hypagyrtis |
6658 | Phigalia titea | The Half-wing |
6659 | Phigalia denticulata | Toothed Phigalia |
6660 | Phigalia strigataria | Small Phigalia |
6663 | Paleacrita merriccata | White-spotted Cankerworm |
6667 | Lomographa vestaliata | White Spring Moth |
6668 | Lomographa glomeraria | Gray Spring Moth |
6670 | Phrygionis auriferaria | Golden-winged Palyas Moth |
6671 | Phrygionis paradoxata | Jeweled Satyr |
6677 | Cabera erythemaria | Yellow-dusted Cream |
6678 | Cabera variolaria | Vestal Moth |
6699 | Numia terebintharia | |
6704 | Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria |
6705 | Erastria cruentaria | Thin-Lined Erastria |
6711 | Ilexia intractata | Black-dotted Ruddy Moth |
6711.5 | Covellia procrastinata | |
6712 | Parilexia proditata | |
6713 | Episemasia solitaria | |
6720 | Lytrosis unitaria | Common Lytrosis |
6721 | Lytrosis sinuosa | Sinuous Lytrosis |
6724 | Euchlaena serrata | The Saw-wing |
6725 | Euchlaena muzaria | |
6726 | Euchlaena obtusaria | Obtuse Euchlaena |
6731 | Euchlaena madusaria | Scrub Euchlaena |
6732 | Euchlaena deplanaria | |
6733 | Euchlaena amoenaria | Deep Yellow Euchlaena |
6735 | Euchlaena deductaria | Forked Euchlaena |
6742 | Xanthotype rufaria | Rufous Geometer |
6743 | Xanthotype sospeta | Crocus Geometer |
6745 | Cymatophora approximaria | Giant Gray |
6746 | Pero antidiscaria | |
6748 | Pero ancetaria | Hubner's Pero |
6752 | Pero zalissaria | |
6753 | Pero honestaria | Honest Pero |
6762 | Pero nerisaria | |
6763 | Phaeoura quernaria | Oak Beauty Moth |
6780 | Ceratonyx satanaria | |
6796 | Campaea perlata | Pale Beauty Moth |
6797 | Ennomos magnaria | Maple Spanworm |
6798 | Ennomos subsignaria | Elm Spanworm |
6800 | Sphacelodes vulneraria | |
6801 | Sphacelodes haitiaria | |
6803 | Petrophora divisata | Common Petrophora |
6804 | Petrophora subaequaria | Northern Petrophora |
6805 | Tacparia zalissaria | |
6806 | Tacparia atropunctata | |
6807 | Tacparia detersata | Pale Alder Moth |
6812 | Homochlodes fritillaria | Pale Homochlodes |
6828 | Metarranthis homuraria | Purplish Metarranthis |
6829 | Metarranthis lateritiaria | Southern Metarranthis |
6830 | Metarranthis pilosaria | |
6832 | Metarranthis obfirmaria | Yellow-washed Metarranthis |
6834 | Cepphis decoloraria | Dark Scallop Moth |
6835 | Cepphis armataria | Scallop Moth |
6837 | Probole alienaria | Alien Probole |
6838 | Probole amicaria | Friendly Probole |
6843 | Plagodis fervidaria | Fervid Plagodis |
6858 | Lychnosea intermicata | |
6863 | Caripeta divisata | Gray Spruce Looper |
6868 | Caripeta latiorata | |
6869 | Caripeta aretaria | Southern Pine Looper |
6880 | Destutia flumenata | |
6885 | Besma quercivoraria | Oak Besma |
6888 | Lambdina fiscellaria | Hemlock Looper |
6889 | Lambdina pultaria | Southern Oak Looper |
6892 | Lambdina pellucidaria | Yellow-headed Looper |
6894 | Lambdina fervidaria | Curve-lined Looper |
6908 | Nepytia semiclusaria | Pine Conelet Looper |
6933 | Eusarca fundaria | Dark-edged Eusarca |
6941 | Eusarca confusaria | Confused Eusarca |
6963 | Tetracis crocallata | Yellow Slant-line |
6964 | Tetracis cachexiata | White Slant-Line |
6966 | Eutrapela clemataria | Curve-toothed Geometer |
6967 | Oxydia vesulia | Spurge Spanworm |
6968 | Oxydia cubana | Cuban Spanworm |
6969 | Oxydia gueneei | |
6970 | Oxydia nimbata | |
6972 | Oxydia masthala | |
6974 | Patalene olyzonaria | Juniper Geometer |
6974.1 | Patalene hamulata | |
6982 | Prochoerodes lineola | Large Maple Spanworm |
6985 | Nepheloleuca politia | |
6986 | Nepheloleuca floridata | |
6994 | Sericoptera virginaria | |
7010 | Nematocampa resistaria | Horned Spanworm |
7010.1 | Nematocampa baggettaria | Baggett's Spanworm |
7028 | Nemoria extremaria | |
7029 | Nemoria elfa | Cypress Emerald |
7031 | Nemoria catachloa | |
7032 | Nemoria outina | |
7033 | Nemoria lixaria | Red-bordered Emerald |
7034 | Nemoria saturiba | |
7045 | Nemoria bifilata | White-barred Emerald |
7046 | Nemoria bistriaria | Red-fringed Emerald |
7048 | Nemoria mimosaria | White-Fringed Emerald |
7051 | Phrudocentra centrifugaria | |
7053 | Dichorda iridaria | Showy Emerald |
7058 | Synchlora aerata | Wavy-lined Emerald |
7059 | Synchlora frondaria | Southern Emerald |
7060 | Synchlora xysteraria | |
7061 | Synchlora herbaria | |
7064 | Synchlora cupedinaria | |
7070 | Eueana niveociliaria | |
7070.5 | Eucrostes dominicaria | |
7071 | Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria | Blackberry Looper |
7075 | Chloropteryx tepperaria | Angle-winged Emerald |
7077 | Chloropteryx paularia | |
7084 | Thalera pistasciaria | Pistachio Emerald |
7086 | Eumacrodes yponomeutaria | |
7087 | Euacidalia sericearia | |
7094 | Lobocleta ossularia | Drab Brown Wave |
7097 | Lobocleta plemyraria | Straight-lined Wave |
7098 | Lobocleta lanceolata | |
7100 | Lobocleta peralbata | |
7104 | Idaea microphysa | |
7105 | Idaea scintillularia | Diminutive Wave |
7106 | Idaea insulensis | |
7107 | Idaea pervertipennis | |
7108 | Idaea furciferata | Notch-winged Wave |
7109 | Idaea celtima | |
7112 | Idaea productata | |
7114 | Idaea demissaria | Red-Bordered Wave |
7115 | Idaea eremiata | Straw Wave |
7118 | Idaea hilliata | Hill's Wave |
7119 | Idaea micropterata | |
7120 | Idaea violacearia | |
7121 | Idaea ostentaria | Showy Wave |
7122 | Idaea tacturata | Dot-lined Wave |
7123 | Idaea obfusaria | Rippled Wave |
7124 | Idaea retractaria | |
7132 | Pleuroprucha insulsaria | Common Tan Wave |
7133 | Pleuroprucha asthenaria | Asthene Wave |
7134 | Cyclophora culicaria | |
7136 | Cyclophora packardi | Packard's Wave |
7137 | Cyclophora myrtaria | Waxmyrtle Wave |
7138 | Cyclophora benjamini | |
7140 | Cyclophora nanaria | |
7144 | Semaeopus caecaria | |
7146 | Haematopis grataria | Chickweed Geometer |
7147 | Timandra amaturaria | Cross-lined Wave |
7148 | Acratodes suavata | |
7149 | Scopula lautaria | Small Frosted Wave |
7151 | Scopula aemulata | |
7152 | Scopula compensata | |
7153 | Scopula apparitaria | |
7154 | Scopula plantagenaria | |
7156 | Scopula umbilicata | Swag-lined Wave |
7158 | Scopula purata | Chalky Wave |
7159 | Scopula limboundata | The Large Lace-border |
7160 | Scopula timandrata | |
7161 | Scopula ordinata | |
7169 | Scopula inductata | Soft-lined Wave |
7173 | Leptostales pannaria | Pannaria Wave |
7174 | Leptostales crossii | Cross's Wave |
7175 | Leptostales hepaticaria | |
7176 | Leptostales rubrotincta | |
7177 | Leptostales laevitaria | Raspberry Wave |
7178 | Leptostales oblinataria | |
7180 | Leptostales ferruminaria | |
7181 | Lophosis labeculata | Stained Lophosis |
7196 | Eulithis diversilineata | Lesser Grapevine Looper |
7197 | Eulithis gracilineata | Greater Grapevine Looper |
7214 | Gandaritis atricolorata | Dark-banded Geometer |
7237 | Hydriomena transfigurata | Transfigured Hydriomena |
7239 | Hydriomena pluviata | Sharp Green Hydriomena |
7286 | Rheumaptera affirmata | |
7290 | Rheumaptera meadii | Barberry Geometer |
7292 | Rheumaptera prunivorata | Ferguson's Scallop Shell Moth |
7295 | Archirhoe neomexicana | |
7299 | Pterocypha defensata | |
7314 | Hammaptera parinotata | |
7330 | Anticlea multiferata | Many-lined Carpet |
7390 | Xanthorhoe lacustrata | Toothed Brown Carpet |
7414 | Orthonama obstipata | Gem Moth |
7416 | Costaconvexa centrostrigaria | Bent-line Carpet |
7417 | Disclisioprocta stellata | Somber Carpet |
7428 | Venusia comptaria | Brown-shaded Carpet |
7440 | Eubaphe mendica | Beggar Moth |
7441 | Eubaphe meridiana | Little Beggar Moth |
7445 | Horisme intestinata | Brown Bark Carpet |
7451 | Eupithecia slossonata | |
7453 | Eupithecia peckorum | Peck's Pug |
7474 | Eupithecia miserulata | Common Eupithecia |
7486 | Eupithecia jejunata | |
7635 | Acasis viridata | Olive-and-black Carpet |
7647 | Heterophleps triguttaria | Three-spotted Fillip Moth |
7648 | Dyspteris abortivaria | Badwing Moth |
7650 | Callizzia amorata | Gray Scoopwing Moth |
7652.01 | Antiplecta sp. | Unidentified Antiplecta from Florida |
7653 | Calledapteryx dryopterata | Brown Scoopwing Moth |
7654 | Philagraula slossoniae | |
7656 | Schidax coronaria | |
7656.1 | Phazaca infans | |
7657.2 | Trotorhombia metachromata | |
7658 | Urania fulgens | |
7659 | Lacosoma chiridota | Scalloped Sack-bearer Moth |
7662 | Cicinnus melsheimeri | Melsheimer's Sack-bearer Moth |
7663 | Apatelodes torrefacta | Spotted Apatelodes |
7666 | Olceclostera indistincta | Indistinct Angel Moth |
7670 | Tolype velleda | Large Tolype |
7674 | Tolype notialis | Small Tolype |
7675 | Tolype minta | Southern Tolype |
7683 | Artace cribrarius | Dot-lined White Moth |
7685 | Heteropacha rileyana | Riley's Lappet Moth |
7687 | Phyllodesma americana | Lappet Moth |
7698 | Malacosoma disstria | Forest Tent Caterpillar |
7701 | Malacosoma americana | Eastern Tent Caterpillar |
7704 | Eacles imperialis | Imperial Moth |
7706 | Citheronia regalis | Regal Moth |
7708 | Citheronia sepulcralis | Pine Devil Moth |
7709 | Syssphinx bicolor | Honey Locust Moth |
7715 | Dryocampa rubicunda | Rosy Maple Moth |
7716 | Anisota stigma | Spiny Oakworm |
7718 | Anisota consularis | Consular Oakworm |
7719 | Anisota senatoria | Orange-tipped Oakworm |
7720 | Anisota peigleri | Peigler's Oakworm |
7723 | Anisota virginiensis | Pink-striped Oakworm |
7730 | Hemileuca maia | Buck Moth |
7746 | Automeris io | Io Moth |
7757 | Antheraea polyphemus | Polyphemus Moth |
7758 | Actias luna | Luna Moth |
7764 | Callosamia promethea | Promethea Moth |
7765 | Callosamia angulifera | Tulip-tree Silkmoth |
7766 | Callosamia securifera | Sweetbay Silkmoth |
7767 | Hyalophora cecropia | Cecropia Moth |
7771 | Agrius cingulata | Pink-spotted Hawk Moth |
7772 | Cocytius antaeus | Giant Sphinx |
7773 | Cocytius duponchel | Duponchel's Sphinx |
7775 | Manduca sexta | Carolina Sphinx |
7776 | Manduca quinquemaculatus | Five-spotted Hawk Moth, The Yellow-spotted Unicorn |
7777 | Manduca occulta | Occult Sphinx |
7778 | Manduca rustica | Rustic Sphinx |
7780 | Manduca brontes | Cuban Sphinx |
7782 | Manduca florestan | |
7783 | Manduca jasminearum | Ash Sphinx |
7784 | Dolba hyloeus | Pawpaw Sphinx |
7786 | Ceratomia amyntor | Elm Sphinx |
7787 | Ceratomia undulosa | Waved Sphinx |
7789 | Ceratomia catalpae | Catalpa Sphinx |
7791 | Isoparce cupressi | Bald Cypress Sphinx |
7793 | Paratrea plebeja | Plebeian Sphinx |
7808 | Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx |
7809 | Sphinx kalmiae | Laurel Sphinx |
7810 | Sphinx gordius | Apple Sphinx |
7816 | Lapara coniferarum | Southern Pine Sphinx |
7818 | Protambulyx strigilis | Streaked Sphinx |
7821 | Smerinthus jamaicensis | Twin-spotted Sphinx |
7824 | Paonias excaecata | Blind-eyed Sphinx |
7825 | Paonias myops | Small-eyed Sphinx |
7826 | Paonias astylus | Huckleberry Sphinx |
7827 | Amorpha juglandis | Walnut Sphinx |
7828 | Pachysphinx modesta | Big Poplar Sphinx |
7830 | Pseudosphinx tetrio | Tetrio Sphinx |
7832 | Erinnyis alope | Alope Sphinx |
7833 | Erinnyis lassauxii | Lassaux's Sphinx |
7834 | Erinnyis ello | Ello Sphinx |
7835 | Erinnyis oenotrus | Oleander Sphinx |
7836 | Erinnyis crameri | Cramer's Sphinx |
7837 | Erinnyis obscura | Obscure Sphinx |
7840 | Phryxus caicus | Caicus Sphinx |
7841 | Pachylia ficus | Fig Sphinx |
7842 | Pachylioides resumens | |
7843 | Madoryx pseudothyreus | False-windowed Sphinx |
7845 | Callionima falcifera | Falcifera Sphinx |
7846 | Perigonia lusca | Half-blind Sphinx |
7846.1 | Eupyrrhoglossum sagra | Sagra Sphinx |
7847 | Aellopos tantalus | Tantalus Sphinx |
7849 | Aellopos titan | Titan Sphinx |
7850 | Aellopos fadus | Fadus Sphinx |
7851 | Enyo lugubris | Mournful Sphinx |
7852 | Enyo ocypete | |
7853 | Hemaris thysbe | Hummingbird Clearwing |
7854 | Hemaris gracilis | Slender Clearwing |
7855 | Hemaris diffinis | Snowberry Clearwing |
7859 | Eumorpha pandorus | Pandorus Sphinx |
7860 | Eumorpha intermedia | Intermediate Sphinx |
7861 | Eumorpha achemon | Achemon Sphinx |
7864 | Eumorpha vitis | Vine Sphinx |
7865 | Eumorpha fasciatus | Banded Sphinx |
7866 | Eumorpha labruscae | Gaudy Sphinx |
7867 | Cautethia grotei | Grote's Sphinx |
7868 | Cautethia spuria | Spurious Sphinx |
7870 | Sphecodina abbottii | Abbot's Sphinx |
7871 | Deidamia inscriptum | Lettered Sphinx |
7873 | Amphion floridensis | Nessus Sphinx |
7874 | Proserpinus gaurae | Proud Sphinx |
7884 | Darapsa versicolor | Hydrangea Sphinx |
7885 | Darapsa myron | Virginia Creeper Sphinx |
7886 | Darapsa choerilus | Azalea Sphinx |
7887 | Xylophanes pluto | Pluto Sphinx |
7888 | Xylophanes porcus | Porcu Sphinx |
7890 | Xylophanes tersa | Tersa Sphinx |
7891 | Xylophanes libya | |
7894 | Hyles lineata | White-lined Sphinx |
7895 | Clostera albosigma | Sigmoid Prominent |
7896 | Clostera inclusa | Angle-lined Prominent |
7896.1 | Clostera jocosa | Clostera jocosa |
7902 | Datana ministra | Yellow-necked Caterpillar |
7903 | Datana angusii | Angus's Datana |
7904 | Datana drexelii | Drexel's Datana |
7905 | Datana major | Major Datana |
7906 | Datana contracta | Contracted Datana |
7907 | Datana integerrima | Walnut Caterpillar |
7908 | Datana perspicua | Spotted Datana |
7909 | Datana robusta | |
7910 | Datana modesta | |
7911 | Datana ranaeceps | Post-burn Datana |
7915 | Nadata gibbosa | White-dotted Prominent |
7917 | Paraeschra georgica | Georgian Prominent |
7919 | Peridea basitriens | Oval-Based Prominent |
7920 | Peridea angulosa | Angulose Prominent |
7921 | Peridea ferruginea | Chocolate Prominent |
7929 | Nerice bidentata | Double-toothed Prominent |
7930 | Ellida caniplaga | Linden Prominent |
7931 | Gluphisia septentrionis | Common Gluphisia |
7936 | Furcula borealis | White Furcula |
7937 | Furcula cinerea | Gray Furcula |
7942 | Americerura scitiscripta | Black-etched Prominent |
7943 | Americerura candida | |
7945 | Nystalea indiana | |
7947 | Nystalea eutalanta | |
7951 | Symmerista albifrons | White-headed Prominent |
7957 | Dasylophia anguina | Black-spotted Prominent |
7958 | Dasylophia thyatiroides | Gray-patched Prominent |
7965 | Caribbeana bichorda | |
7968 | Litodonta hydromeli | |
7968.1 | Litodonta troubridgei | |
7974 | Misogada unicolor | Drab Prominent |
7975 | Macrurocampa marthesia | Mottled Prominent |
7977 | Heterocampa astarte | |
7982 | Heterocampa varia | |
7983 | Heterocampa obliqua | Oblique Heterocampa |
7984 | Cecrita cubana | |
7985 | Rifargia subrotata | Small Heterocampa |
7990 | Heterocampa umbrata | White-blotched Heterocampa |
7994 | Cecrita guttivitta | Saddled Prominent |
7995 | Cecrita biundata | Wavy-Lined Heterocampa |
7997 | Macrurocampa zayasi | |
7998 | Lochmaeus manteo | Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar |
7999 | Lochmaeus bilineata | Double-lined Prominent |
8005 | Schizura ipomaeae | Morning-glory Prominent |
8006 | Schizura badia | Chestnut Schizura |
8007 | Coelodasys unicornis | Unicorn Caterpillar |
8009 | Coelodasys apicalis | Plain Schizura |
8010 | Oedemasia concinna | Red-humped Caterpillar |
8011 | Oedemasia leptinoides | Black-blotched Schizura |
8012 | Oedemasia semirufescens | Red-washed Prominent |
8017 | Ianassa lignicolor | White-streaked Prominent |
8022 | Hyparpax aurora | Pink Prominent |
8026 | Hyparpax perophoroides | |
8038 | Composia fidelissima | Faithful Beauty Moth |
8045 | Crambidia lithosioides | Dark Gray Lichen Moth |
8045.1 | Crambidia pallida | Pale Lichen Moth |
8046 | Crambidia uniformis | Uniform Lichen Moth |
8052 | Crambidia pura | Pure Lichen Moth |
8061 | Cisthene kentuckiensis | Kentucky Lichen Moth |
8066 | Cisthene tenuifascia | Thin-banded Lichen Moth |
8067 | Cisthene plumbea | Lead-colored Lichen Moth |
8068 | Cisthene striata | Striated Lichen Moth |
8071 | Cisthene subjecta | Subject Lichen Moth |
8072 | Cisthene packardii | Packard's Lichen Moth |
8089 | Hypoprepia miniata | Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth |
8090 | Hypoprepia fucosa | Painted Lichen Moth |
8098.1 | Clemensia ochreata | Little Ochre Lichen Moth |
8099 | Pagara simplex | Mouse-colored Lichen Moth |
8101 | Neoplynes eudora | |
8102 | Afrida ydatodes | Dyar's Lichen Moth |
8103.97 | Afrida sp. | Unidentified Afrida sp. from Florida |
8104 | Polygrammate cadburyi | Cadbury's Mystique |
8105 | Utetheisa ornatrix | Ornate Bella Moth |
8107 | Haploa clymene | Clymene Moth |
8108 | Haploa colona | Colona Moth |
8114 | Virbia laeta | Joyful Holomelina Moth |
8118 | Virbia opella | Tawny Holomelina Moth |
8118.1 | Virbia fergusoni | |
8121 | Virbia aurantiaca | Orange Holomelina Moth |
8122 | Virbia rubicundaria | Ruddy Virbia |
8129 | Pyrrharctia isabella | Isabella Tiger Moth |
8130 | Seirarctia echo | Echo Moth |
8131 | Estigmene acrea | Salt Marsh Moth |
8134 | Spilosoma congrua | Agreeable Tiger Moth |
8136 | Spilosoma dubia | Dubious Tiger Moth |
8137 | Spilosoma virginica | Virginian Tiger Moth |
8140 | Hyphantria cunea | Fall Webworm |
8141 | Euerythra phasma | Red-tailed Specter Moth |
8142 | Euerythra trimaculata | Three-spotted Specter Moth |
8146 | Hypercompe scribonia | Giant Leopard Moth |
8169 | Apantesis phalerata | Harnessed Tiger Moth |
8170 | Apantesis vittata | Banded Tiger Moth |
8171 | Apantesis nais | Nais Tiger Moth |
8191 | Apantesis placentia | Placentia Tiger Moth |
8194 | Apantesis phyllira | Phyllira Tiger Moth |
8196 | Apantesis parthenice | Parthenice Tiger Moth |
8197 | Apantesis virgo | Virgin Tiger Moth |
8198 | Apantesis doris | Doris Tiger Moth |
8199 | Apantesis arge | Arge Moth |
8202 | Halysidota cinctipes | Florida Tussock Moth |
8203 | Halysidota tessellaris | Banded Tussock Moth |
8204 | Halysidota harrisii | Sycamore Tussock Moth |
8217 | Leucanopsis longa | Long-streaked Tussock Moth |
8224 | Calidota laqueata | Streaked Calidota |
8227 | Pareuchaetes insulata | Yellow-winged Pareuchaetes |
8229 | Cycnia collaris | |
8230 | Cycnia tenera | Delicate Cycnia |
8238 | Euchaetes egle | Milkweed Tussock Moth |
8254 | Pygarctia spraguei | Sprague's Pygarctia |
8255 | Pygarctia abdominalis | Yellow-edged Pygarctia |
8257 | Eupseudosoma involuta | Snowy Eupseudosoma |
8266 | Dahana atripennis | Black-winged Dahana |
8267 | Cisseps fulvicollis | Yellow-collared Scape Moth |
8270 | Lymire edwardsii | Edwards' Wasp Moth |
8271 | Nelphe carolina | Little Carol's Wasp Moth |
8272 | Empyreuma pugione | Spotted Oleander Caterpillar |
8280 | Cosmosoma myrodora | Scarlet-bodied Wasp Moth |
8280.1 | Cosmosoma achemon | |
8281 | Didasys belae | Double-tufted Wasp Moth |
8282 | Syntomeida ipomoeae | Yellow-banded Wasp Moth |
8284 | Syntomeida epilais | Polka-dot Wasp Moth |
8286 | Pseudocharis minima | Lesser Wasp Moth |
8287 | Horama panthalon | Texas Wasp Moth |
8292 | Dasychira tephra | Tephra Tussock Moth |
8296 | Dasychira basiflava | Yellow-based Tussock Moth |
8297 | Dasychira matheri | |
8298 | Dasychira meridionalis | Southern Tussock Moth |
8299 | Dasychira atrivenosa | |
8301 | Dasychira leucophaea | |
8302 | Dasychira obliquata | Streaked Tussock Moth |
8303 | Dasychira dominickaria | |
8307 | Dasychira manto | Manto Tussock Moth |
8313 | Orgyia detrita | Fir Tussock Moth |
8314 | Orgyia definita | Definite Tussock Moth |
8316 | Orgyia leucostigma | White-marked Tussock Moth |
8318 | Lymantria dispar | Spongy Moth |
8322 | Idia americalis | American Idia |
8323 | Idia aemula | Common Idia |
8326 | Idia rotundalis | Rotund Idia |
8327 | Idia forbesii | |
8328 | Idia julia | |
8329 | Idia diminuendis | Orange-spotted Idia |
8330 | Idia scobialis | Smoky Idia |
8331 | Idia laurentii | |
8333 | Idia denticulalis | Toothed Idia |
8334 | Idia lubricalis | Glossy Black Idia |
8336 | Idia gopheri | |
8338 | Phalaenophana pyramusalis | Dark-banded Owlet |
8339.1 | Simplicia cornicalis | |
8340 | Zanclognatha lituralis | Lettered Zanclognatha |
8341 | Zanclognatha theralis | |
8343.1 | Zanclognatha minoralis of authors | |
8345 | Zanclognatha laevigata | Variable Zanclognatha |
8346 | Zanclognatha atrilineella | |
8347 | Zanclognatha obscuripennis | Dark Zanclognatha |
8348 | Zanclognatha pedipilalis | Grayish Zanclognatha |
8349 | Zanclognatha protumnusalis | |
8351 | Zanclognatha cruralis | Early Zanclognatha |
8352 | Zanclognatha marcidilinea | Yellowish Zanclognatha |
8355 | Chytolita morbidalis | Morbid Owlet |
8357.1 | Macrochilo hypocritalis | Twin-dotted Macrochilo |
8360 | Macrochilo orciferalis | Bronzy Macrochilo |
8361 | Macrochilo louisiana | Louisiana Macrochilo |
8364 | Phalaenostola larentioides | Black-banded Owlet |
8366 | Tetanolita mynesalis | Smoky Tetanolita |
8368 | Tetanolita floridana | Florida Tetanolita |
8370 | Bleptina caradrinalis | Bent-winged Owlet |
8370.1 | Bleptina extincta | |
8371 | Bleptina inferior | |
8372 | Bleptina sangamonia | |
8374 | Bleptina minimalis | |
8375 | Bleptina flavivena | |
8375.1 | Bleptina verticalis | |
8376 | Hypenula cacuminalis | Long-Horned Owlet |
8378 | Renia salusalis | |
8379 | Renia factiosalis | Sociable Renia |
8380 | Renia nemoralis | Chocolate Renia |
8381 | Renia discoloralis | Discolored Renia |
8384.1 | Renia flavipunctalis | Yellow-spotted Renia |
8385 | Renia fraternalis | Fraternal Renia |
8386 | Renia adspergillus | Speckled Renia |
8387 | Renia sobrialis | Sober Renia |
8390 | Aristaria theroalis | |
8390.1 | Aglaonice otignatha | |
8390.2 | Physula albipunctilla | |
8391 | Carteris oculatalis | Dotted Carteris |
8391.1 | Carteris lineata | |
8392 | Phlyctaina irrigualis | |
8393 | Lascoria ambigualis | Ambiguous Moth |
8395 | Lascoria alucitalis | |
8396 | Lascoria orneodalis | |
8397 | Palthis angulalis | Dark-spotted Palthis |
8398 | Palthis asopialis | Faint-spotted Palthis |
8400 | Redectis pygmaea | Pygmy Redectis |
8401 | Redectis vitrea | White-spotted Redectis |
8402.1 | Macristis geminipunctalis | |
8404 | Rivula propinqualis | Spotted Grass Moth |
8404.1 | Rivula pusilla | |
8404.2 | Rivula stepheni | |
8408 | Oxycilla mitographa | |
8411 | Colobochyla interpuncta | Yellow-lined Owlet |
8412 | Melanomma auricinctaria | Gold-lined Melanomma |
8419.2 | Prosoparia floridana | |
8420 | Hypenodes caducus | Large Hypenodes |
8421 | Hypenodes fractilinea | Broken-line Hypenodes |
8424 | Hypenodes franclemonti | |
8427 | Dyspyralis puncticosta | Spot-edged Dyspyralis |
8428 | Dyspyralis nigellus | |
8429.1 | Dyspyralis ocala | |
8430 | Parahypenodes quadralis | Masked Parahypenodes |
8432 | Sigela brauneata | |
8433 | Sigela penumbrata | |
8434 | Sigela basipunctaria | |
8435 | Sigela eoides | |
8435.1 | Sigela sordes | |
8435.2 | Sigela rosea | |
8435.3 | Sigela lynx | |
8437 | Abablemma brimleyana | |
8440 | Nigetia formosalis | Thin-winged Owlet |
8441 | Hypena manalis | Flowing-line Hypena |
8442 | Hypena baltimoralis | Baltimore Hypena |
8442.1 | Hypena ramstadtii | |
8443 | Hypena bijugalis | Dimorphic Hypena |
8444 | Hypena palparia | Mottled Hypena |
8445 | Hypena abalienalis | White-lined Hypena |
8446 | Hypena deceptalis | Deceptive Hypena |
8447 | Hypena madefactalis | Gray-edged Hypena |
8448 | Hypena sordidula | Sordid Hypena |
8448.1 | Hypena subidalis | |
8453 | Hypena umbralis | |
8454.1 | Hypena vetustalis | |
8455 | Hypena eductalis | |
8456 | Hypena lividalis | |
8457 | Hypena minualis | Sooty Hypena |
8459 | Hypena degesalis | |
8460 | Hypena porrectalis | |
8461 | Hypena humuli | Hop Vine Moth |
8465 | Hypena scabra | Green Cloverworm |
8466 | Tathorhynchus exsiccata | |
8467 | Hemeroplanis scopulepes | Variable Tropic Moth, The Brush-foot |
8471 | Hemeroplanis habitalis | Black-dotted Hemeroplanis |
8477.2 | Mursa phtisialis | |
8478 | Glympis concors | |
8480 | Phytometra ernestinana | Ernestine's Moth |
8481 | Phytometra rhodarialis | Pink-Bordered Yellow Moth |
8488 | Hormoschista latipalpis | Double-lined Brown Moth |
8489 | Ommatochila mundula | |
8490 | Pangrapta decoralis | Decorated Owlet |
8491 | Ledaea perditalis | Lost Owlet |
8493 | Isogona tenuis | Thin-lined Owlet |
8498 | Isogona scindens | |
8499 | Metalectra discalis | Common Fungus Moth |
8500 | Metalectra quadrisignata | Four-spotted Fungus Moth |
8502 | Metalectra tantillus | Black Fungus Moth |
8503 | Metalectra diabolica | Diabolical Fungus Moth |
8504 | Metalectra albilinea | |
8505 | Metalectra richardsi | Richards' Fungus Moth |
8507.1 | Metalectra geminicincta | |
8509 | Arugisa lutea | Common Arugisa |
8510 | Arugisa latiorella | Watson's Arugisa |
8514 | Scolecocampa liburna | Deadwood Borer |
8517 | Palpidia pallidior | |
8522 | Gabara subnivosella | |
8523 | Gabara distema | |
8524 | Gabara pulverosalis | |
8525 | Phyprosopus callitrichoides | Curve-lined Owlet |
8527 | Hypsoropha monilis | Large Necklace Moth |
8528 | Hypsoropha hormos | Small Necklace Moth |
8530 | Cecharismena cara | |
8532 | Cecharismena nectarea | |
8534 | Plusiodonta compressipalpis | Moonseed Moth |
8537 | Gonodonta sicheas | |
8540 | Gonodonta nutrix | Citrus Fruit-piercer Moth |
8541 | Gonodonta unica | |
8542 | Gonodonta incurva | |
8542.1 | Gonodonta bidens | |
8542.7 | Gonodontodes dispar | |
8543 | Eudocima apta | |
8545 | Anomis erosa | Yellow Scallop Moth |
8546 | Anomis flava | Tropical Anomis |
8548 | Anomis impasta of authors | |
8549 | Anomis luridula | |
8550 | Anomis texana | |
8551 | Anomis illita | Okra Leafworm |
8553 | Anomis editrix | |
8554 | Alabama argillacea | Cotton Leafworm |
8554.5 | Dinumma deponens | |
8556 | Litoprosopus futilis | Palmetto Borer |
8556.1 | Litoprosopus hatuey | |
8556.2 | Litoprosopus linea | |
8557 | Litoprosopus bahamensis | Bahamian Palm Owlet |
8560 | Diphthera festiva | Hieroglyphic Moth |
8561 | Janseodes melanospila | |
8562 | Concana mundissima | |
8570 | Eulepidotis metamorpha | |
8571.1 | Eulepidotis striaepuncta | |
8573 | Metallata absumens | Variable Metallata |
8574 | Anticarsia gemmatalis | Velvetbean Caterpillar |
8575 | Azeta repugnalis | |
8577 | Antiblemma rufinans | |
8578 | Antiblemma filaria | |
8579 | Antiblemma perva | |
8582 | Ephyrodes cacata | |
8583 | Athyrma fakahatchee | |
8583.1 | Athyrma ganglio | |
8584 | Syllectra erycata | |
8585 | Epidromia lienaris | |
8585.2 | Epidromia pannosa | |
8585.3 | Epidromia rotundata | |
8585.4 | Manbuta pyraliformis | |
8586 | Massala obvertens | |
8587 | Panopoda rufimargo | Red-lined Panopoda |
8588 | Panopoda carneicosta | Brown Panopoda |
8589 | Panopoda repanda | Orange Panopoda |
8591 | Phoberia atomaris | Common Oak Moth |
8591.1 | Phoberia ingenua | |
8592 | Cissusa spadix | Black-dotted Brown Moth |
8598 | Melipotis perpendicularis | |
8598.1 | Melipotis florida | |
8599 | Melipotis fasciolaris | Fasciolated Melipotis |
8600 | Melipotis indomita | Indomitable Melipotis |
8601 | Melipotis cellaris | Cellar Melipotis |
8603 | Melipotis januaris | January Melipotis |
8604 | Melipotis famelica | |
8605 | Melipotis contorta | |
8606 | Melipotis prolata | Prolata Melipotis |
8607 | Melipotis jucunda | Merry Melipotis |
8610 | Melipotis acontioides | Royal Poinciana Moth |
8614 | Bulia deducta | |
8618 | Drasteria graphica | Graphic Moth |
8641 | Drasteria grandirena | Figure-seven Moth |
8642 | Hypocala andremona | Hypocala |
8643 | Boryzops purissima | |
8644 | Orodesma apicina | |
8645 | Hemeroblemma opigena | |
8646 | Latebraria amphipyroides | |
8647 | Thysania zenobia | Owl Moth |
8649 | Ascalapha odorata | Black Witch |
8650 | Tyrissa multilinea | |
8651 | Lesmone detrahens | Detracted Owlet |
8653 | Lesmone hinna | |
8655 | Lesmone formularis | |
8658 | Selenisa sueroides | Pale-edged Selenisa |
8661.1 | Elousa albicans | |
8662 | Coxina cinctipalpis | |
8665 | Coenipeta bibitrix | |
8666 | Metria amella | Live Oak Metria |
8667 | Metria bilineata | |
8669 | Kakopoda progenies | |
8673.3 | Toxonprucha killamae | |
8679 | Matigramma pulverilinea | Dusty Lined Matigramma |
8683 | Pseudanthracia coracias | Pseudanthracia |
8684 | Zale exhausta | |
8685 | Zale lafontainei | |
8687 | Zale fictilis | |
8689 | Zale lunata | Lunate Zale |
8690 | Zale smithi | |
8691 | Zale declarans | |
8692 | Zale galbanata | Maple Zale |
8694 | Zale aeruginosa | Green-dusted Zale |
8695 | Zale undularis | Black Zale |
8697 | Zale minerea | Colorful Zale |
8698 | Zale phaeocapna | |
8699 | Zale obliqua | Oblique Zale |
8700 | Zale squamularis | Gray-banded Zale |
8701 | Zale confusa | |
8702 | Zale submediana | |
8704 | Zale helata | Brown-spotted Zale |
8706 | Zale buchholzi | |
8708 | Zale metata | |
8709 | Zale curema | Black-eyed Zale |
8713 | Zale lunifera | Bold-based Zale |
8713.1 | Zale intenta | |
8714 | Zale calycanthata | Double-banded Zale |
8716 | Zale unilineata | One-lined Zale |
8717 | Zale horrida | Horrid Zale |
8718 | Zale perculta | Okefenokee Zale |
8719 | Euparthenos nubilis | Locust Underwing |
8721 | Allotria elonympha | False Underwing |
8722 | Ophisma tropicalis | |
8723.1 | Mimophisma ablunaris | |
8724 | Gondysia consobrina | Consobrina Darkwing Moth |
8725 | Gondysia similis | |
8726 | Gondysia smithii | Smith's Darkwing Moth |
8726.1 | Gondysia telma | |
8727 | Parallelia bistriaris | Maple Looper |
8728 | Cutina albopunctella | |
8729 | Cutina distincta | Distinguished Cypress Owlet |
8729.1 | Cutina aluticolor | |
8729.2 | Cutina arcuata | |
8730.1 | Focillidia grenadensis | |
8731 | Euclidia cuspidea | Toothed Somberwing Moth |
8733 | Caenurgia chloropha | Vetch Looper |
8738 | Caenurgina crassiuscula | Clover Looper, The Double-barred |
8739 | Caenurgina erechtea | Forage Looper |
8743 | Mocis latipes | Small Mocis |
8744 | Mocis marcida | Withered Mocis |
8745 | Mocis texana | Texas Mocis |
8746 | Mocis disseverans | Yellow Mocis |
8746.1 | Mocis cubana | |
8747 | Celiptera frustulum | Black Bit Moth |
8749 | Ptichodis vinculum | Black-tipped Ptichodis |
8750 | Ptichodis herbarum | Common Ptichodis |
8750.1 | Ptichodis immunis | |
8751 | Ptichodis bistrigata | Southern Ptichodis |
8752 | Ptichodis pacalis | |
8759 | Argyrostrotis flavistriaria | Yellow-lined Chocolate Moth |
8760 | Argyrostrotis sylvarum | Woodland Chocolate Moth |
8761 | Argyrostrotis erasa | Erasa Chocolate Moth |
8762 | Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris | Four-Lined Chocolate Moth |
8763 | Argyrostrotis deleta | |
8764 | Argyrostrotis anilis | Short-lined Chocolate Moth |
8765 | Doryodes bistrialis | Double-lined Doryodes |
8767 | Doryodes spadaria | Dull Doryodes |
8769 | Spiloloma lunilinea | Moon-lined Moth |
8770 | Catocala innubens | Betrothed Underwing |
8771 | Catocala piatrix | Penitent Underwing |
8772 | Catocala consors | Consort Underwing |
8773 | Catocala epione | Epione Underwing |
8774 | Catocala muliercula | Little Wife Underwing |
8786 | Catocala sappho | Sappho Underwing |
8787 | Catocala agrippina | Agrippina Underwing |
8789 | Catocala ulalume | Ulalume Underwing |
8790 | Catocala dejecta | Dejected Underwing |
8791 | Catocala insolabilis | Inconsolable Underwing |
8792 | Catocala vidua | Widow Underwing |
8793 | Catocala maestosa | Sad Underwing |
8794 | Catocala lacrymosa | Tearful Underwing |
8796 | Catocala nebulosa | Clouded Underwing |
8798 | Catocala neogama | Bride Underwing |
8801 | Catocala ilia | Ilia Underwing |
8801.1 | Catocala umbrosa | Umber Underwing |
8832 | Catocala cara | Darling Underwing |
8832.1 | Catocala carissima | Carissima Underwing |
8834 | Catocala amatrix | Sweetheart Underwing |
8835 | Catocala delilah | Delilah Underwing |
8843 | Catocala whitneyi | Whitney's Underwing |
8843.1 | Catocala slotteni | |
8844 | Catocala amestris | Three-staff Underwing |
8845 | Catocala messalina | Messalina Underwing |
8846 | Catocala sordida | Sordid Underwing |
8847 | Catocala gracilis | Graceful Underwing |
8848 | Catocala louiseae | Louise's Underwing |
8849 | Catocala andromedae | Andromeda Underwing |
8851 | Catocala coccinata | Scarlet Underwing |
8855 | Catocala miranda | Miranda Underwing |
8856 | Catocala orba | Orb Underwing |
8857 | Catocala ultronia | Ultronia Underwing |
8858 | Catocala crataegi | Hawthorn Underwing |
8858.1 | Catocala pretiosa | |
8860 | Catocala lincolnana | Lincoln Underwing |
8863 | Catocala mira | Wonderful Underwing |
8864 | Catocala grynea | Woody Underwing |
8865 | Catocala praeclara | Praeclara Underwing |
8869 | Catocala alabamae | Alabama Underwing |
8872 | Catocala clintonii | Clinton's Underwing |
8873 | Catocala similis | Similar Underwing |
8874 | Catocala minuta | Little Underwing |
8875 | Catocala grisatra | Grisatra Underwing |
8876 | Catocala micronympha | Little Nymph Underwing |
8877 | Catocala connubialis | Connubial Underwing |
8878 | Catocala amica | Girlfriend Underwing |
8878.1 | Catocala lineella | Little Lined Underwing |
8879 | Catocala jair | Jair Underwing |
8884 | Mouralia tinctoides | |
8885 | Argyrogramma verruca | Golden Looper |
8886 | Enigmogramma basigera | Pink-washed Looper |
8886.1 | Enigmogramma antillea | Antillean Looper |
8887 | Trichoplusia ni | Cabbage Looper |
8889 | Ctenoplusia oxygramma | Sharp-stigma Looper |
8890 | Chrysodeixis includens | Soybean Looper |
8891 | Autoplusia egena | Bean-lead Skeletonizer |
8894 | Notioplusia illustrata | Notioplusia |
8895 | Rachiplusia ou | Gray Looper |
8897 | Diachrysia balluca | Green-patched Looper |
8898 | Allagrapha aerea | Unspotted Looper |
8907 | Megalographa biloba | Bilobed Looper |
8924 | Anagrapha falcifera | Celery Looper |
8955 | Marathyssa inficita | Dark Marathyssa |
8956 | Marathyssa basalis | Light Marathyssa |
8957 | Paectes oculatrix | Eyed Paectes |
8959 | Paectes pygmaea | Pygmy Paectes |
8959.1 | Paectes abrostolella | |
8962 | Paectes abrostoloides | Large Paectes |
8963.1 | Paectes lunodes | |
8963.2 | Paectes fuscescens | |
8964 | Paectes acutangula | |
8965 | Paectes nubifera | |
8966 | Paectes asper | |
8967 | Paectes nana | |
8968 | Marathyssa pulcherrimus | Beautiful Eutelia |
8968.1 | Marathyssa pyrastis | |
8968.2 | Marathyssa furcata | Florida Eutelia |
8969 | Baileya doubledayi | Doubleday's Baileya |
8970 | Baileya ophthalmica | Eyed Baileya |
8971 | Baileya dormitans | Sleeping Baileya |
8972 | Baileya levitans | Pale Baileya |
8972.1 | Baileya ellessyoo | |
8973 | Baileya australis | Small Baileya |
8974 | Garella nilotica | Black-olive Caterpillar |
8978 | Nycteola metaspilella | Forgotten Frigid Owlet |
8981 | Motya abseuzalis | |
8982 | Collomena inflexa | |
8983 | Meganola minuscula | Confused Meganola |
8983.1 | Meganola phylla | Coastal Plain Meganola |
8983.2 | Meganola spodia | Ashy Meganola |
8983.3 | Meganola georgei | |
8989 | Nola pustulata | Sharp-blotched Nola |
8990 | Nola cilicoides | Blurry-patched Nola |
8991 | Nola cereella | Sorghum Webworm |
8992 | Nola triquetrana | Three-spotted Nola |
8995 | Nola ovilla | |
8996 | Nola clethrae | Sweet Pepperbush Nola |
8997 | Nola lagunculariae | |
8999 | Cydosia aurivitta | Straight-lined Cydosia |
9000 | Cydosia nobilitella | Curve-lined Cydosia |
9001 | Cydosia curvinella | |
9003.1 | Tripudia rectangula | |
9004 | Tripudia grapholithoides | |
9005 | Tripudia balteata | |
9007.1 | Tripudia calusa | |
9009 | Tripudia flavofasciata | |
9010.95 | Tripudia flavofasciata complex | |
9012 | Cobubatha metaspilaris | |
9013 | Cobubatha numa | |
9021 | Exyra fax | Epauletted Pitcher-plant Moth |
9023 | Exyra ridingsii | |
9024 | Exyra semicrocea | |
9025 | "Oruza" albocostaliata | White Edge Moth |
9030 | Ozarba aeria | Aerial Brown Moth |
9033 | Ozarba nebula | |
9035 | Hyperstrotia nana | |
9036 | Hyperstrotia aetheria | |
9037 | Hyperstrotia pervertens | Dotted Graylet Moth |
9039 | Hyperstrotia flaviguttata | Yellow-spotted Graylet Moth |
9040 | Hyperstrotia secta | Black-patched Graylet Moth |
9044 | Marimatha nigrofimbria | Black-bordered Lemon Moth |
9045 | Marimatha tripuncta | |
9046 | Deltote bellicula | Bog Deltote |
9047 | Protodeltote muscosula | Large Mossy Protodeltote |
9049 | Maliattha synochitis | Black-dotted Maliattha |
9051 | "Lithacodia" musta | Small Mossy Lithacodia |
9053 | Pseudeustrotia carneola | Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia |
9054 | Pseudeustrotia indeterminata | |
9056 | Homophoberia cristata | Waterlily Owlet |
9056.1 | Homophoberia australis | |
9057 | Homophoberia apicosa | Black Wedge-spot, The Blossom Tip |
9060 | Argillophora furcilla | |
9061 | Cerma cora | The Agate |
9062 | Cerma cerintha | Tufted Bird-dropping Moth |
9065 | Leuconycta diphteroides | Green Leuconycta |
9067 | Diastema tigris | Lantana Moth |
9067.1 | Diastema leo | |
9069 | Amyna bullula | Hook-tipped Amyna |
9070 | Amyna stricta | Eight-spot Moth |
9076 | Eublemma minima | Everlasting Bud Moth |
9077 | Eublemma cinnamomea | |
9078 | Eublemma recta | Straight-lined Seed Moth |
9080 | Proroblemma testa | |
9081 | Sigela incisa | |
9081.1 | Sigela minuta | |
9083 | Ponometia parvula | |
9085 | Ponometia semiflava | Half-yellow Moth |
9088 | Ponometia virginalis | |
9090 | Ponometia candefacta | Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth |
9095 | Ponometia erastrioides | Small Bird-dropping Moth |
9101 | Ponometia tortricina | |
9102 | Ponometia fasciatella | |
9115 | Ponometia exigua | |
9122 | Spragueia dama | Southern Spragueia |
9124 | Spragueia perstructana | |
9125 | Spragueia guttata | Spotted Spragueia |
9126 | Spragueia onagrus | Black-dotted Spragueia |
9127 | Spragueia leo | Common Spragueia |
9128 | Spragueia jaguaralis | |
9131 | Spragueia apicalis | Yellow Spragueia |
9132 | Spragueia margana | |
9136 | Tarache aprica | Exposed Bird-dropping Moth |
9143 | Tarache tetragona | Four-spotted Bird-dropping Moth |
9145 | Tarache terminimaculata | Curve-lined Bird-dropping Moth |
9146 | Tarache delecta | Delightful Bird-dropping Moth |
9168 | Bagisara repanda | Wavy Lined Mallow Moth |
9169 | Bagisara rectifascia | Straight Lined Mallow Moth |
9176.1 | Bagisara brouana | |
9182 | Panthea furcilla | Eastern Panthea |
9184 | Colocasia flavicornis | Yellowhorn |
9189 | Charadra deridens | The Laugher |
9193 | Raphia frater | The Brother |
9199 | Acronicta rubricoma | Hackberry Dagger |
9200 | Acronicta americana | American Dagger |
9202 | Acronicta insita | Large Gray Dagger |
9205 | Acronicta lepusculina | Cottonwood Dagger |
9208 | Acronicta betulae | River Birch Dagger |
9211 | Acronicta tritona | Triton Dagger |
9219 | Acronicta connecta | Connected Dagger |
9225 | Acronicta vinnula | Delightful Dagger |
9226 | Acronicta superans | Splendid Dagger |
9227 | Acronicta laetifica | Pleasant Dagger |
9229 | Acronicta hasta | Cherry Dagger |
9235 | Acronicta spinigera | Nondescript Dagger |
9236 | Acronicta morula | Ochre Dagger |
9237 | Acronicta interrupta | Interrupted Dagger |
9238 | Acronicta lobeliae | Greater Oak Dagger |
9238.1 | Acronicta perblanda | |
9241 | Acronicta fragilis | Fragile Dagger |
9242 | Acronicta exilis | Lesser Oak Dagger |
9244 | Acronicta modica | Hesitant Dagger |
9246 | Acronicta clarescens | Clear Dagger |
9248 | Acronicta hamamelis | Witch Hazel Dagger |
9249 | Acronicta increta | Eclipsed Oak Dagger |
9251 | Acronicta retardata | Retarded Dagger |
9254 | Acronicta afflicta | Afflicted Dagger |
9255 | Acronicta brumosa | Charred Dagger |
9257 | Acronicta impleta | Powered Dagger |
9259 | Acronicta noctivaga | Night-Wandering Dagger |
9264 | Acronicta longa | Long-winged Dagger |
9266 | Acronicta lithospila | Streaked Dagger |
9272 | Acronicta oblinita | Smeared Dagger |
9272.1 | Acronicta sinescripta | |
9274 | Acronicta lanceolaria | |
9280 | Acronicta insularis | Marsh Dagger |
9281 | Acronicta fallax | Green Marvel |
9285 | Polygrammate hebraeicum | Hebrew Moth |
9286 | Harrisimemna trisignata | Harris's Three-spot |
9297.2 | "Elaphria" cyanympha | |
9299 | Eudryas unio | Pearly Wood-nymph |
9301 | Eudryas grata | Beautiful Wood-nymph |
9305 | Neotuerta hemicycla | |
9306 | Caularis lunata | |
9307.1 | Euscirrhopterus poeyi | Pullback Moth |
9309 | Psychomorpha epimenis | Grapevine Epimenis Moth |
9314 | Alypia octomaculata | Eight-spotted Forester Moth |
9316 | Alypia wittfeldii | Wittfeld's Forester Moth |
9332 | Apamea vulgaris | Common Apamea |
9341 | Apamea vultuosa | Airy Apamea |
9367 | Apamea dubitans | Doubtful Apamea |
9402 | "Oligia" chlorostigma | |
9406 | Mesapamea fractilinea | Broken-lined Brocade |
9425 | Meropleon cosmion | |
9429 | Lemmeria digitalis | Fingered Lemmeria |
9441 | "Photedes" enervata | |
9444 | Franclemontia interrogans | |
9449 | Globia oblonga | Oblong Sedge Borer |
9454.2 | Protapamea danieli | |
9463 | Parapamea buffaloensis | Buffalo Moth |
9465 | Papaipema duovata | Seaside Goldenrod Borer |
9466 | Papaipema cataphracta | Burdock Borer |
9469 | Papaipema polymniae | Cup Plant Borer |
9472 | Papaipema harrisii | Heracleum Stem Borer |
9481 | Papaipema stenocelis | Chain Fern Borer |
9482 | Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer |
9493 | Papaipema appassionata | Pitcher-plant Borer |
9520 | Achatodes zeae | Elder Shoot Borer |
9520.1 | "Acrapex" relicta | |
9522 | Iodopepla u-album | White-eyed Borer |
9523 | Bellura gortynoides | White-tailed Diver Moth |
9523.1 | Bellura vulnifica | |
9524 | Bellura brehmei | |
9525 | Bellura obliqua | Cattail Borer |
9525.1 | Bellura anoa | |
9526 | Bellura densa | Pickerelweed Borer |
9545 | Euplexia benesimilis | American Angle Shades |
9556 | Chytonix palliatricula | Cloaked Marvel Moth |
9557 | Chytonix sensilis | |
9560 | Dypterygia rozmani | American Bird's-wing |
9560.1 | Dypterygia ligata | |
9561 | Dypterygia patina | |
9561.2 | Dypterygia punctirena | |
9562.1 | Acroria pulchra | |
9582 | Nedra ramosula | Gray Half-spot Moth |
9592 | Properigea tapeta | |
9618 | Phosphila turbulenta | Turbulent Phosphila |
9619 | Phosphila miselioides | Spotted Phosphila |
9622 | Cropia connecta | |
9625 | Speocropia trichroma | |
9629 | Fagitana littera | Marsh Fern Moth |
9630 | Callopistria floridensis | Florida Fern Moth |
9630.1 | Callopistria jamaicensis | |
9631 | Callopistria mollissima | Pink-shaded Fern Moth |
9632 | Callopistria granitosa | Granitose Fern Moth |
9633 | Callopistria cordata | Silver-spotted Fern Moth |
9634 | Phuphena tura | |
9636 | Acherdoa ferraria | Chocolate Moth |
9637 | Magusa orbifera | |
9637.1 | Magusa divaricata | Orbed Narrow-wing |
9638 | Amphipyra pyramidoides | Copper Underwing |
9640 | Amphipyra glabella | Smooth Amphipyra |
9644 | Micrathetis triplex | Triplex Cutworm |
9650 | Athetis tarda | Slowpoke Moth |
9661 | Crambodes talidiformis | Verbena Moth |
9662 | Balsa malana | Many-dotted Balsa |
9664 | Balsa labecula | White-blotched Balsa |
9665 | Spodoptera exigua | Beet Armyworm |
9666 | Spodoptera frugiperda | Fall Armyworm |
9668 | Spodoptera pulchella | Caribbean Armyworm |
9669 | Spodoptera ornithogalli | Yellow-striped Armyworm |
9670 | Spodoptera latifascia | Velvet Armyworm |
9671 | Spodoptera dolichos | Dolichos Armyworm |
9671.1 | Spodoptera androgea | Androgea Armyworm |
9672 | Spodoptera eridania | Southern Armyworm |
9673 | Spodoptera albula | Gray-streaked Armyworm Moth |
9675 | Elaphria fuscimacula | |
9676 | Elaphria nucicolora | Sugarcane Midget |
9677 | Elaphria agrotina | |
9678 | Elaphria versicolor | Variegated Midget |
9679 | Elaphria chalcedonia | Chalcedony Midget |
9679.1 | Elaphria deltoides | |
9680 | Elaphria georgei | George's Midget |
9681 | Elaphria festivoides | Festive Midget |
9682 | Elaphria exesa | Exesa Midget |
9684 | Elaphria grata | Grateful Midget |
9687 | Gonodes liquida | |
9688 | Galgula partita | Wedgling Moth |
9689 | Perigea xanthioides | Red Groundling Moth |
9689.3 | Perigea bahamica | |
9690 | Condica videns | White-dotted Groundling Moth |
9693 | Condica mobilis | Mobile Groundling Moth |
9696 | Condica vecors | Dusky Groundling Moth |
9698 | Condica concisa | |
9699 | Condica sutor | Cobbler Moth |
9700 | Condica claufacta | |
9702 | Condica albigera | |
9703 | Condica hypocritica of authors | |
9713 | Condica cupentia | Splotched Groundling Moth |
9714 | Condica confederata | Confederate Moth |
9718 | Emarginea percara | Beloved Emarginea |
9720 | Ogdoconta cinereola | Common Pinkband Moth |
9724 | Ogdoconta tacna | |
9724.2 | Ogdoconta fergusoni | |
9725 | Azenia obtusa | Obtuse Yellow Moth |
9748 | Plagiomimicus spumosum | Frothy Moth |
9754 | Plagiomimicus pityochromus | Black-barred Brown Moth |
9766 | Cirrhophanus triangulifer | Goldenrod Stowaway Moth |
9781 | Basilodes pepita | Gold Moth |
9785 | Stiria rugifrons | Yellow Sunflower Moth |
9815 | Cosmia calami | American Dun-bar Moth |
9818 | Amolita fessa | Feeble Grass Moth |
9819 | Amolita obliqua | Oblique Grass Moth |
9821 | Amolita roseola | |
9886 | Lithophane patefacta | Dimorphic Pinion |
9887 | Lithophane bethunei | Bethune's Pinion |
9899 | Lithophane lemmeri | |
9910 | Lithophane antennata | Ashen Pinion |
9928.1 | Lithophane abita | |
9929 | Pyreferra hesperidago | Mustard Sallow |
9931 | Pyreferra ceromatica | |
9932 | Pyreferra pettiti | |
9932.1 | Pyreferra slotteni | |
9941 | Sericaglaea signata | Variable Sallow |
9942 | Xystopeplus rufago | Red-winged Sallow |
9944 | Metaxaglaea viatica | Roadside Sallow |
9945 | Metaxaglaea semitaria | Footpath Sallow |
9945.1 | Metaxaglaea australis | Southern Sallow |
9945.2 | Metaxaglaea violacea | Holly Sallow |
9947 | Epiglaea apiata | Pointed Sallow |
9948.1 | Chaetaglaea fergusoni | Ferguson's Sallow |
9949 | Chaetaglaea tremula | Trembling Sallow |
9950 | Chaetaglaea sericea | Silky Sallow |
9952 | Eucirroedia pampina | Scalloped Sallow |
9957 | Sunira bicolorago | Bicolored Sallow |
9989 | Sutyna privata | |
10007 | Feralia major | Major Sallow |
10012 | Psaphida electilis | Chosen Sallow |
10013 | Psaphida grandis | Gray Sallow |
10014 | Psaphida rolandi | Roland's Sallow |
10016 | Psaphida styracis | Fawn Sallow |
10019 | Psaphida resumens | Figure-Eight Sallow |
10021 | Copivaleria grotei | Grote's Sallow |
10032 | Neogalea sunia | Lantana Stick Moth |
10036 | Catabenoides vitrina | |
10059 | Sympistis badistriga | Brown-lined Sallow |
10065 | Sympistis infixa | Broad-lined Sallow |
10099 | Sympistis saundersiana | Saunders' Sallow |
10154 | Sympistis perscripta | Scribbled Sallow |
10172 | Pseudacontia crustaria | |
10192 | Cucullia alfarata | Camphorweed Owlet |
10200 | Cucullia asteroides | Asteroid Moth |
10223 | Anarta trifolii | Nutmeg Moth |
10257 | Anarta florida | |
10262 | Sideridis ruisa | |
10264 | Sideridis vindemialis | |
10289 | "Orthodes" goodelli | Goodell's Arches |
10304 | Trichordestra legitima | Striped Garden Caterpillar |
10317 | Hadena capsularis | Capsule Moth |
10368 | Lacinipolia meditata | Thinker Moth |
10397 | Lacinipolia renigera | Bristly Cutworm |
10403 | Lacinipolia erecta | |
10411 | Lacinipolia laudabilis | Laudable Arches |
10413 | Lacinipolia explicata | Explicit Arches |
10424 | Lacinipolia parvula | |
10430 | Dargida quadrannulata | |
10434 | Dargida rubripennis | Pink Streak Moth |
10438 | Mythimna unipuncta | Armyworm, The White-speck |
10438.1 | Mythimna sequax | Wheat Armyworm |
10439 | Leucania extincta | |
10440 | Leucania linita | |
10444 | Leucania phragmitidicola | Phragmites Wainscot |
10447.1 | Leucania dorsalis | |
10449 | Leucania insueta | |
10450 | Leucania incognita | |
10450.01 | Leucania chejela | |
10450.1 | Leucania inconspicua | |
10451.1 | Leucania lobrega | |
10453.1 | Leucania subpunctata | Forage Armyworm |
10455 | Leucania scirpicola | Scirpus Wainscot |
10455.1 | Leucania senescens | |
10456 | Leucania adjuta | Adjutant Wainscot |
10457 | Leucania infatuans | |
10458 | Leucania elephas | |
10460 | Leucania calidior | |
10463 | Leucania pilipalpis | |
10491 | Orthosia alurina | Gray Quaker |
10495 | Orthosia hibisci | Speckled Green Fruitworm |
10502 | Kocakina fidelis | Intractable Quaker |
10517 | Egira alternans | Alternate Woodling Moth |
10518 | Achatia distincta | Distinct Quaker |
10519 | Morrisonia mucens | |
10520 | Morrisonia evicta | Bicolored Woodgrain Moth |
10521 | Morrisonia confusa | Confused Woodgrain Moth |
10521.1 | Morrisonia triangula | |
10563 | Trichopolia oviduca | Ruddy Quaker |
10567 | Ulolonche culea | Sheathed Quaker |
10585 | Orthodes majuscula | Rustic Quaker |
10587 | Orthodes cynica | Cynical Quaker |
10627 | Tricholita signata | Signate Quaker |
10633 | Marilopteryx lutina | |
10640 | Xanthopastis regnatrix | Spanish Moth |
10641 | Agrotis vetusta | Old Man Dart |
10648 | Agrotis gladiaria | Swordsman Dart |
10651 | Agrotis venerabilis | Venerable Dart |
10661 | Agrotis malefida | Rascal Dart |
10662 | Agrotis apicalis | |
10663 | Agrotis ipsilon | Ipsilon Dart |
10664 | Feltia subterranea | Subterranean Dart |
10665 | Feltia repleta | Replete Dart |
10666 | Feltia manifesta | |
10670 | Feltia jaculifera | Dingy Cutworm |
10674 | Feltia subgothica | Subgothic Dart, The Gothic Dart |
10676 | Feltia herilis | Master's Dart |
10680 | Feltia geniculata | Knee-joint Dart |
10680.1 | Feltia floridensis | |
10694 | Eucoptocnemis fimbriaris | Fringed Dart |
10696 | Eucoptocnemis dapsilis | |
10701.2 | Dichagyris reliqua | |
10731 | Euxoa auxiliaris | Army Cutworm |
10732 | Euxoa inconcinna | |
10805 | Euxoa tessellata | Tessellate Dart |
10810 | Euxoa violaris | Violet Dart |
10869 | Dichagyris grotei | |
10901 | Anicla lubricans | Slippery Dart |
10903 | Anicla illapsa | Snowy Dart |
10907 | Anicla simplicius | |
10908 | Anicla digna | |
10911 | Anicla infecta | Green Cutworm |
10912 | Anicla cemolia | |
10915 | Peridroma saucia | Variegated Cutworm |
10942.1 | Xestia dolosa | Greater Black-letter Dart |
10950 | Pseudohermonassa bicarnea | Pink-spotted Dart |
10955 | Agnorisma badinodis | Pale-banded Dart |
10967 | Xestia elimata | Southern Variable Dart |
10969 | Xestia dilucida | Dull Reddish Dart |
10998 | Choephora fungorum | Bent-line Dart |
11029 | Abagrotis alternata | Greater Red Dart |
11055 | Derrima stellata | Pink Star Moth |
11063 | Pyrrhia cilisca | Bordered Sallow |
11065 | Pyrrhia aurantiago | Orange Sallow |
11068 | Helicoverpa zea | Corn Earworm |
11070 | Chloridea subflexa | Subflexus Straw Moth |
11071 | Chloridea virescens | Tobacco Budworm |
11072 | Heliothis phloxiphaga | Darker Spotted Straw Moth |
11073 | Heliocheilus turbata | Spotted Straw Moth |
11073.1 | Heliocheilus lupatus | Lupatus Straw Moth |
11074 | Heliocheilus paradoxus | Paradoxical Grass Moth |
11098 | Schinia scissa | |
11099 | Schinia scissoides | Divided Flower Moth |
11104 | Schinia spinosae | Spinose Flower Moth |
11104.1 | Schinia subspinosae | |
11105 | Schinia bina | Bina Flower Moth |
11107 | Schinia fulleri | |
11110 | Schinia septentrionalis | Northern Flower Moth |
11112 | Schinia sordidus | Sordid Flower Moth |
11113 | Schinia petulans | |
11115 | Schinia siren | Alluring Schinia |
11116 | Schinia tuberculum | Golden Aster Flower Moth |
11116.1 | Schinia rufipenna | |
11117 | Schinia lynx | Lynx Flower Moth |
11118 | Schinia obscurata | Erigeron Flower Moth |
11120 | Schinia parmeliana | |
11128 | Schinia arcigera | Arcigera Flower Moth |
11132 | Schinia jaguarina | Jaguar Flower Moth |
11135 | Schinia rivulosa | Ragweed Flower Moth |
11137 | Schinia nubila | Camphorweed Flower Moth |
11140 | Schinia saturata | Brown Flower Moth |
11140.1 | Schinia psamathea | |
11141 | Schinia thoreaui | Thoreau's Flower Moth |
11147 | Schinia gracilenta | Slender Flower Moth |
11149 | Schinia trifascia | Three-lined Flower Moth |
11164 | Schinia florida | Primrose Moth |
11168 | Schinia gaurae | Clouded Crimson Moth |
11169 | Schinia mitis | |
11173 | Schinia sanguinea | Bleeding Flower Moth |
11173.1 | Schinia carmosina | |
11174 | Schinia lucens | Leadplant Flower Moth |
11177 | Schinia nundina | Goldenrod Flower Moth |
11178 | Schinia arefacta | Arefacta Flower Moth |
11183 | Schinia diffusa | |
11202 | Schinia carolinensis | |