WWW Moth Photographers Group website only

Digital Guide to Moth Identification

Moths of the Archbold Biological Station, Florida

All photographs © 2007 by Robert Patterson

Notations: [T] Tentative ID,   + Additions to ABS Checklist,   * Additions to MPG Live Moth Plates

6732 - Euchlaena deplanaria [f.] *
6732 - Euchlaena deplanaria [m.]
6746 - Stenaspilatodes antidiscaria *
6763 - Phaeoura quernaria
6763 - Phaeoura quernaria
7033 - Nemoria lixaria
7045 - Nemoria bifilata *
7071 - Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria
7181 - Lophosis labeculata
7441 - Eubaphe meridiana *
7486 - Eupithecia jejunata [T] *
7674 - Tolype notialis
7674 - Tolype notialis
7746 - Automeris io [m.]
7746 - Automeris io [m.]
7827 - Laothoe juglandis
7885 - Darapsa myron
7885 - Darapsa myron
8045.1 - Crambidia pallida
8071 - Cisthene subjecta
8071 - Cisthene subjecta
8090 - Hypoprepia fucosa
8121 - Holomelina aurantiaca
8134 - Spilosoma congrua
8134 - Spilosoma congrua
8217 - Leucanopsis longa
8267 - Cisseps fulvicollis
8298 - Dasychira meridionalis [T]
8298 - Dasychira meridionalis [T]
8326 - Idia rotundalis
8381 - Renia discoloralis
8431 - Schrankia macula
8433-35 - Sigella sp. [T]
8467 - Hemeroplanis scopulepes
8471 - Hemeroplanis habitalis
8471 - Hemeroplanis habitalis
8509 - Arugisa latiorella
8589 - Panopoda repanda
8691 - Zale declarans [f.]
8744 - Mocis marcida
8762 - Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris
8762 - Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris form 'obsoleta' *
8983.2 - Meganola spodia [T]
9080 - Proroblemma testa + *
9080 - Proroblemma testa
9080 - Proroblemma testa
9080 - Proroblemma testa
9080 - Proroblemma testa
9080 - Proroblemma testa

Probably a Sexually Dimorphic Species
9211 - Acronicta tritona
9666 - Spodoptera frugiperda
9681 - Elaphria festivoides complex
9690 - Condica videns
10456 - Leucania adjuta [T] +

Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions for corrections to Webmaster -- Moth Photographers Group


FL2007/ABS03.shtml -- 03/24/2007